
This afternoon, Zheng Qinwen hit the Australian Open final! Ten years after Li Na won the championship, can the Chinese women's tennis team rise again?

This afternoon, Zheng Qinwen hit the Australian Open final! Ten years after Li Na won the championship, can the Chinese women's tennis team rise again?

Chao News client reporter Wang Pingqin

On January 24, Beijing time, in the quarterfinals of the 2024 Australian Open women's singles in Melbourne, Chinese player Zheng Qinwen reversed Russia's Karinskaya 2-1, which was the first time Zheng Qinwen broke into the semifinals of the Australian Open, and was also the third Chinese Jinhua to advance to the semifinals of the Australian Open after Li Na and Zheng Jie. At the end of this battle, she will be ranked in the top 10 in the world.

This afternoon, Zheng Qinwen hit the Australian Open final! Ten years after Li Na won the championship, can the Chinese women's tennis team rise again?

Image source: Zheng Qinwen Weibo

In this Australian Open, Zheng Qinwen, who is not yet 22 years old, fully demonstrated his calm and confident, not arrogant and impatient game temperament.

After the match, the topic of "Zheng Qinwen's first Grand Slam semi-finals" soared on Weibo, and after a decade, Chinese mainland players once again entered the world's top 10, and fans have been waiting for this moment for too long.

Since his debut, Zheng Qinwen has been in the spotlight. She has been gifted since she was a child, her speed and strength make her opponents unforgettable, her personality is full of personality, cheerfulness and frankness are talked about, and her similar sports experience with Li Na in Hubei Province has also made fans have high hopes for her.

Now, Zheng Qinwen has fulfilled her talent, and in three years, the world ranking has jumped from 630 to the top 10, she is a new business card of Chinese tennis and a rising star in the international tennis world.

On the afternoon of January 25, Beijing time, she will compete with the dark horse Yastremska for a ticket to the final, and her opponent went all the way from the qualifying round to the semifinals, eliminating two Grand Slam champions one after another.

The Grand Slam final is just around the corner, and we look forward to Zheng Qinwen's continuous breakthrough and another Chinese miracle.

This afternoon, Zheng Qinwen hit the Australian Open final! Ten years after Li Na won the championship, can the Chinese women's tennis team rise again?

Image source: Australian Open's official Weibo

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