
Huayi's proprietress "became famous", gave up her net worth of 4 billion at the age of 22, and is now a daughter of Edison Chen

author:Brushed chatter

That year, Qin Shupei, who was only 19 years old, made his first appearance on the international runway, full of excitement and uneasiness. She knows that this is an important step towards achieving her dream of modeling, and nothing can go wrong.

However, an accident almost turned her debut show into a nightmare. The reason was that there was a problem with the staff's shoe distribution and the heels were not the right size. Qin Shupei watched the models around her falter because of shoe problems, and she understood that she had to stay calm.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous", gave up her net worth of 4 billion at the age of 22, and is now a daughter of Edison Chen

Taking a deep breath, she resolutely took off her ill-fitting heels and gracefully walked back and forth barefoot. This unexpected move improvised Qin Shupei's determination, and the audience cheered for her.

This accident made Qin Shupei's future legend, and major brands took a fancy to this calm, intelligent and resilient Asian girl. After the catwalk accident, Qin Shupei became famous in the international show, and even if she encountered difficulties, she was always able to deal with them calmly.

After returning to China, Qin Shupei, who is known for his outstanding appearance, soon became the darling of well-known domestic modeling companies. Among them, Huayi Brothers hired her with a high salary to become its first signed star.

In this familiar land, Qin Shupei continues to shine and become a must-win scenery on the catwalk. When she walked the catwalk, when she looked back at her shawl, her bright red lips raised a mysterious arc, and all eyes lit up.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous", gave up her net worth of 4 billion at the age of 22, and is now a daughter of Edison Chen

Although only two years after her debut, Qin Shupei has already made a name for herself in the fashion industry, and her tenacious and decisive side has also been highly respected by the industry.

Qin Shupei's international catwalk accident when she was 19 years old has achieved her outstanding professional determination. It also laid the cornerstone of her legendary status in the modeling industry. Qin Shupei used his strength and charm to stand out in this highly competitive field.

She has the courage to face difficulties and challenges, and is always ready to meet new opportunities in life.

In 2015, Qin Shupei married the head of Huayi Group in the blessings of the stars holding the moon. The white dress brought off her orange-like lustrous skin, and the dress was elegantly matched with her long hair, making Qin Shupei look like a fairy.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous", gave up her net worth of 4 billion at the age of 22, and is now a daughter of Edison Chen

The groom stared intently at the delicate bride with joy in his eyes. The witnesses blessed the perfect match of the golden boy and the girl and were envious. However, the good times did not last long, and the news of Qin Shupei's divorce in the same year was like a bolt from the blue, causing a sensation in the entire circle.

It turned out that the man was found to be cheating soon after marriage, and the reason for the breakdown of this seemingly perfect marriage was so unbearable.

Qin Shupei, who learned the truth, had tears in her eyes, and her heart was like a knife. Facing the divorce agreement, her red eyes rubbed the flood of tears again and again. The net worth of 4 billion is no longer important to her, and the marriage she treats sincerely ends in this way, and she is greatly traumatized.

Qin Shupei took a deep breath and signed his name. She chooses freedom and chooses to stay away from this hypocritical relationship. Perhaps she had been full of hope, but the cruelty of reality shattered the illusions.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous", gave up her net worth of 4 billion at the age of 22, and is now a daughter of Edison Chen

She knew she would never go back to the way she was, and at this moment, she just wanted to be alone.

This seemingly perfect marriage is actually an illusion from beginning to end. Qin Shupei chose to leave and never looked back. She decided to start over, and although the road ahead was still uncertain, she knew that she would never give up.

She is still young, and the next stop of fate will bring her new possibilities. Qin Shupei just wants to leave everything behind at this moment, heal and think about the meaning of life in his own little world.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous", gave up her net worth of 4 billion at the age of 22, and is now a daughter of Edison Chen

She is convinced that a new turning point and hope lie ahead.

After the divorce, Qin Shupei ushered in a turning point in his life. A man named Edison Chen appears in her world and gently heals her scarred heart.

At first, Qin Shupei was wary of this actor who has been in the film for many years. Edison Chen was once an unruly prodigal son, and his love life was dissolute. But he treated Qin Shupei with sincerity, and his subtle care melted her wounded heart again and again.

Edison Chen no longer returned late to drink, but accompanied Qin Shupei. He listened patiently and remembered every little preference of Qin Shupei. Gradually, Qin Shupei took off his guard and chose to believe in this man who seemed to have "changed his mind".

