
Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

Alipay, it's time to start collecting five blessings again!

On January 23, Alipay unveiled a new way to play Wufu.

As soon as the topic came out, it quickly appeared on the hot search list of major social media platforms.

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

According to official sources, this year's Jiwufu activity will start on January 29.

Fox sister first asked everyone, will you still participate in the collection of five blessings this year?

Over the years, Alipay has engaged in this activity of collecting five blessings, and there have been more and more tricks, and everyone has begun to have different opinions on it.

"Less money but happy"

The fox girl took a look at the different feelings of netizens.

Regarding the views of Alipay's Wufu activities over the years, netizens can roughly divide them into these three categories:

Some people feel that they are looking forward to it.

I can't wait, the only thing I'm doing during the New Year is to collect five blessings, with little money but happy. ”

I feel that the collection of five blessings has become a ritual for the New Year, and the emphasis is on participation. ”

Every year's five blessings have become a must-have festival for the New Year, I don't care how much I share, but I focus on a sense of participation. ”

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...
Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...
Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

This is also understandable.

After all, Alipay's Wufu activity has been rising nationwide since 2016.

This interactive mini-game, from the very beginning, has attracted thousands of users to participate.

In the first year, when the five blessings were collected, the official revealed that 790,000 people shared 215 million yuan in cash equally, and each person could finally get 271.66 yuan.

For the users who successfully collected Wufu that year, the opening was the "peak".

At that time, the fox girl was still studying, and almost every day she had to ask her friends who had a good game, "Have you collected all the five blessings?" and "Have you collected the 'dedication blessings'?"

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

In the end, the fox girl wasted the boss and didn't collect the dedication, and I felt that this activity was unreliable at the time.

thinks that this game is not only difficult, but also that he has not received more than 200 million in cash, and envy those netizens who have collected Wufu at the same time, he will also doubt the authenticity of the game angrily.

In the second year, Alipay also adjusted its strategy and began to randomly distribute 200 million Alipay red envelopes, and by the way, it also came up with a strategy for collecting all five blessings.

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

At that time, the fox girl who did not believe in evil naturally continued to participate, and during the New Year, she was like a "demon", and when she saw the word Fu, she took out her mobile phone to "sweep it".

Fortunately, in the second year, all the five blessings were collected. Although only two cash red envelopes were divided in the end, they gained a full sense of interaction and experience.

Later, I participated every year, and in the long run, it can be regarded as a sense of ritual.

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

"The more complicated it gets"

Of course, some netizens feel that the game of Jiwufu will become more and more "bloated" the further it goes.

Not only is there a lack of creativity and difficulty, but there are more and more bells and whistles and unnecessary settings:

The gameplay is getting more and more complicated, and the enthusiasm for Wufu is getting lower and lower. ”

Every year, I can't afford to play, and I used to have cash points, but then all of them became consumption vouchers. ”

"Again, can you make it easier to understand?"

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...
Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...
Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

Fox Sister will first take you to review the five blessings of the past few years:

In 2016, the first year of Jiwufu, 790,000 people shared 215 million yuan in cash, with 271.66 yuan per person;

In 2017, AR swept the blessing of Wufu, and the participating users randomly divided 200 million cash red envelopes, with the highest score of 666 yuan;

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

In 2018, a variety of methods (AR sweeping, Ant Manor collecting golden eggs, and Ant Forest watering) collected five blessings, and participating users randomly divided 500 million cash red envelopes, with the highest score of 666 yuan;

In 2019, on the basis of the previous year, a new form of answering questions was added, and participating users shared 500 million cash red envelopes, and limited benefits such as helping to repay Huabei throughout the year were also added;

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

In 2020, on the basis of the previous year, the "Family Portrait" and "Happiness Global" gameplay were added, with the purpose of encouraging everyone to send Fu cards to each other, lowering the threshold for the game, and attracting more users to participate.

In 2021, we will continue to follow the old tradition of the past, and mainly add the five blessings of writing blessing characters;

In 2022, Jiwufu began to allow merchants to join, and users can not only collect Fu cards on Alipay as before, but also get Fu cards on the online activity pages of some merchants that cooperate with Alipay;

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

In 2023, the gameplay will be similar to that of the previous year, characterized by Alipay's cooperation with the Bureau of Culture and Tourism, and the launch of the "Customized Blessing" activity in cooperation with provinces and cities.

