
Top 4 predictions for Chinese diet in 2024

author:Condor Network Technology

In 2023, people's dining tastes and curiosity have increased greatly after the epidemic, and many novel delicacies have emerged, such as Moutai coffee, fried pebbles, and white meals. In 2024, more new delicacies are expected to emerge, such as stinky tofu latte and vacuum-packed meat buns, which are expected to reshape the food and beverage market and allow people to taste more new and delicious foods.

Top 4 predictions for Chinese diet in 2024

Traditional Chinese medicine is ready to usher in a fashionable return

In recent years, the demand for additive-free "superfoods" and natural health products has become increasingly strong in mainland China, and personalized nutrition has become the mainstream. Young people seek to balance ancient wisdom with a fast-paced lifestyle, incorporating avocados, nuts and more into their daily diets. The 100% increase in the popularity of these "superfoods" on social platforms shows people's desire for a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

It is expected that in 2024, supermarkets will be flooded with natural, additive-free snacks and staple foods, and nutritional health products will also be mainstream in the form of snacks. Functional snacks such as collagen and probiotic biscuits and candies will fit in with the busy lifestyle of Gen Z.

Traditional regimens are also attracting the attention of the digital generation, and ancient rituals and wisdom, revered for their effectiveness, are driving a retro trend. The younger generation will blend the old with the new, the modern interpretation of ancient foods will become popular, traditional Chinese medicine will usher in unprecedented attention, menus will draw on the balanced simplicity of traditional Chinese medicine theory, and the supply chain will source esoteric herbs and medicinal flowers.

Top 4 predictions for Chinese diet in 2024

New Chinese Coffee & Tea

The gradual popularization of affordable coffee in China has broken the concept that "high-quality coffee must be expensive", and consumers have begun to appreciate and taste the unique pleasure of coffee. Specialty coffee brands have also taken note of this trend and are starting to launch drinks with Chinese characteristics. Moutai in 2023 is an example of how Chinese people are thirsty for localized coffee.

It is expected that in 2024, more professional cafes will join this trend, using Chinese ingredients and traditional art elements to create unique coffee ideas. At the same time, new Chinese tea stalls are also developing, combining ancient brewing wisdom with modern styles to provide a unique cultural experience for urban youth. These teahouses are not only places to enjoy drinks, but also a Zen ritual that allows people to find moments of relaxation in their busy lives.

Tea will become the identity drink of young people, and related ancillary activities will also become a hot topic. Combining ancient wisdom with a fast-paced lifestyle through portable potions, the New Chinese Tea House helps young people reconnect with history, a quirky way of drinking that blends the ancient tea ceremony with modern life.

Top 4 predictions for Chinese diet in 2024

The pre-made dish rocket took off

The prepared food industry is in the spotlight in 2023 due to a surge in demand, driven by pandemic-era lifestyle shifts and urban professionals' demand for quality nutrition anytime, anywhere. Pre-made dishes are pre-processed and packaged meals that are suitable for customers with efficient lifestyles, and with rising incomes and busy lives, pre-made dishes have become the first choice of China's middle class, thanks to home delivery, improved variety, and the guarantee of safety and hygiene.

It is expected that in 2024, pre-made dishes will become more popular. Personalized dining is expected to explode, with intelligent algorithms creating weekly plans that meet individual needs, and AI sous chefs will provide customized recipes to prevent monotony in catering. Pre-made dishes will gradually become a bespoke accessory adapted to modern life, working with various industries to showcase lunch boxes as a cross between food and lifestyle, and when food is freed from the constraints of the kitchen, the options become limitless.

Top 4 predictions for Chinese diet in 2024

Find your identity through a private makeshift kitchen

A new generation of young people are looking for cultural significance in private makeshift kitchens, young homemade chefs who turn private spaces into portals to food-powered stories. For urban youth, these homemade supper clubs provide a window into home.

These makeshift kitchens allow chefs to escape the rigidity of restaurant work, where they pursue their own tastes and styles without any restrictions. For chefs and diners, the attraction lies in this unexpected freedom, where "no rules" is the only rule.

By 2024, this trend is expected to expand as more migrants use food to strengthen community bonds. Creative young people will reoccupy open art spaces, unlocked private venues, and decentralized kitchens in major cities, creating make-up experiences that are both a dining feast and an ancestral healing experience.

Top 4 predictions for Chinese diet in 2024

With the ever-changing lifestyles and diverse dietary needs, a variety of novelty and innovative trends are emerging. From Moutai coffee to pre-made dishes, from personalized nutrition to private temporary kitchens, these innovations are satisfying people's pursuit of health, convenience and personalization. With the development of these trends, we can foresee that the future food and beverage market will be richer and more diverse, bringing people more novel and delicious experiences.

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Top 4 predictions for Chinese diet in 2024