
After being severely criticized by the Chinese side, Marcos reiterated his adherence to one China, but in the South China Sea, the Philippines has made new moves


After the general election of the leader of the Taiwan region, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos also took the initiative to "congratulate" Lai Qingde when he saw that there was a movement in some countries in the United States and the West, and said that he "hopes to cooperate closely for the sake of common interests." In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning harshly criticized this, saying that "Marcos should read more books, understand the ins and outs of the Taiwan issue, and draw correct conclusions, instead of playing with fire on the Taiwan issue." Later, Philippine Defense Secretary Teodoro also complained, saying that China had "insulted Marcos".

However, it was ushered in a tougher response from China, with Mao Ning saying that anyone who provokes on the Taiwan issue will resolutely fight back. Seeing that China's attitude is extremely tough, Marcos has no choice but to come out and express his position.

After being severely criticized by the Chinese side, Marcos reiterated his adherence to one China, but in the South China Sea, the Philippines has made new moves

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos

According to the Observer, in an interview on the 23rd, Marcos said that he does not support "Taiwan independence" and reiterated that the Philippines adheres to the one-China policy and has never changed. "Taiwan is a province of China, and how they reintegrate is their internal affair." He also argued that the "congratulations" to Lai Qingde meant nothing other than "courtesy."

At this point, the whole thing had twists and turns due to Marcos's own "ignition", and finally he came forward to "extinguish the fire", which was basically over. As for whether the Philippines will resolutely implement the one-China policy as Marcos said, we can only listen to its words and watch its deeds.

So, does Marcos's choice to respond nearly a week after the incident appear indicate that he has "relented"?

On the one hand, how sensitive the Taiwan issue is to China, the Philippines, as a neighboring country, should know very well that even if the United States provokes, China will not back down. Perhaps, Marcos also knows that it would be unwise to act inappropriately on this issue. However, judging from some of his actions since taking office, there have been at least two instances of "playing the side ball" on the Taiwan issue.

After being severely criticized by the Chinese side, Marcos reiterated his adherence to one China, but in the South China Sea, the Philippines has made new moves

Marcos may believe that with the support of the United States, he can exert his strength in the South China Sea

For the first time, Marcos approved the opening of four additional bases to the US military, one of which is just across the sea from Taiwan Island, which is more than 300 kilometers away. Even the Western media believe that at a time when China and the United States are playing a tense game over the Taiwan issue, such a move by the Philippines is tantamount to providing the US military with a "staging ground" around the Taiwan Strait, and may become a springboard for the United States to intervene in the Taiwan Strait in the future.

China's ambassador to the Philippines, Huang Xilian, made it clear that this is "adding fuel to the fire".

The second time, in November last year, when the Philippines and the United States held their first joint patrol in the South China Sea, the starting point was the Babuyan Strait opposite Taiwan Island and the end point was Palawan Island next to the Nansha Islands.

Although the Chinese side did not directly point out such a move of the Philippines, it is obvious that it has been seen in its eyes and recorded in the book.

After being severely criticized by the Chinese side, Marcos reiterated his adherence to one China, but in the South China Sea, the Philippines has made new moves

Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Brauner

On the other hand, even if Marcos "relents" on the Taiwan issue, it does not mean that he will also be soft on the South China Sea issue. In the past week, the two actions of the Philippine side have been very provocative.

First, after Marcos presided over a meeting of military commanders, Brawner, chief of the general staff of the Philippine armed forces, said that the Philippine side is ready to improve the military and living facilities on China's Nansha islands and reefs that it has invaded and occupied, so as to make them more suitable for troop garrisoning.

Obviously, after discovering the provocation at Ren'ai Jiao and Scarborough Shoal, the Philippines decided to increase construction on other islands and reefs that it had seized in order to achieve the goal of stationing them for a long time and finally appropriating them for themselves. Perhaps, Marcos believes that with the support of the United States, the Philippines can "exert force".

The second is that the Philippines used a small transport plane to bypass the Chinese coast guard and resupply the Philippine beached ship at Ren'ai Jiao by using a low-altitude airdrop.

After being severely criticized by the Chinese side, Marcos reiterated his adherence to one China, but in the South China Sea, the Philippines has made new moves

The Philippine transport plane bypassed the Chinese coast guard and resupplied the beached boat

Previously, the Philippine military had repeatedly clamored that "the beached ship should be welded to death on Ren'ai Jiao" and "a permanent structure should be built on Ren'ai Jiao." Perhaps, it is not known that there are similar building materials in this airdrop of materials. Moreover, Marcos also personally said that the Philippines should be ready to explore oil and gas in the South China Sea this year. The Philippine military also said it would bring in more allies to conduct joint patrols in the South China Sea this year. All of this shows that the Philippines will not give in to its relenting position in the South China Sea, and its provocations may escalate.