
Yang Jiang: Excellent families are created by the efforts of several generations

author:Lye Happy Grass


"The poorer the family, everyone takes care of each other, and the young people are tied up by their children and can't work to earn money.

The old man only cares about his own life, does not plan for his old age, and only thinks of his children when he is old and sick.

Everyone is only for themselves, a plate of scattered sand, less feelings, and less family affection, because those difficult days are all gritted their teeth and persevered.

Therefore, a family is destined to be discordant without an old man with high virtue and a large pattern. Excellent families are made by the relay efforts of several generations. ”

——Mr. Yang Jiang

Yang Jiang: Excellent families are created by the efforts of several generations

The picture comes from the Internet


There is a saying: "Three generations of a happy family fight, the burden does not weigh on one generation, the ancestors do not think about paving the way, and the children and grandchildren of the younger generations are tired and break their souls." ”

Father and son strive to turn mountains into jade, and brothers work together to turn soil into gold. The conduct and pattern of an elder directly affects future generations.

Don't believe it, if you look at those excellent families, are they the achievements of several generations? Especially those family businesses, there is an old man with high morality and a big pattern in the family, uniting all the children to get rid of poverty and get rich together!

"Poor fortune burns incense, upside down and asks yin and yang, if you do a good job, why do you need ghosts and gods to give a good prescription? Ten people burn incense and nine are wealthy, and there are a few real incense sticks, and the gods are not short of three incense sticks, and the good heart and good thoughts come from wealth. ”

The twists and turns on the road of life are continuous, and there are many obstacles, but there is an old man who is virtuous, big and kind to be a strong backing, and the fortune of future generations does not need to worship Buddha and pray to God, and good luck will come step by step!

Therefore, the rise and fall of the family is the responsibility of the elderly!

Yang Jiang: Excellent families are created by the efforts of several generations

The picture comes from the Internet


There is a saying: "Virtue overwhelms all evil, and there is no virtue in charge." ”

The old man is not virtuous, and his children and grandchildren suffer. A family is not afraid of a low starting point, it is afraid of a selfish old man, and never helps its children through the difficult stage of "young children". Let the children fall into the dilemma of earning money to support the whole family alone, and under the dual pressure of economy and spirit, they have tasted the most bitter fruits in the world.

The old man is not virtuous, and the chicken and dog are restless. A family is not afraid of many trivial things, even if there is an old man who stirs up trouble or loves to participate in the family of his children, a small matter can make the whole family jump; if he insists on going his own way, he can make a mess of the lives of his children, cover the whole family with a layer of haze, and fall into deep internal friction with each other!

The elderly are not virtuous, and the family is not harmonious. A family is not afraid of many hardships, but is afraid of encountering things, the old man favors one over the other, always favors the child he likes from his heart, has no principles in big things, does what he wants in small things, spoils one, and breaks one!


Home and everything is prosperous, and the old man is the source of "prosperity". As it is said in the Book of Rites: "Father and son, brotherhood." ”

Therefore, the elderly also need to constantly reflect on themselves, practice their own "virtue" and "pattern", and spread a good family style!

Yang Jiang: Excellent families are created by the efforts of several generations

The picture comes from the Internet


There is a saying: "When people's hearts are united, everything can be accomplished, and when people's hearts are harmonious, family fortune is prosperous." ”

Shine is not the exclusive domain of the sun, everyone needs to work hard. Virtuous old people are like the sun in the sky, always use their own afterglow to do their best to illuminate the life path of future generations, and guide and help future generations grow into towering trees with lush branches and leaves!

Those who sow with tears will surely reap with a smile!

The years stretch in the distance, and the old man must be very hard to take the helm with all his might, but accumulate virtue and do good deeds for the future. When the family is safe, all fortunes will fall, and if people are virtuous, they will be blessed!

I hope that every old man can use his kindness and good thoughts to create a harmonious and warm family atmosphere for future generations, and can use his own wisdom and pattern to seek well-being for future generations!