
Discuss the review|"Battle of Inspection" Lakers beat the Trail Blazers, does Russell really have to be sent away 34+8?

Discuss the review|"Battle of Inspection" Lakers beat the Trail Blazers, does Russell really have to be sent away 34+8?

Discuss the review|"Battle of Inspection" Lakers beat the Trail Blazers, does Russell really have to be sent away 34+8?

The home game against the second-to-last in the West, a group of young Trail Blazers, for the Lakers who are competing for the playoffs, should have been a hand-to-hand "loaned victory", but for two reasons, this game still attracted attention.

(1) The last game was defeated by the Nets, who lost 9 of the last 10 games, and the momentum that the Lakers had just gotten up was broken up again, and they still seem to be circulating the strange law of "finding shortcomings for strong teams and sending warmth to weak teams". So this win over the Trail Blazers is not a foregone conclusion.

(2) Brogdon of the Trail Blazers, the best sixth man last season, can be the boss on the weak team, and the gold medal support on the strong team, and is the most suitable and theoretically easier trade object for the Lakers in the current trade market.

Therefore, this one can also be regarded as a battle for the Lakers' inspection.

Discuss the review|"Battle of Inspection" Lakers beat the Trail Blazers, does Russell really have to be sent away 34+8?

As the Lakers' most likely bargaining chip, Russell's performance is also very eye-catching.

In the last five games, he returned to the starting line with 24.2 points and 6.0 assists, 16 of 37 three-pointers, and a shooting rate of 43.2%.

Before today's game, the team's forward starting Prince was rested, and Coach Ham took out his 13th set of this season's lineup, Zhan Mei Lila + Hachimura, fortunately, this is a combination that has been tested in the West finals last season.

In the face of today's competition in the West, Hamm rarely removes "technology and ruthlessness" in the first place.

Discuss the review|"Battle of Inspection" Lakers beat the Trail Blazers, does Russell really have to be sent away 34+8?

And this team also showed the intensity it deserved, starting with a 6-0 run and a 17-6 lead to stop the Trail Blazers. Although the Trail Blazers have also tried to "order" Russell and Reaves, their limited offensive ability, as well as the physical fitness and mentality of the Lakers after the opening, have made their strategy less effective.

But with 5:08 left in the first quarter, when the Lakers led 24-16, head coach Darvin Ham began to work again.

He reversed the rotation that had been in place in the previous games, removing Reaves first, leaving Russell on the court to pair with the thick eyebrows with a rotation.

Instead, this time it was Russell who came off first, Rueves, and then replaced LeBron.

So the Lakers have come to the "Reaves single control" that makes everyone extremely uncomfortable


Discuss the review|"Battle of Inspection" Lakers beat the Trail Blazers, does Russell really have to be sent away 34+8?

So the Trail Blazers directly chased the score to 27-28 with a wave of 11-4, and saw that the Lakers were about to make the dilemma of a sudden power outage in the last game against the Nets, but fortunately, the Trail Blazers had limited offensive resources and did not continue to firepower.

Reaves' free throws and Reddish's breakaway helped the team stabilize their position, and the Lakers took a 36-31 lead at the end of the first quarter after defending several consecutive offenses from opponents.

This is also the only opportunity for the Trail Blazers to cause trouble for the Lakers and may overtake, and if they don't grasp it, they can only be slaughtered.

Discuss the review|"Battle of Inspection" Lakers beat the Trail Blazers, does Russell really have to be sent away 34+8?

In the second quarter, James and Russell led the team, with Wood, Vanderbilt and Reddish in pairs. The Lakers used their height and size advantage not only to take the initiative on the defensive end, but also to cut butter on the offensive end in the face of the Trail Blazers' batter-like defense.

The duo of James and Russell allowed others to score multiple points, and the Lakers stretched the margin to 44-36.

After the Trail Blazers continued to shrink because they had to protect the restricted area, Russell's three-point shot began to play again, and after he scored five points on an inside and outside shot, he assisted James to hit a long-range shot, and he continued to make a layup, and finally came to a fast attack with James, and the Lakers stretched the difference to 58-42 in one breath.

When Russell and James are on the floor at the same time, the Lakers' offense is noticeably much more fluid and efficient, even without thick eyebrows.

Discuss the review|"Battle of Inspection" Lakers beat the Trail Blazers, does Russell really have to be sent away 34+8?

Then James and Russell rested, and Bushy Eyebrows continued to press with Reeves, Hachimura, Reddish, and Christie.

At this time, the Trail Blazers were obviously demoralized, the pressure on both offensive and defensive ends plummeted, and Reaves also hit three consecutive three-pointers, coupled with the killing of thick eyebrows and Hachimura, the Lakers led 67-54 at halftime.

The Trail Blazers gave the Lakers too little trouble on the defensive end, but on the offensive end, they relied on Brogdon's 13 points and 5 assists in the halftime to prevent the game from going into garbage time.

