
Why do you advise you to "never burn your hair before the Chinese New Year"? After reading these comparisons, you will understand

author:Cake fashion is all the rage

Hairstyle crisis: why don't you perm your hair easily before the Chinese New Year?

Why do you advise you to "never burn your hair before the Chinese New Year"? After reading these comparisons, you will understand

As the New Year approaches, many people can't wait to welcome the new year with a perm. However, there is a popular belief that is gradually spreading in the fashion circle, and that is "before the Chinese New Year, don't burn your hair". In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the potential dangers of perms and why we should be cautious about hairstyles as the year approaches.

Fashion Focus: Hair perm versus unpermed

Why do you advise you to "never burn your hair before the Chinese New Year"? After reading these comparisons, you will understand

The New Year's bell is about to ring, and do you want to change your hairstyle to welcome a new beginning?

After a perm, the hair tends to show a dazzling shine that is eye-catching. However, over time, this shine may fade and be replaced by dull hair. In contrast, unpermed hairstyles may not look as stunning, but they are easier to maintain their natural softness and shine.

Flowing natural vs. dull disdain

Why do you advise you to "never burn your hair before the Chinese New Year"? After reading these comparisons, you will understand

Unpermed hair often takes on a fluid and natural appearance, as if it could be swayed in the breeze at any time. In contrast, the hairstyle after a perm may look dull and lose its original sense of agility. On the festive occasion of the Chinese New Year, a natural and flowing hairstyle is obviously more suitable.

Hairstyle trouble: the potential harm of perms

Why do you advise you to "never burn your hair before the Chinese New Year"? After reading these comparisons, you will understand

Before the Chinese New Year, don't perm your hair easily, this is not an unreasonable advice. While perms can change the look in an instant, they also come with a series of potential harms, so let's explore them one by one.

During the perm process, the action of high temperature and chemicals will cause a certain degree of damage to the hair quality, which is manifested as frizz, breakage and other problems. Such injuries do not happen overnight and often require long-term repair and care. In contrast, a non-perm hairstyle can better maintain the natural texture of the hair and reduce the possibility of damage to the hair strands.

Styling after a perm may take more time and effort to maintain. Curly hair requires regular curling irons, while straight hair requires regular straightening, and this process often causes some stress on the hair. In contrast, unpermed hairstyles are easier to maintain and are more suitable for a fast-paced life.

Why do you advise you to "never burn your hair before the Chinese New Year"? After reading these comparisons, you will understand

In the process of dyeing and perming hair, the hair color is often affected by chemical dyes and becomes unstable. During the Chinese New Year, the effects of various foods and atmospheres can cause your hair color to fade or change color, making your new hairstyle lose its shine. On the other hand, the non-perm hairstyle is relatively more stable and less susceptible to interference from external factors.

The choice of hairstyle: fashion and practicality go hand in hand

Why do you advise you to "never burn your hair before the Chinese New Year"? After reading these comparisons, you will understand

In the pursuit of fashion, we often ignore the practicality of hairstyles for the sake of momentary trends. However, the choice of hairstyle before the Chinese New Year needs to be more careful, both in line with fashion trends and taking into account the actual needs of life.

Chinese New Year is a unique time when we want to show off our fashion and not be too fancy. When it comes to striking a balance between fashion and maintenance, it's important to choose a hairstyle that is both trendy and not too cumbersome. Perhaps, you can choose a simple and elegant hairstyle and enhance the overall fashion sense with clever hair accessories.

Fashion is constantly changing, but practicality is the key to keeping your hairstyle beautiful for a long time. During the Chinese New Year, we have to participate in various activities, so it is especially important to choose a practical hairstyle. Whether it's for a family dinner or a gathering of friends, a simple and generous hairstyle is often more appropriate.

Hairstyle care: the secret to maintaining fashion

Why do you advise you to "never burn your hair before the Chinese New Year"? After reading these comparisons, you will understand

Although it is not advisable to perm your hair before the Chinese New Year, it does not mean that we can't enhance the fashion sense of our hairstyle in other ways. On the road to fashion, the care of hairstyle is also a crucial part.

Choosing the right hair care products is key to maintaining your hairstyle. Before the Chinese New Year, you can choose some hair care products with nourishing and repairing effects, such as hair masks and hair oils rich in nutrients, to help repair damaged hair and make it more shiny and shiny.

Hair accessories are a powerful tool to enhance the fashion sense of hairstyle. During the Chinese New Year, you can try some chic hair accessories, such as ribbons, hair clips, etc., to make the hairstyle more eye-catching through clever matching. At the same time, hair accessories are also an easy way to change the style of your hair, without hurting the hair quality and still showing a sense of style.

The condition of the ends of the hair directly affects the beauty of the overall hairstyle. Before the Chinese New Year, trim your ends regularly to remove split ends and dry sections to keep them neat and organized. This will not only help maintain the hairstyle, but also show off a more refined hairstyle.

Fashionable New Year: Say goodbye to hairstyle anxiety and show confidence

Why do you advise you to "never burn your hair before the Chinese New Year"? After reading these comparisons, you will understand

The New Year is a new beginning and a time to show your fashion taste. Although it is not advisable to perm our hair lightly before the Chinese New Year, it does not prevent us from enhancing the fashion sense of our hairstyle in other ways. Choose a hairstyle that's both stylish and functional, and use your hair care and accessories to give yourself a confident look in the new year.

Fashion should not be a burden on our lives, and the choice of hairstyle before the Chinese New Year needs to be relaxed and enjoyable. Say goodbye to hairstyle anxiety and make yourself at ease in the New Year by choosing a hairstyle that is both in line with fashion trends and adapts to practical needs.

Why do you advise you to "never burn your hair before the Chinese New Year"? After reading these comparisons, you will understand

Confidence is the best match for fashion. No matter what hairstyle you choose, look confident. A confident smile and a confident stride are your most beautiful fashion elements. Celebrate the New Year and make yourself the center of fashion and show your unique taste and personality.

Hymn to fashion: lament the beautiful hairstyle choice

Why do you advise you to "never burn your hair before the Chinese New Year"? After reading these comparisons, you will understand

The advice of never perming your hair before the Chinese New Year may have caused some controversy in the fashion world, but when choosing a hairstyle, the balance between practical needs and fashion trends is always crucial. Through the comparative analysis of this article, we may be able to better understand why some fashionistas will advise us to choose our hairstyles carefully as the New Year approaches.

Why do you advise you to "never burn your hair before the Chinese New Year"? After reading these comparisons, you will understand

Fashion is not only the external gorgeous, but also the independent choice and self-confidence of oneself. At the New Year's Moment, choose a hairstyle that is both stylish and functional, and show off your beauty with meticulous care and clever hair accessories. Let's praise fashion together, sigh at the beautiful hairstyle choices, and welcome the arrival of the new year!