
""Removing Hidden Dangers and Ensuring Safety" Special Operation" ┃ Five Poplar Trees "Difficult to Determine the Master", Police Investigation "Confirm Belonging"

author:Ping An Tongbai
""Removing Hidden Dangers and Ensuring Safety" Special Operation" ┃ Five Poplar Trees "Difficult to Determine the Master", Police Investigation "Confirm Belonging"

5 small poplar trees from twenty years ago

How tenure is defined today

Who exactly should it belong to

The complicated investigation finally "came to light"

Recently, Tongbai public security police

On-site "case solving"

Resolve together in a timely manner

Conflicts caused by the ownership of poplars

It has promoted harmony and stability in the jurisdiction

The remaining problems have been completely solved

At about 9 o'clock in the morning on January 20, the Maoji Police Station of the Tongbai County Public Security Bureau received a report from Mao, a resident of the jurisdiction, saying that five poplar trees on the slope of a certain group of mountains in Maoying Village were released by villager He and others, and asked the public security organs to deal with them. After receiving the report, the police on duty quickly rushed to the scene. After investigation, the village re-contracted the hillside according to the capitation allocation in 2004, and then there was still a barren hillside with an area of about 40 square meters, and the village committee temporarily entrusted the management of this wasteland to Mao, but the ownership still belonged to the village collective. However, before that, the wasteland was contracted by villager He Mou, and five small poplar trees were planted. Twenty years have passed, and the small poplar trees have grown thick and tall. A few days ago, He negotiated with the village committee for these five poplar trees and believed that they should be owned by himself. On the morning of the same day, He cut down the 5 poplars, and after Mao learned of the incident, he thought that the 5 poplars should belong to him, and after the conflict between the two sides, Mao called the police.

""Removing Hidden Dangers and Ensuring Safety" Special Operation" ┃ Five Poplar Trees "Difficult to Determine the Master", Police Investigation "Confirm Belonging"
""Removing Hidden Dangers and Ensuring Safety" Special Operation" ┃ Five Poplar Trees "Difficult to Determine the Master", Police Investigation "Confirm Belonging"

In order to resolve this contradiction and dispute as soon as possible, the police immediately contacted the staff of the Maoying Village Committee to conduct an in-depth investigation and understanding of the matter. According to the original situation of subcontracting to households for the reform of wasteland, the police clearly understood the history of the five poplar trees. The people's police, together with the staff of the town government and the Maoying Village Committee, jointly mediated the matter. After reasoning and explaining the law, Mao agreed not to pursue the matter again. He and the village committee reached an agreement that the five poplar trees belonged to He and had the right to dispose of them, and the ownership of the wasteland belonged to the collective, and He no longer enjoyed the right to use and operate the mountainous land. The matter was successfully resolved, and the misunderstandings and doubts in the hearts of Mao and He were eliminated.

""Removing Hidden Dangers and Ensuring Safety" Special Operation" ┃ Five Poplar Trees "Difficult to Determine the Master", Police Investigation "Confirm Belonging"

Police Reminder:

In the hot weather of summer, the elderly are prone to heat stroke

Police Reminder:

Encounter contradictions and disputes

Be sure to stay calm

Try to negotiate as much as possible

If you can't solve it yourself

You can seek help from relevant departments in time

If necessary, call the police for help

Avoid the intensification of conflicts

or complicate the problem

The police will do their best to resolve the situation

""Removing Hidden Dangers and Ensuring Safety" Special Operation" ┃ Five Poplar Trees "Difficult to Determine the Master", Police Investigation "Confirm Belonging"

@Henan Police @ Ping An Nanyang