Russell had 13 points and 4 assists in the half, which was also not far behind, and the Lakers' climax of the quarter was also promoted by him and James together.

Discuss the review|"Battle of Inspection" Lakers beat the Trail Blazers, does Russell really have to be sent away 34+8?

And the third quarter became Russell's "show time" completely.

The Lakers didn't make the same mistakes as before, and even the lead put a lot of pressure on the Trail Blazers, while Russell's three-pointer came as promised.

When the Trail Blazers trailed 60-69, he hit a three-pointer with his hand raised, and then assisted Bush and Reaves to score back-to-back points to stretch the gap to 15 points (77-62) again.

Then he and Reaves both fired from the outside, hit another three-pointer, and James completed another conversion 2+1 to stretch the gap to 20 points (90-70). Game wins have been put in the Lakers' pockets

Discuss the review|"Battle of Inspection" Lakers beat the Trail Blazers, does Russell really have to be sent away 34+8?

While the Trail Blazers were on the same offense under Brogdon's leadership, Russell was unstoppable today, hitting another three-pointer from beyond the arc and hitting another mid-range shot before the end of the quarter.

He shot 5-of-8 from the field and 2-of-3 from three-point range in the single quarter, scoring 13 points and 3 assists, and the Lakers led 103-87 in the third quarter.

Perhaps the loss to the Nets was too profound, but Ham still didn't give up in the fourth quarter, still sending James and Russell to the court, and the two really revitalized the Lakers' offense in front of the Trail Blazers.

James scored five straight points at the start of the fourth quarter, and Russell hit two more three-pointers to give the opponent no chance.

Discuss the review|"Battle of Inspection" Lakers beat the Trail Blazers, does Russell really have to be sent away 34+8?

It wasn't until it was still 6 minutes that the score had been stretched to 120-97 before Ming Jin withdrew.

Interestingly, this timeout was called by James for a foul, and Ham was still in his pockets and chewing gum, as if he was a passerby.

In the end, the Lakers defeated the Trail Blazers 134-110 at home, and the winning percentage returned to the 50% line (22-22), while squeezing out the Utah Jazz to return to ninth in the West.

Discuss the review|"Battle of Inspection" Lakers beat the Trail Blazers, does Russell really have to be sent away 34+8?

In this game, Laker Davis only played 26 minutes and scored 14 points and 14 boards, a rare three quarters to clock out of work.

But Russell's 34 points and eight assists, James' 28 points, five rebounds and five assists, and Reaves' 15 points were enough to destroy the second-to-last opponent in the West on the offensive end.

Russell was undoubtedly the biggest star of the game, and in the team's current difficult situation, he once again revitalized the Lakers' offense with his sharp three-point and precise playmaking.

Even with Brogdon standing opposite and Zhan Mei standing next to him, he still proved that he was the biggest star of the game with a perfect score.

Discuss the review|"Battle of Inspection" Lakers beat the Trail Blazers, does Russell really have to be sent away 34+8?

But the brutal truth is

These highlights may not change the outcome of his eventual trade away from the Lakers.

At the beginning of the season, he signed a "1+1" $37 million contract that was already destined for him and the Lakers, and the ideal thing for him and the Lakers was to break up in the middle of the season, strengthen the team, and he went to a team that was willing to offer him a big contract, and they were all right.

The annual salary of 17.3 million is not commensurate with his performance and value, and he really deserves to go to a team that respects him more and can go on a longer path hand in hand with him.

And the Lakers and LeBron James' strategic line of always aiming for a championship may really not suit him.

Discuss the review|"Battle of Inspection" Lakers beat the Trail Blazers, does Russell really have to be sent away 34+8?

After today's game, he sat on the sidelines and silently wiped the corners of his eyes, and his mood was still not so high.

I don't know if I was relieved after playing such a heart-wrenching game,

Or do you know something in advance, understand that you are destined to leave and are reluctant to give up,

Or simply poked in the eye by the Trail Blazers' frivolous defense.

But all in all, there is not a hint of joy in him after the big victory.

Discuss the review|"Battle of Inspection" Lakers beat the Trail Blazers, does Russell really have to be sent away 34+8?

But in any case, the Lakers' 2015 pick has made a big difference in the impression of Lakers fans about him in the past year.

He has grown from a stunned young man who is ignorant of the world, will leak videos, and engage in the romance of his yellow teammate Nick Young, to a mature and responsible man.

The Lakers' comeback last season was indispensable to his contribution, and this season's performance has repeatedly proved that this team can't do without his play if they want to play well.

But the truth may be so cruel, this child who was brought into the league by the Lakers still can't escape the fate of running away in the end.

Discuss the review|"Battle of Inspection" Lakers beat the Trail Blazers, does Russell really have to be sent away 34+8?

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