
The 4 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

author:The motivated Dong Dongdong

In recent years, with the prosperity of urban life, the issue of food safety has attracted widespread public attention. In wet markets, fish is highly sought after by diners for its rich protein and tender meat, however, there are also some potential health risks associated with fish, such as the accumulation of heavy metals and parasites. This article will delve into four of these fish, namely tilapia, scavenger, pike, and silver carp, and how to make smart choices and cook scientifically in the wet market to avoid potential health risks.

1. Tilapia: Adaptable but with health challenges

Tilapia is known for its ability to survive in a variety of harsh environments, however, this strong adaptability comes with its own set of problems. Tilapia has an extensive food chain and eats almost anything, from decaying plants to animal excrement and even animal carcasses. This habit has earned them the nickname "garbage fish" because they can survive in harsh waters. However, this also leads to the fact that the body may contain a lot of heavy metals and other pollutants.

When choosing to consume tilapia, consumers need to carefully consider its potential health risks. Long-term consumption may cause irritation to the gastrointestinal tract and even adverse effects on overall health. Despite the satisfying taste of tilapia, its nutritional value and health risks cannot be ignored compared to other fish. Therefore, while enjoying the delicious taste of tilapia, we need to be cautious and ensure that the dietary choices are both delicious and healthy.

The 4 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

The picture comes from the Internet

2. Scavenger fish: Cleaning up the waters brings a bacterial threat

As an alien creature, scavenger fish has attracted widespread attention worldwide with its unique habits and amazing reproductive ability. They feed on garbage in the water and are known as "garbage fish", but this special diet also makes them carry a lot of bacteria in their bodies.

These bacteria are difficult to completely destroy under high-temperature cooking, and may parasitize some parasites in the body, thus affecting human health. Therefore, experts strongly recommend avoiding the consumption of scavenger fish, although they have a certain positive effect in cleaning up the waters. While considering its delicious taste, we need to be vigilant about our health and avoid potential bacterial threats.

The 4 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

The picture comes from the Internet

3. Dogfish: Huge in size but carrying health risks

As a carnivorous fish, pike is huge in size and has a certain shocking power. However, pike feed on other aquatic animals and fish seedlings, resulting in the possible accumulation of harmful substances in the body. There are potential health risks when the meat is consumed, as dogfish are prone to carry various parasites, heavy metals and toxins.

In order to mitigate the potential risks, people prefer to choose farmed pike, as it allows control over their food sources and environment, and reduces the amount of harmful substances. While enjoying the delicious taste of dogfish, we need to pay attention to choosing a healthy and reliable way to eat it to avoid potential health risks.

The picture comes from the Internet

Fourth, silver carp: popular but there are multiple problems

Silver carp has always been a popular freshwater fish, however, despite its many possibilities in terms of ingredients, the texture and taste may not be satisfactory. The recipe for silver carp is quite extensive, including phytoplankton, aquatic animals, other fish and artificial feeds. However, this variety of dietary choices has also raised a number of problems, such as rising levels of parasites and heavy metals.

The use of drugs and fertilizers in the culture process may also have an impact on the quality of drinking water, thus affecting the quality and safety of silver carp. It has a bland and fishy taste, and because it likes to eat dirty things, it is considered a "dirty" fish.

Consumers need to pay special attention when buying and eating silver carp to ensure freshness and proper heating to reduce the risk of bacterial transmission. Despite its once popularity, market demand has begun to diminish due to mouthfeel, taste, and potential food safety issues.

The 4 dirtiest fish in the vegetable market have a lot of heavy metals and parasites in their bodies, so try to give them to their families as little as possible

The picture comes from the Internet

Fish should be chosen with caution to balance taste and health

In the process of enjoying food, we need to remain vigilant about the ingredients and be rational about the choice of fish in the market. For fish that pose health risks, the harm can be mitigated through scientific cooking methods. We need to recognise the balance between food safety and deliciousness, and be aware of potential health issues when shopping and cooking.

As consumers, we have a responsibility to raise our awareness of food safety and choose healthy and reliable ingredients. In this era of diverse diets, we should have a deeper understanding of the sources and potential problems of each ingredient to protect the health of ourselves and our families. Through scientific eating habits, we can find a balance between deliciousness and health, and work together to create a safer and healthier eating environment.

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