
Parents should tell their sons: A man has three fields in his life, and you don't plough for others

author:Belle Parenting

Men shed blood without tears, encounter any setbacks and grievances, or how difficult life is, will continue to work hard to move forward, overcome difficulties and not give up easily.

Because he is a mountain that can shelter his family from the wind and rain, he is a piece of clothing that can bring warmth to his family, and he is an umbrella that can hold up a clear sky for his family.

Parents should tell their sons: A man has three fields in his life, and you don't plough for others

Some people say that the male word man, take it apart and look at it, you will know that there is a field word on the top and a force word on the bottom, these two words, the first thing that comes to mind is hard work, sweating profusely, man, his life is indeed very bitter and tired.

As a parent, there is no one who does not want their son to have a career when he grows up, provide shelter for the family, and create good living conditions for the family.

In particular, parents must tell their sons in time that they must cultivate the three fields of a man's life: family, career, and children, and that they are indispensable to cultivate well.

Parents should tell their sons: A man has three fields in his life, and you don't plough for others

01. Know how to run a family

Since ancient times, in our concept, a good man must pay great attention to running a family, and only when the family is well managed can he have more energy and time to devote to work.

Men must know how to take care of their families, and they can't even leave their families for fun, or under the pretext of work, and spend most of their time outside, and spend most of their wages outside.

The daily expenses in the family cannot be satisfied, so that the elderly, wife and children in the family live a very poor life, three meals a day, and live poorly.

A classmate from elementary school, from the same village as my hometown, followed his relatives into a jewelry factory early on, and started jewelry processing.

It is said that after completing the study, the monthly salary is nearly 10,000 yuan, in that era, this salary level is not low, many college graduates come out, the monthly salary is only more than 2,000 yuan.

A few years later, he soon built a four-story house in the village, married a wife, gave birth to two sons, and had a smooth life.

A few years ago, when I went back to my parents' house to visit relatives, I accidentally saw him, and my impression was completely changed, and it was not easy to say hello, so I pretended to be passers-by and walked away.

My mother told me that my classmates had a very good life at first, but they were playful and irresponsible, they didn't know how to take care of their families, they got into bad habits, and the money they earned was quickly spent, and they still owed a lot of debts.

Every day at home, he doesn't go out to look for a job, but he pities his wife and two sons, his wife works in a supermarket in the town, and his two sons are very poor at studying, and there is no hope for this family.

Therefore, parents must tell their sons in time: a man must take care of the family and take the initiative to take up the responsibility of the family, otherwise, the family will be ruined.

Parents should tell their sons: A man has three fields in his life, and you don't plough for others

02. Have a career

A good man must be ambitious and pursue his career.

Of course, because everyone's ability is different, it doesn't have to be said how much money you make in a year, or how big the company you found, or how big the leader is, to be a good man.

A good man is the pursuit of work, the pursuit of a better life, willing to work hard and down-to-earth, not afraid of hardships and sweat, even if he is one of the thousands of ordinary workers, it is also a career.

Men, don't have the idea of messing around, idling around all day long, and causing trouble everywhere.

If a man has no ambition and no suitable job, even if his parents have money, there will be a day when they will be ruined, and even the money for his parents' pension will be gone.

Starting a family, not only do you have no job, but you also have no home, and your elderly parents don't know who to rely on in their later years!

Therefore, parents must tell their sons in time that a good man must have his own career, even if the income is not as high as others, it is not as easy as others.

Parents should tell their sons: A man has three fields in his life, and you don't plough for others

03. Educate children well

Some people believe that not missing their children's education and growth, and cultivating a good child, is the best investment in life.

In our real life, children's life and learning are often undertaken by their mothers, and fathers are always busy with work and tired from work, and are absent from their children's lives.

A relative of mine came to my house some time ago and said that my daughter must have some trick to learn so well, and asked me for advice on how to accompany her child to study.

I told her that my husband has always been responsible for my daughter's studies, and although I have not been involved too much, I can summarize a few useful methods.

First of all, don't make excuses for avoiding your child, squeeze out enough time to accompany your child to do homework, and prepare for the next day in advance.

Secondly, don't be afraid of hard work, before tutoring your child, you should take a good look at the content and progress of your child's learning, so as to better help your child learn.

Finally, to accompany the child more, only the parent-child relationship between each other is good, the counseling process will be very smooth, otherwise, the child is cringe, the adult tone is a little heavier, it is afraid to death, and it will definitely not learn well.

After listening to my words, my relatives felt that it made sense, but her husband came home from work every day and said that he was tired and didn't want to use his brain anymore, and would rather lie in front of the computer to watch movies and play games than tutor his children.

The child's learning is completely dependent on her, and she has no complaints, that is, her cultural level is not high, and she does not know how to teach the child, which is a problem, so that in the long run, it is difficult for the child to make progress in learning.

Therefore, parents must tell their sons in time, don't ignore their children when they should educate them, and when they want to manage their children, it will be too late, and they must educate and cultivate good children.

Parents should tell their sons: A man has three fields in his life, and you don't plough for others


A person's life is very long, but at most it is only a hundred years and 36,500 days.

A man's family, career, and children occupy most of his life and are an important part of his life. Parents must tell him in time that the three fields of family, career, and children should be cherished and cultivated well, and they will not come here in vain for a lifetime. (The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, it must be deleted)