And this year, in the 9th year of the launch of "Jiwufu", Alipay upgraded it to "Wufu Festival".

"Five Blessings Festival", in addition to following the previous AR sweeping blessings, watering blessings and other traditional collection of five blessings, participating users randomly divided 500 million cash red envelopes.

You can also watch short videos on Alipay to share an additional 300 million red envelopes, and you can also exchange Fu cards for goods.

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

There are also new ways to play, mainly focused on the new Wufu New Year's Goods Festival and New Year's Day.

To put it bluntly, it is this year's Jiwufu, if you participate, you can not only take the one or two cash red envelopes, but also buy New Year's goods with benefits, and you can also receive other small red envelopes and shopping coupons every day to stimulate everyone's online consumption.

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

Also, this time, Alipay has also launched four major AI gameplay.

Soaring small theater, time and space photo studio, talking red envelopes, everyone comes to find blessings.

This is combined with the current explosion of AI technology, so that everyone can collect lucky cards in more ways.

For example, the setting of "Everyone is looking for blessings" is that Alipay has generated more than 100,000 Tibetan blessing pictures through a professional AI technology (officially expressed as pixel-level controllable generation technology).

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

Whether this year's innovative gameplay is fun or not, Fox Sister hasn't played it yet, but I can only say that from the gameplay over the years, Fox Sister found that this online interactive game has several characteristics:

First, more and more people are participating, and the difficulty of the game is getting lower and lower;

As long as basic users participate, they can collect all the five blessings and get cash red envelopes, and the further they go, the more normal the situation of collecting the five blessings in 5 minutes, and it is becoming a "water master" mini-game.

Second, as more and more cash is divided, the commercialization of this game is becoming more and more serious;

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

Especially in recent years, Alipay has linked thousands of merchants to engage in it together, and this year, it will directly start the Wufu New Year Festival and spend money to encourage everyone to watch short videos on Alipay......

It can only be said that the trick play is just a fig leaf for making money, and the appearance of eating is becoming more and more revealed.

However, it's okay to see it.

After all, the game, in the end, is also to make money, not to engage in charity, hundreds of millions of dollars every year, and the people involved have accumulated so much over the years, how can they control not harvesting?


Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

"The operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the five blessings are collected 0.5 "

Finally, naturally, there are still some netizens who don't want to participate.

The main consideration is that the time cost is not small, and the actual cash red envelopes distributed are pitiful:

The beggar stretched out his hand for 5 yuan, and I only got 2 yuan for a meal of lucky manipulation. ”

Enthusiastically participated for several years, and came out every year to waste time, a few cents a bag at a time. ”

"A piece of eight cents, play by yourself. ”

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...
Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...
Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...
Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

This part of the people is similar to the fox girl.

The fox girl also felt that she was about to give up.

As soon as she said that she was going to start collecting five blessings this year, the fox girl thought that she would gather five blessings every year, toss for several days, and finally got one or two yuan, or forget it this year.

The expectation is almost exhausted, and the happiness can't be returned, after collecting Wufu, I looked at the one or two dollars in my hand, and I was more sad, and I had to comfort myself in the end:

It's really hard for myself, for these two pieces...... ”

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

With this game of five blessings, Alipay can't wait to participate in all the business every year.

It can be seen with the naked eye that this game is getting heavier and heavier, and it is no longer the small game that simply collected five blessings and received cash red envelopes.

At least, the fox girl's sense of gain is getting lower and lower.

But the fox girl is cheesy, and she attaches too much importance to this piece or two.

After all, others collect five blessings for entertainment, and I collect five blessings because I really need this money......

Alipay Jiwufu has a new way to play, and netizens are not happy...

There are also many netizens who pay more attention to the sense of ritual and participation, and every year when Alipay starts to engage in the Wufu game, it also means that the New Year is coming soon.

What's more, on Chinese New Year's Eve, you can open a five-blessing red envelope, and you can also please a good lottery, and if you have more money and less money, it is also a "heart".

I think it doesn't take much effort to fix it, after all, if it is really canceled in any year, maybe a lot of people will still be looking forward to receiving that piece of two.


Screenshots of Alipay, Weibo and other networks

Editor: CR

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