Huayi's proprietress "became famous", gave up her net worth of 4 billion at the age of 22, and is now a daughter of Edison Chen

In 2017, Edison Chen waited excitedly outside the delivery room. When the nurse brought his and Qin Shupei's first daughter, tears flowed uncontrollably. At this moment, Edison Chen vowed to be responsible for this family wholeheartedly and no longer do anything to disappoint them.

Since then, Edison Chen has no longer wandered the world, he chose to quit his job and devote all his time and energy to taking care of Qin Shupei and his daughter. Every morning, the first thing Edison Chen does when he gets up is to make hot milk and breakfast for Qin Shupei; Late at night, when the child woke up crying, he ran to his daughter's room in three steps and two steps, and gently coaxed her to sleep, for fear of waking up the sleeping Qin Shupei.

Edison Chen is wholeheartedly the guardian of this family, and he sincerely thanks God for giving him this second chance.

It may be hard to imagine that Edison Chen would be a good father, but he proved everything with his transformation. At the beginning, Qin Shupei chose to believe him, but now there is no trace of confusion and regret.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous", gave up her net worth of 4 billion at the age of 22, and is now a daughter of Edison Chen

Edison Chen gave her sincere love and let her see the most important things in life again.

Today's Qin Shupei is more down-to-earth and satisfied than when he had a net worth of 4 billion in the past. What she has is the love she has worked hard to win over the years, the lovely daughter who is connected to Edison Chen's blood, and the simple and warm family life day after day.

Every morning, Qin Shupei wakes up in the sunlight and the sound of birds, no longer in the dark of a cold high-end apartment. Pushing open the window door, the painting of the daughter's graffiti on the windowsill came into view, which was a happy picture of a family of three.

Looking at these immature colors, Qin Shupei would think of the gorgeous but false days in the big mansion in the past. Today, she and Edison Chen live in a simple hut and feel full of happiness in a small double bed.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous", gave up her net worth of 4 billion at the age of 22, and is now a daughter of Edison Chen

Edison Chen learns how to be a competent father, and he patiently plays with his daughter, identifying her needs and trying to meet them. Her daughter can't speak yet, but Edison Chen can always feel what she thinks from her eyes and movements.

In order not to affect Qin Shupei's rest, when his daughter cries late at night, Edison Chen will get up lightly and put him to sleep. Looking at his sleeping lover, he would imprint a gentle kiss on her forehead and thank her for giving him a second chance to be a human being.

This seems to be an ordinary life, but it is what Qin Shupei wants most. Welcome every morning with your loved ones, feel the first rays of sunrise, and fall asleep in a humble but warm home.

Edison Chen gave her sincere love and let her see the most important things in life again. Qin Shupei will not regret his choice in the past, the future is still very long, and they will grow old together.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous", gave up her net worth of 4 billion at the age of 22, and is now a daughter of Edison Chen

The road of life has always been tortuous and circuitous, and Qin Shupei has also experienced many ups and downs, but she did not give up, but chose to trust her intuition and heart, which made her finally get the love she wanted, and also gave her the strength to continue moving forward.

Today's Qin Shupei will explore the balance between career and family, and strive to continue to make a career in the modeling industry. She will cherish her current life and will not forget to continue to work hard and achieve a greater sense of achievement in her career.

Together with Edison Chen, they will work together to raise their daughter and make her healthy and happy to grow into an independent and happy woman.

Maybe one day, when the daughter grows up, she will ask her mother about her experience over the years. At that time, Qin Shupei would gently stroke her daughter's hair and tell her with her own story that she should be brave when she is confused, be confident when she is difficult, don't be bound by the environment, and be responsible for her own life.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous", gave up her net worth of 4 billion at the age of 22, and is now a daughter of Edison Chen

She will tell her daughter that what she needs in life is loyalty to her heart and persistence in love. This is also her life experience over the years.

Qin Shupei's story has inspired many women, and she proves that as long as you dare to pursue your true self and insist on yourself, you can live a wonderful life. She will pass on this positive and optimistic spirit to her daughter, hoping that she will become the next generation of independent women.

There is still a long road in life, Qin Shupei and Edison Chen will work together, cherish the present, and continue to explore the unknown future. And we must continue to grow and strive to live a true, fearless and wonderful life.

Huayi's proprietress "became famous", gave up her net worth of 4 billion at the age of 22, and is now a daughter of Edison Chen

No matter what difficulties you encounter, you must keep hope and believe that the future will be better.

Qin Shupei's story continues, and she is worth looking forward to. And all of us are moving forward on our own journeys. I hope that everyone can live a life of love and happiness.

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