
Follow-up to the Ma Shushan case in Qianxi! Hu Xijin and other big V's silence caused dissatisfaction, and it was chilling to make up for it afterwards!

author:Grandma Doumi observes

The case of Qianxi is like a rift, revealing the tension between power and the rule of law. This seemingly ordinary legal dispute on the surface hides a thrilling drama in which power overrides the rule of law.

Follow-up to the Ma Shushan case in Qianxi! Hu Xijin and other big V's silence caused dissatisfaction, and it was chilling to make up for it afterwards!

The Ma Shushan case, a seemingly ordinary case, has become the epitome of this farce. Under Li Fugui's manipulation, the local public security and legal system fell into a whirlpool of nonsense from top to bottom.

Follow-up to the Ma Shushan case in Qianxi! Hu Xijin and other big V's silence caused dissatisfaction, and it was chilling to make up for it afterwards!

These mistakes are not only unfair to Ma Shushan personally, but also a serious violation of the dignity of the law.

However, justice is not completely silent.

Follow-up to the Ma Shushan case in Qianxi! Hu Xijin and other big V's silence caused dissatisfaction, and it was chilling to make up for it afterwards!

After a series of efforts,. But this is only the first step in uncovering the truth, and the real trial and justice have yet to be proven by time.

Follow-up to the Ma Shushan case in Qianxi! Hu Xijin and other big V's silence caused dissatisfaction, and it was chilling to make up for it afterwards!

Ma Shushan: An ordinary person who adheres to justice and kindness

In the streets and alleys of Qianxi County, people can always see a figure: Mashushan, who is over seventy years old. He is energetic, driven, and seems to be never tireless.

His figure is not tall, but his image is so lofty in people's hearts.

Follow-up to the Ma Shushan case in Qianxi! Hu Xijin and other big V's silence caused dissatisfaction, and it was chilling to make up for it afterwards!

He is enthusiastic about public welfare, helpful, and uneven, and is deeply respected and loved by his neighbors.

Follow-up to the Ma Shushan case in Qianxi! Hu Xijin and other big V's silence caused dissatisfaction, and it was chilling to make up for it afterwards!

Regardless of wind and rain,

Although its functions are limited, it carries the kindness and justice of Mashu Mountain.

Follow-up to the Ma Shushan case in Qianxi! Hu Xijin and other big V's silence caused dissatisfaction, and it was chilling to make up for it afterwards!

And the small old notebook he carries every day records his care and dedication to the community.

The furnishings of his home are simple, one might even say simple.

But it is this simplicity that highlights Ma Shushan's quality: he does not pursue material comforts, but focuses more on what he thinks is more valuable.

Follow-up to the Ma Shushan case in Qianxi! Hu Xijin and other big V's silence caused dissatisfaction, and it was chilling to make up for it afterwards!

Ma Shushan is such a person, an ordinary person who adheres to justice and kindness. He didn't make grandiose words or earth-shattering feats, but he used his actions to interpret what true kindness and justice are.

In Qianxi County, his name is a beautiful landscape, a warm sunshine that illuminates people's hearts.

The silence of Hu Xijin and other well-known big Vs caused dissatisfaction

In the storm of public opinion in the case of moving to the west,

Follow-up to the Ma Shushan case in Qianxi! Hu Xijin and other big V's silence caused dissatisfaction, and it was chilling to make up for it afterwards!

These figures, who have a certain degree of influence in society, are expected to use their professional legal knowledge and extensive social influence to shout for the weak and defend justice.

Follow-up to the Ma Shushan case in Qianxi! Hu Xijin and other big V's silence caused dissatisfaction, and it was chilling to make up for it afterwards!

But when the real challenge comes, some choose to remain silent, and their actions can't help but call into question:

Follow-up to the Ma Shushan case in Qianxi! Hu Xijin and other big V's silence caused dissatisfaction, and it was chilling to make up for it afterwards!

Netizens expressed strong disappointment and dissatisfaction with this. On the web,

Follow-up to the Ma Shushan case in Qianxi! Hu Xijin and other big V's silence caused dissatisfaction, and it was chilling to make up for it afterwards!

The call of public opinion is getting louder and louder, and people are eager to see these social influencers really stand up and speak out for justice.