
Why don't I give up two earnings and don't open the automatic generation of micro headlines and articles?

author:Oriental old Dai
Why don't I give up two earnings and don't open the automatic generation of micro headlines and articles?

Now there are more ways to play the headline work, and if you send an article, you can generate a micro headline, and if you send a micro headline, as long as the number of words reaches 800 words, you can generate an article again, so that it is equivalent to a work with two incomes, which is really good, and you can't make money if you don't want to. But I still gave up one work and two incomes, and I didn't open the micro-headline generation article and article generation micro-headline function, why is this?

Last year, I just started the automatic generation of articles on micro headlines, and the benefits are really good. I generally don't write micro-headlines, sometimes I just write micro-headlines, and I write thousands of words unconsciously, it's a pity to send micro-headlines, and the articles are not enough, and sometimes the works written on the micro-headlines template have to be converted to article mode. With the micro-headline article generation feature, this problem has been properly solved, and I am very happy.

When I create a work, I start by writing micro-headlines, and when I write more than 800 words, the micro-headlines generation article function is healthy, which means that the green channel for micro-headlines to generate articles has been opened. At that time, I basically still wrote one work every day, but in fact, there were two works released, and the interesting thing was that the work had just been released, and the reading volume of micro-headlines was far ahead, but the articles were often latecomers, and the number of articles read not only exceeded that of micro-headlines, but also lasted for a long time, even up to several months, and the income was considerable, of course, it was impossible to make a fortune, just a few more yuan and a few dimes, because this is to make money in the headlines, and there are constant surprises.

Why don't I give up two earnings and don't open the automatic generation of micro headlines and articles?

After I published the micro headlines, I saw that the article was generated, and one of the things I had to do was to modify the article, mainly to modify the title, of course, to modify the content, but the most important thing is to open the original first advertisement three function keys, otherwise, there will be no first subsidy, if you forget to turn on the ad, sorry, no matter how much you read, you can't get a penny, I have two works that forgot to open the ad and didn't have a penny, fortunately, it was found in time, and there was no such mistake later.

More than a month ago, I wrote micro headlines as usual, generated articles from micro headlines, and then revised them, and I found that there was no first function key, which means that the work did not double the income. Of course, the micro headline still has to be sent, I posted a micro headline this morning, although there are six or seven hundred words, if it is hard written, a thousand words of the article can also be written, but I feel that the weight is not enough, let's send a micro head, and there is no need to write to eight hundred words to generate an article.

I feel that the work is a bit heavy, and the number of words is more than 1,000, so I will post the article directly. However, there is another function that comes out, generating micro-headlines from the article, such micro-headlines are equivalent to a concise introduction to the article, which should play a role in recommendation, and the micro-headlines generated by the article also have a link to the original text of the article, I think, in this way, the number of articles read will increase.

Why don't I give up two earnings and don't open the automatic generation of micro headlines and articles?

However, I decided not to open the micro-headline generation article function key from now on, nor to open the article generation micro-headline function key, sending a micro-headline is a micro-headline, don't automatically generate an article, send an article when you send an article, don't automatically generate micro-headlines anymore, a work doesn't ask for two benefits, why is this?

Maybe it's a coincidence, right? I won't talk about last year's work, this year, that is, since January 1, 2024, I have four articles with a current reading volume of 21326, 33357, 42898, and 53017, and these four articles are without exception because I have not opened the article generation micro-headline function. Of course, there are also low reading volume of other works that have not opened the article generation micro headlines, but the reading volume of this function is relatively weak, maybe it is an accidental coincidence, right? But I always muttered in my heart, so I would rather not earn two incomes, and I would rather not turn on the automatic generation function.

Friends, what do you feel about the micro-headline generation article and the article generation micro-headline function? Welcome to discuss in the comments. (2024.1.24)


Why don't I give up two earnings and don't open the automatic generation of micro headlines and articles?

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