
2024 Jiachen Year [Zodiac Rat] Annual Horoscope Detailed Explanation

author:Nanhai Coconut City said
2024 Jiachen Year [Zodiac Rat] Annual Horoscope Detailed Explanation

2024 Jiachen Year [Zodiac Rat] Annual Horoscope Detailed Explanation


【Zodiac Rat】2024 Jiachen Year General Horoscope

The friends of the zodiac rat have experienced many difficulties in the Year of the Rabbit in 2023, and entering the 2024 Jiachen Year of the Dragon, it can be said that they have good luck. The "Chenlong" and "Zi Mouse" become the "Zichen Half Triad" game, which coincides with the meaning of the main noble, helped, and good together, so the friends of the zodiac rat are quite good luck in this year.

This year, there are great opportunities for development in career and work, and we should grasp and make good use of them. Fortune is also rising steadily, and wealth can be obtained, but we must beware of the unfavorable phenomenon that it is difficult to gather money and get money, and we must be busy with an empty phenomenon, so we must do a good job in the plan of investment/investment/management/finance, and be cautious about larger investment/expenditure and fully consider the risk of investment/investment. If you have a couple, you can get married this year, while if you are married, you need to prevent the impact of rumors on family relationships, and more communication will reduce suspicion.

For public officials, this year can be said to be like a fish in water in the workplace, with better career resources and connections. In addition to their own efforts, they must also know how to use external forces to achieve their goals. Do things modestly and low-key, interact more with superior leaders, and get the support and recognition of nobles, so that you can bring yourself the opportunity for promotion. In short, as long as you grasp the opportunity, many things can go smoothly.

For those who do business, this year is a good year to expand their business scale, have the opportunity to meet more partners and find more business opportunities. Be handy in investment/investment/management/finance, but pay attention to the degree of risk of investment/investment and the observation of partners, so as not to plunder/rob the business territory that you have painstakingly managed.

In terms of marital feelings, the life of the zodiac rat this year is happy, the relationship between husband and wife is harmonious, and the love is happy. For single friends, there are excellent peach blossoms appearing this year, and there is a chance to tie the knot. At the same time, we must also beware of rotten peach blossoms, so as not to lose more than we lose.

Because of the Sanhe Suijun, this year's fortune in health is still good, but pay attention to the daily self-care of the body, spend more time on diet and fitness, do regular physical examinations, and care more about the health of the elderly at home, so as to prevent problems before they happen.

2024 Jiachen Year [Zodiac Rat] Annual Horoscope Detailed Explanation


【Zodiac Rat】2024 Jiachen Year of the Dragon Horoscope Analysis

New Year's Itinerary:

New Year's Month: The stem branch is "Bingyin"

The solar term is "the beginning of spring, rain"

Gregorian calendar: February 4 - March 4, 2024

Career: This month is the land of "food"; there are many good performances in the first month of this year, and the career work develops steadily, as long as you work steadfastly, there will be no speculation/chance/taking/trickery, and there will be no unfavorable factors in the fortune.

Feelings: The marriage relationship is relatively stable and harmonious. Married people are prone to receiving benefits from each other. Unmarried people can boldly pursue it, and the relationship between the two is expected to change qualitatively this month.

Wealth: This month is suitable for practical work, not too ambitious. Take special care of your belongings so that you don't lose money or fall into the trap of working with others.

Health: There is no big problem in terms of health, and it is necessary to avoid the impact of irregular diet such as overeating and excessive alcohol consumption.

Right and wrong: Usually examine your words and deeds, pay attention to the judgment of right and wrong, so as not to cause trouble to yourself due to poor understanding of people.

February Departures:

February: The stem branch is "Ding Mao"

The solar term is "stunning, vernal equinox"

Gregorian calendar: March 5 - April 3

Career: Friends who enter the lunar month of the second month of the zodiac rat are dying at the "torture star". It is recommended to maintain good relationships this month, and focus on stability in everything in order to get through it safely.

Relationship: turbulent and prone to accidents, there is a fear of a third party intervening, you need to maintain your relationship and marriage carefully to prevent complications.

Wealth: This month's financial stars are dim, and it is not suitable for investment/investment. If there is investment/investment, it is necessary to conduct a multi-faceted investigation and choose carefully, especially pay attention to the cooperation with the people of the zodiac ox.

