
[Notes] Winter Deep Essay

author:Wen Xiaohong

Waking up from a dream,

But I'm tired,

Running in dreams,

Destined to be a loss,

No matter how you struggle,

Still can't get back the loss!


Walking through the earth,

Green grass all over the ground,

and flowers growing in the grass,

But it's so dazzling,

Put a perfect round picture,

Present to this spring!

[Notes] Winter Deep Essay

Yes, how many times have I met spring in my dreams, but I can never meet myself again! How many times have I fantasized that one day I will meet myself on the road of time, but who does not know that we only have a young heart left!

[Notes] Winter Deep Essay

Nowadays, it is the heavy snow festival again.

In this cold season, I dreamed of spring, dreamed of a tree spring, those vibrant scenes, déjà vu and as if seen yesterday, the branches are green, the fragrance of flowers is light, such a scene, who doesn't want to stop, savor, but we can't stop the passage of time, let the pace of time trample!

It's been a long time, I haven't triggered my heartstrings, I just want to write my dull days in the passing years, and the philosophy of life that plain is true has obviously become a subconscious dominance and controls myself!

Guarding the bland, for us as an ordinary person, is not a responsibility, but, we are not willing to be bland, will always want to jump up to show their own existence, this is human nature, we do not need to embarrass ourselves, we are an individual existence of people, then there is no need to escape this kind of vulgar thoughts, to live, is not to live up to the dull time!

[Notes] Winter Deep Essay

In the depths of winter, spring is not far away.

Don't hide your expectations, look forward to spring with a young heart, isn't it a beautiful mood!

At this moment, I was no longer defenseless, I opened my winter window, I knew that I had encountered not only the sun, but also the slightest chill, however, this did not make my heart cowardly!

[Notes] Winter Deep Essay

Outside the window in the depths of winter, it is a simple scenery!

The bare trees, the cold wind, and the faint sunlight reflected in the white snow, and even the active kittens lay lazily......

The deep winter in time, quietly, like a lonely text, accompanies people, quietly engraves the years in the annual rings, and bathes in the time!

Yes, the cold snowflakes and the cold wind seem to make the deep winter time more and more quiet. At this moment, a raft of words in a light book records the time of the snow, slowly cook a pot of tea, savor the tenderness of the years, wait for a snow to fall gently, the elegant scenery of the world, the elegance of the world's feelings, the warmth of the heart, and the persistent love in the fireworks of the world. Isn't it a treat?

[Notes] Winter Deep Essay

Life is busy, after all, not for a cup of tea and a bowl of rice? Spend your days in leisure, not here? With a piece of mood text, all for what you want, for your own nature, and the princes share the prosperity, begging for self-entertainment, self-reflection and self-satisfaction!

The text stopped here, and the Song Ci once said: "There are a hundred flowers in spring, there is a moon in autumn, there is a cool breeze in summer, and there is snow in winter." Don't worry about idle things, it's a good time in life. "This mood is suddenly active in front of me, if nothing else, it is this affectionate presentation!


[Notes] Winter Deep Essay

Note: The picture comes from the Internet, thanks to the original author!

About the author:Wen Xiaohong, a native of Changzhi, Shanxi, works in Changzhi Shangdang Secondary Vocational School, lecturer, net name is mostly used for pedestrians, Wen Xiaohongzhu, Changzhi pedestrians, etc., I love literature, mainly write prose poetry, literary works are mainly scattered in China Writers Network, Red Sleeves Fragrance, Jiangshan Literature, Prose Online, Yang Liu'an, Chinese Poetry Network, Today's Headlines, Baijiahao and other major websites and Shanxi Daily, Qilu Literature, Lhasa Daily, Education and Teaching Research and other publications, one of which is the novella "The Woman in the Rental House" on the shelves of Red Sleeves Fragrance. Recording life with words is the principle of my creation, and the text is as you like, so stay tuned.