
"Jiachen is not smooth, look at the sky in the morning of the twelfth", tomorrow is the twelfth day of the lunar month, how do you look at it?

author:Selection of agricultural products by agricultural managers

With the change of seasons, we are about to usher in the twelfth day of the lunar month, which is a day of special significance in agricultural culture. The old people often say: "Jiachen is not smooth, look at the sky in the morning of the twelve", which is not only a proverb, but also the wisdom of farmers according to the laws of nature for thousands of years. So, what exactly does this agricultural proverb mean, and how should we interpret it on the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month tomorrow?

"Jiachen is not smooth, look at the sky in the morning of the twelfth", tomorrow is the twelfth day of the lunar month, how do you look at it?

1. The origin and meaning of agricultural proverbs

The agricultural proverb "Jiachen is not smooth, and the twelve mornings look at the sky" originated from the farming culture of ancient China. Among them, "Jiachen" refers to people born on the tenth day of the lunar month, while "Shun or not" is a prediction of their future fate. Specifically, if the weather is sunny and sunny on the morning of the 10th day of the lunar month, it indicates that the fate of those born on the day of "Jiachen" is going well, and conversely, if the weather is gloomy or rainy, it indicates that their fate is not going well.

Behind this agricultural proverb is the ancient people's awe of the laws of nature and their beautiful expectations for the future. At that time, it was believed that celestial phenomena were closely related to human affairs, and that by observing changes in the weather, it was possible to predict good fortune and bad luck in the future. Therefore, this agricultural proverb has been widely spread among the people and has become a special cultural phenomenon.

"Jiachen is not smooth, look at the sky in the morning of the twelfth", tomorrow is the twelfth day of the lunar month, how do you look at it?

2. The special significance of the twelfth lunar month

People born on the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month are called "twelfth of the twelfth month", and in traditional Chinese culture, people born on this month are resolute, persevering, and have a strong sense of family. At the same time, the twelfth day of the lunar month is also an important day, which is said to be the "birthday of the sun", that is, the birthday of the sun god. On this day, various festivals are held to pray for good weather and abundant crops in the coming year.

"Jiachen is not smooth, look at the sky in the morning of the twelfth", tomorrow is the twelfth day of the lunar month, how do you look at it?

3. Modern Interpretation and Reflection

With the changes of the times, people's belief in agricultural proverbs has gradually faded. However, the wisdom and philosophy contained in the agricultural proverb "Jiachen is not smooth, and the sky is seen in the morning at the twelve" is still worthy of our in-depth thinking.

First of all, this agricultural proverb reminds us to respect the laws of nature. Weather is a crucial factor in agricultural production. By observing the changes in the weather, farmers can rationalize their farming activities and improve the yield and quality of their crops. In the same way, in our daily life, we can also draw wisdom from the laws of nature, adapt to the changes of nature, and better plan our life and work.

Secondly, this agricultural proverb embodies people's expectations for the future. In ancient societies, people were full of unknowns and fears about their future fate. However, by observing the changes in the weather, they found a way to predict the future, and in doing so, they pinned their hopes for a better life. This positive attitude also has an important enlightening effect on our lives today. No matter what kind of difficulties and challenges we face, we should maintain an optimistic attitude and move forward with determination.

Finally, this agricultural proverb also makes us think about the inheritance of traditional culture. As a product of farming culture, agricultural proverbs are an important part of traditional Chinese culture. However, in modern society, with the acceleration of urbanization and the development of science and technology, the inheritance of many traditional cultures is facing great challenges. Therefore, we should attach importance to the protection and inheritance of traditional culture, so that these precious cultural heritages can be continued and carried forward.

"Jiachen is not smooth, look at the sky in the morning of the twelfth", tomorrow is the twelfth day of the lunar month, how do you look at it?

Fourth, how to inherit and develop

In order to better inherit and develop the wisdom and philosophy contained in the agricultural proverb "Jiachen is not smooth, look at the sky in the morning", we can take the following measures:

1. Strengthen publicity and education: Through various channels and media platforms, popularize the cultural connotation and wisdom contained in this agricultural proverb to the general public. Let more people understand its origins, meaning and value, thereby enhancing the sense of identity and pride in traditional culture.

2. Carry out practical activities: On the special day of the twelfth day of the lunar month, organize various practical activities related to agricultural proverbs. For example: weather observation, farming experience, folk culture display, etc. Let people feel the charm of traditional culture in personal participation, and enhance the motivation and confidence of inheritance.

3. Innovative development forms: Combine traditional agricultural proverbs with modern science and technology and creative industries. For example: the development of cultural and creative products with the theme of agricultural proverbs, the creation of tourism routes with the theme of agricultural proverbs, etc. Through innovative development forms, it will attract more young people's attention and participation, and inject new vitality and creativity into the inheritance of traditional culture.

4. Establish cooperation mechanisms: strengthen cooperation and exchanges between governments, academia and cultural institutions. Jointly formulate policy measures, research plans and action plans for the protection and inheritance of traditional culture. Through the establishment of a cooperation mechanism, we will gather the strength and resources of all parties, complement each other's advantages, and develop in a coordinated manner, so as to provide strong support and guarantee for the inheritance and development of traditional culture.

"Jiachen is not smooth, look at the sky in the morning of the twelfth", tomorrow is the twelfth day of the lunar month, how do you look at it?

To sum up, the agricultural proverb "Jiachen is not smooth, look at the sky in the morning of the twelve" is a bright pearl in traditional Chinese culture, which contains rich wisdom and philosophy, carries people's awe of the laws of nature and the yearning and pursuit of a better life. Through the inheritance and development of the wisdom and philosophy contained in this agricultural proverb, it will help to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, promote the integration and innovation of tradition and modernity, and make our lives more colorful!