Health: Pay special attention to the health maintenance of the waist and kidneys, limbs and blood, especially the elderly at home It is best to have a physical examination this month to prevent accidents.

Right and wrong: There are many traps and traps, and everything is based on stability. It is necessary to be strict about one's behavior and way of speaking, so as not to offend others and cause trouble.

March Itinerary:

The stem branch is "Wuchen"

The solar terms are "Qingming, Guyu"

Gregorian calendar: April 4 - May 4

Career: This month's career has been developed, and the work is handy, as long as you work hard and have the courage to face everything, you will be able to achieve significant improvement in your career.

Relationship: The marriage is emotionally stable and there is no disadvantage. Married people should pay attention to the distance between themselves and the opposite sex, so as not to provoke rotten peach blossoms and affect their marriage and family relationships.

Wealth: You can invest/invest appropriately this month, pay attention to the partners and try to avoid cooperating with people with the zodiac signs of rabbits, horses, and sheep, in case the embarrassing situation of going their own way occurs, which will lead to the termination of the career.

Health: Good health, pay more attention to your daily diet, take care of friends with lumbar spine problems, and seek medical attention in time if you feel unwell.

Right and wrong: the overall fortune is up and down, interpersonal relationships are full of twists and turns, be cautious in daily words and deeds so as not to offend others, and business people choose partners carefully.

April Departures:

The cadre branch is "self-si"

The solar term is "Lixia, Xiaoman"

Gregorian calendar: May 5 - June 4

Career: This month is the "Cailu Star" star, Cailu main career luck and fortune luck, on behalf of the work to carry out a large space, I believe that as long as you do not do things halfway, there will be a good step in the career work this month.

Affection: The marriage is emotionally smooth. Married people and their partners are more likely to have a further emotional warm-up. Single people are expected to get rid of singles through some social activities.

Wealth: Prosperous wealth, it can be said that more than you want, suitable for investment/investment, entrepreneurship. Be handy in terms of investment/investment, but pay attention to the right way.

Health: Conduct daily physical examinations in a timely manner, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, to prevent the emergence of early cardiovascular problems.

Right and Wrong: Pay attention to improving your business ability in the workplace, maintain a modest and cautious attitude, and beware of being excluded due to lack of ability.

May Departure:

The stem branch is "Gengwu"

The solar term is "mango seed, summer solstice"

Gregorian calendar: June 5 - July 5

Career: This month is the "moon break", it is difficult to make a plan every time it breaks, and beware of falling into the trap of others in your career. As long as you do your duty in this month, you will be able to achieve good results in your original position.

Feelings: There is scattered unfavorable information about marital feelings, and attention should be paid to the maintenance of feelings to avoid conflicts that lead to adverse changes in feelings.

Fortune: Fortune is prone to predators/plunderers in this month. It is not advisable to have a large amount of investment/investment, so as not to outweigh the losses.

Health: In terms of health, the elderly and children need to pay attention to the maintenance and conditioning of the liver, gallbladder and lungs, and there is no major problem in other things.

Right or Wrong: Watch out for villains in case you fall into a trap.

June Departures:

The stem branch is "Xinwei"

The solar term is "small heat, big heat"

Gregorian calendar: July 6 - August 6

Career: Friends of the zodiac rat meet the "six evil stars" in this month, and it is easy to provoke villains to frame them in the development of career work, so it is recommended to pay attention to choosing people and making friends this month.

Feelings: Whether married or unmarried will face certain tests, we should pay more attention to the communication methods of both parties in the marriage relationship, and avoid disputes, so as not to give the villain a chance.

Wealth: Fortune is injured, it is easy to seek wealth, and it is even more difficult to invest/invest;

Health: If you are not in good health, you need to pay attention to travel safety and stomach, lungs, and throat diseases.

Right and wrong: It is easy to get involved in tongue disputes due to misunderstandings, and it is easy to recruit villains to design and frame, and provoke right and wrong.

July Departures:

The stem branch is "non water"

The solar term is "the beginning of autumn, the summer heat"

Gregorian calendar: August 7 - September 6

Career: This month, when the "Triad Noble Star" is on the verge of fate, there are many good performances in fortune, and it is a month for talents to play and smooth career progress.

