
The three additions of uric acid lowering help you to assist in lowering uric acid

author:Gout doctor Cheng Benwei

Uric acid is the end product of purine metabolism, which is mainly produced by the decomposition of nucleic acids and other purine compounds decomposed by cell metabolism, as well as purines in food by the action of enzymes. Hyperuricemia can occur when uric acid production is excessive or excretion is reduced, and long-term hyperuricemia is an important biochemical basis for gout.

At present, about 10%~25% of the population in mainland China suffer from gout, of which male patients are about 4 times that of women, and most of them are middle-aged and elderly people. Therefore, how to effectively reduce uric acid levels and prevent the occurrence of gout has become the focus of people's attention. Today, I would like to introduce you to three additions to help you lower uric acid.

The three additions of uric acid lowering help you to assist in lowering uric acid

1. Dietary addition

Excessive levels of purines in the diet are one of the main causes of gout. Therefore, reasonable control of purine intake in the diet is one of the important measures to reduce uric acid levels. Here are some dietary suggestions to help lower uric acid levels:

▶ Increase the intake of vegetables and fruits: Vegetables and fruits are low-purine foods that are rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, which help promote uric acid excretion and reduce uric acid production. It is recommended to consume about 500 grams of vegetables and about 200 grams of fruits per day.

▶ Increase water intake: Drinking plenty of water can help promote uric acid excretion and reduce the risk of gout attacks. It is recommended to drink no less than 2000 ml of water per day.

▶ Limit the intake of high-purine foods: High-purine foods include meat, seafood, animal offal, soups, etc., and should be avoided or reduced as much as possible. If you need to consume high-purine foods, it is recommended to mix them with low-purine foods in moderation, such as vegetables and fruits.

The three additions of uric acid lowering help you to assist in lowering uric acid

▶ Limit alcohol consumption: Alcohol consumption is one of the important factors that trigger gout, so alcohol should be avoided or limited as much as possible. If alcohol is consumed, it is recommended that men do not exceed 2 units of alcohol per day and women do not exceed 1 unit of alcohol per day.

2. Exercise addition

Exercise is one of the effective ways to lower uric acid levels. Moderate exercise can help boost metabolism, accelerate uric acid excretion, and reduce uric acid production. Here are some exercise recommendations for lowering uric acid levels:

▶ Walking: Walking is an easy, all-ages aerobic exercise that boosts metabolism and blood circulation, and accelerates uric acid excretion. It is recommended to walk for about 30 minutes every day, which can be done twice in the morning and evening.

▶ Jogging: Jogging is a moderate-intensity form of aerobic exercise that boosts metabolism and uric acid excretion. It is recommended to jog 3~4 times a week for 20~30 minutes each time.

The three additions of uric acid lowering help you to assist in lowering uric acid

▶ Swimming: Swimming is a whole-body aerobic exercise that promotes metabolism and uric acid excretion. It is recommended to swim 3~4 times a week for about 30 minutes each time.

▶ Tai Chi: Tai Chi is a traditional form of fitness exercise that regulates endocrine and boosts metabolism, helping to lower uric acid levels. It is recommended to practice 3~4 times a week for about 30 minutes each time.

3. Life addition

Lifestyle habits have a great impact on uric acid levels, so developing good lifestyle habits is one of the important measures to reduce uric acid levels. Here are some lifestyle habits that can help lower uric acid levels:

▶ Weight control: Weight loss in obese patients can effectively reduce uric acid levels. A low-calorie, low-fat diet and moderate exercise are recommended for weight control.

▶ Quit smoking and limit alcohol: Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol can help reduce risk factors for gout and lower uric acid levels.

▶ Regular work and rest: Maintain a regular work and rest time, avoid staying up late and excessive fatigue, help regulate endocrine and promote metabolism, and reduce uric acid levels.

The three additions of uric acid lowering help you to assist in lowering uric acid

▶ Avoid overexertion: Overexertion is one of the important factors that induce gout, and the occurrence of overexertion should be avoided or reduced as much as possible. If you need to do high-intensity work or activities, it is recommended to arrange rest periods in moderation.

▶ Maintain a good state of mind: Maintain a good state of mind and emotional state, avoid excessive anxiety and stress, help regulate endocrine and promote metabolism, and reduce uric acid levels.


In short, through the implementation of diet addition, exercise addition and life addition, it can help us to assist in lowering uric acid. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the development of lifestyle habits such as avoiding overwork and maintaining a good attitude.