
In Guo Zhengliang's words, South Korea and North Korea are used as a metaphor for the two sides of the strait, and Taiwan Island must not develop into a tense peninsula

author:Horses and chariots

Recently, Taiwan's famous Guo Zhengliang talked about the current situation on the Korean Peninsula in a certain program, and North Korea's supreme leader Kim Jong-un listed South Korea as North Korea's number one enemy, and is ready to write this sentence into the constitution.

In the program, Mr. Kwak quoted Mr. Kim, who openly said in an interview with reporters that North Korea and South Korea are not the same nation. Now that the two countries on the Korean Peninsula have completely torn their faces, Yoon Suk-yeol's series of pro-American moves have completely angered Kim Jong-un, and the saber-rattling war between the two sides seems to be on the verge of breaking out.

In Guo Zhengliang's words, South Korea and North Korea are used as a metaphor for the two sides of the strait, and Taiwan Island must not develop into a tense peninsula

Guo Zhengliang used the relations on the Korean Peninsula as a metaphor for today's cross-strait relations, and the reason why the mainland has been slow to use force against Taiwan is because fundamentally the mainland regards Taiwan as a family and a nation, just like the Chinese netizens said, the Chinese do not fight the Chinese.

However, if Taiwanese politicians and some Taiwanese people continue to engage in some acts of colluding with foreign forces, or if we ourselves claim that we are Taiwanese and have nothing to do with the Chinese nation, then the end of Taiwan is really coming.

Guo Zhengliang also particularly stressed in his speech that Taiwan must not turn into extreme Taiwanese nationalism at any time and under any circumstances. The reason why Lai Qingde was warned by the mainland three times and twice, which made the situation in Taiwan so tense, ultimately came from this.

In Guo Zhengliang's words, South Korea and North Korea are used as a metaphor for the two sides of the strait, and Taiwan Island must not develop into a tense peninsula

Guo Zhengliang also said that Tsai Ing-wen is more aware of this red line of cross-strait relations, although she has done a lot of things to damage cross-strait relations during her administration, but Tsai Ing-wen has not really challenged the red line of Chinese mainland.

Guo Zhengliang said that as long as Taiwan recognizes that it is the Chinese nation and that the two sides of the strait are still one family, then there is a possibility of reconciliation in everything. In particular, he used the contradiction among the people, which was mentioned by the great man. If Taiwan does not recognize itself as Chinese, then there is no talk of the people at all.

Later in the program, Guo Zhengliang used the relationship between South Korea and North Korea as a metaphor for the two sides of the strait, and the reason why Kim Jong-un was so angry was because Yoon Suk-yeol was bent on the United States and did not regard North Korea as a family at all, which is why the relationship between the peninsula is so tense now.

In the same way, if the leaders of Taiwan or the Taiwan region do not regard themselves as members of the mainland's family, but only think of currying favor with the United States, I am afraid that a conflict in the Taiwan Strait will break out before the mainland's red line is really touched.

In Guo Zhengliang's words, South Korea and North Korea are used as a metaphor for the two sides of the strait, and Taiwan Island must not develop into a tense peninsula

Guo Zhengliang still has a very accurate view of today's cross-strait relations, but of course it is not so appropriate for him to compare the situation on the Korean Peninsula with cross-strait relations. Now that the balance of military strength between the two sides of the strait has been seriously tilted, the mainland wants to use force to resolve the Taiwan issue, and perhaps Taiwan will not be able to make too many effective counterattacks.

But we have not done this for a long time because both sides of the strait are one family, and the Chinese do not fight the Chinese; just as Guo Zhengliang said, the contradictions among the people naturally need to be resolved through consultations, but if the Taiwan region does not recognize them as the people one day, then it will be necessary to use force!