Feelings: Emotional marriage can be said to belong to a time to test one's concentration, as long as you don't have an affair/affair, peach blossom disaster, emotionally there is no big problem.

Wealth: Partial wealth and prosperity, conducive to wealth and investment/investment, as long as you pay attention to the cooperation with the zodiac rabbit, horse, sheep in investment/investment, nothing else.

Health: The health is basically good, and attention is paid to maintaining the health of the spleen, stomach, intestines, liver and skin.

Right and wrong: Be cautious at work, so as not to leave the handle to others to take advantage of. It is easy to attract the envy of others because of career or wealth.

Itinerary in August:

The stem branch is "癸酉"

The solar term is "white dew, autumn equinox"

Gregorian calendar: September 7 - October 7

Career: Entering the eighth month of the lunar calendar, the friend of the zodiac rat met the "robbery star". It is recommended to be fully mentally prepared this month, believing that you will get a good return for your efforts.

Feelings: The relationship is stable, the trust between the two parties will be enhanced, and the family and talents will be prosperous with their hearts.

Wealth: This month's financial fortune is stable and rising, but it is not advisable to seek partial wealth. Stabilizing income and reducing expenses is the key to wealth accumulation in August.

Health: In terms of health, you should pay attention to diet and travel safety, and pay attention to strengthening exercise to maintain your own health.

Right and wrong: Do a good job of financial planning, and the wealth is not visible, so as not to have disputes with relatives and family members due to property issues.

September Departures:

The stem branch is "Jiaxu"

The solar term is "cold dew, frost falling"

Gregorian calendar: October 8 - November 6

Career: This month's "official star", the official star is noble, on behalf of their own ability to show, in the work and career, with the help of noble friends, naturally seek more success, as long as the belief is firm, there is more joy of promotion.

Feelings: During the peach blossom month, unmarried people are more happy to get married, while married people need to pay attention to their rotten peach blossoms to prevent affecting their marriage luck and reputation.

Wealth: good opportunities and good fortune, especially in terms of investment and financial management, do not hesitate and miss opportunities when facing major opportunities and choices.

Health: Good health fortune, you need to pay attention to your usual diet to avoid liver and kidney diseases caused by unhealthy eating habits.

Right and wrong: Observe carefully to avoid misunderstandings with people, especially in intimate relationships, which can seriously damage a person's reputation.

October Departures:

The stem branch is "Yihai"

The solar term is "winter solstice, light snow"

Gregorian calendar: November 7 - December 5

Career: Entering the tenth lunar month, every robbery of the wealth star, robbery of wealth for the help of the star, work, career has a lot of good performance, but because of the robbery and the main robbery, consumption, so it is said that this month needs to pay attention to cooperation and wealth, but as long as you do things seriously and responsibly, you will be able to further improve your career fortune.

Relationship: There will be a certain psychological gap between the two parties in the marriage relationship, and the married person should care about the emotional needs of the other half, communicate and understand more, and avoid suspicion and misunderstanding.

Wealth: In the event of a robbery this month, it is not easy to force money to be demanded, so you should pay attention to keeping money to prevent money from being consumed.

Health: In terms of health, the fortune is generally a relatively stable month, as long as you pay attention to the usual healthy diet, there is no big problem.

Right and wrong: There may be certain problems with partners, pay attention to the authenticity of the other party's words, and be cautious in investing/investing.

Itinerary in November:

The stem branch is "propylene"

The solar term is "heavy snow, winter solstice"

Gregorian calendar: December 6 - January 4, 2025

Career: November of this year's lunar calendar is still a more favorable month for the friends of the zodiac rat, there are many opportunities for career promotion, as long as you work hard, you will make a lot of achievements in your career.

Feelings: Marriage is very good, and it can get the trust and support of the other party, which is a sign of affection and beauty.

Wealth: You can get unexpected money gains, but you should not force it, you should go with the flow. It is not advisable to invest large amounts, and if there is a need to be cautious in investment, it should be done in moderation.

Health: The overall health movement is acceptable, pay attention not to have physical conflicts with others, and do not do outdoor dangerous sports, so as not to suffer from flesh and skin.

Right and wrong: Be polite in case of trouble, do not interfere too much in the affairs of others, and avoid verbal disputes and lawsuits.

December Departures:

The stem branch is "Ding Chou"

The solar term is "small cold, big cold"

Gregorian calendar: January 5 - February 2

Career: This month, when you meet the "six/together" luck, you will have a significant breakthrough in your work performance. It is suitable for expanding business and making great profits, and it belongs to a month of doing more and achieving more.

Feelings: Marriage feelings are auspicious, especially for unmarried people, there are many peach blossoms, pay attention to mastery.

Wealth: This month is full of wealth, and you can reap the rewards by working hard. At the same time, this month is a good time to expand your money-making thinking, as long as you break your inherent thinking, you will have the opportunity to gain more wealth.

Health: There may be greater psychological pressure this month, pay attention to the relief of your emotions, you can talk to family and friends, and you can also have appropriate entertainment to relieve the anxiety at this time.

Right and wrong: Communicate well with your family, especially your partner, and don't have too many disputes over small things. If necessary, you can be separated from your family for a short period of time, and you can get through the conflicts/frictions of the month.

2024 Jiachen Year [Zodiac Rat] Annual Horoscope Detailed Explanation


2024 Jiachen Year of the Dragon [Zodiac Rat] Seven/Detailed explanation of the great fortune

Career luck: momentum like a rainbow, pay attention to take advantage of opportunities

Friends of the zodiac rat in the career this year, it can be said that the luck is quite good, the auspicious atmosphere is more vigorous in this year, the rat is the sub water, and when the order Tai Sui Chen Tu half three combined potential, and Chen Tu is the reservoir in the four major treasury, the water is hidden, it can be said that it is water (wealth) into the warehouse, the momentum has become, Wait for the time to move, so this year's zodiac rat friends in this year's fortune is quite good, in the career can grasp the opportunity, make full use of resources, ambitious, if you can meet the zodiac monkey people in this year to cooperate to do things, then the career development will be able to play a double the effect with half the effort.

Wealth: There are many business opportunities, pay attention to planning

This year's friends of the zodiac rat can be said to belong to a good year in terms of financial luck. This stems from the combination of the rat and the dragon, and the year of the good together, naturally the year of the appreciation and protection, in terms of financial luck, there will be many business opportunities this year, in the business strategy, it is advisable to think more about the business philosophy, be sure to grasp the good fortune of the year, to obtain more profits.


This year's friends of the zodiac rat are mostly good luck in marriage and feelings, and the married couples have harmonious feelings, and the husband sings with the wife, envying others. Single nobles/families are also more likely to meet the right person this year, and they can reap a good marriage. Even so, we should not be careless emotionally, and we should strengthen communication and mutual understanding.

Healthy Sports: Intensify exercise

In terms of health this year, it can be said that the health of the zodiac rat is no big problem this year because of the triad year. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the health maintenance of the blood, waist, spleen and stomach, and participate in more outdoor sports/sports on weekdays, and pay attention to avoid physical/physical discomfort caused by excessive fatigue.

Peach Blossom Luck: Pay attention to rotten peach blossoms

This year's friends of the zodiac rat have good luck in peach blossoms this year, and the index is very high. Especially in communication and gatherings, it can always attract people's attention, easy to get everyone's recognition, make more friends, and expand contacts. In the interaction with friends of the opposite sex, it is also accompanied by a joyful aura, but don't be happy too early, still keep a clear head, in case there is a temporary inadvertent one/night/love and emotional entanglement, but it will affect your own reputation and family fortune will outweigh the losses.

Noble people's luck: many noble people help

With the support and help of the nobles, not only can you get new development in interpersonal relationships, but also gain a lot of good help in your career and future. Therefore, friends of the zodiac rat should determine the goal of struggle this year and implement it as soon as possible, especially young people, do not waste their youth in vain, and act as soon as possible.

Academic Fortune: Good luck

The students of the zodiac rat can be said to be auspicious in the overall fortune of this year, people are happy to be happy/refreshed, under the good fortune, the learning fortune is vigorous, and many can achieve good results, and the good opportunity must not be slipped away in vain in this year.

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2024 Jiachen Year [Zodiac Rat] Annual Horoscope Detailed Explanation