
As soon as Trump won the primary, he showed goodwill to China: I have a good relationship with the Chinese high-level

author:Beacon Watch

Trump, who once served as the president of the United States, has long been full of ambition and is ready to participate in this year's presidential election in the United States. In the previous Republican primary, Trump won Iowa by an overwhelming margin at the beginning, and it can be said that Trump undoubtedly won a "good start" in one fell swoop. At present, this year's U.S. presidential election is likely to be a "copy" of the last one - the two sides of the showdown can basically be determined to be Biden and Trump.

As soon as Trump won the primary, he showed goodwill to China: I have a good relationship with the Chinese high-level

Recently, after winning the first battle, Trump publicly stated his views on diplomacy and expressed goodwill towards China and Russia. He said that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban deserves respect, and that Trump also said that he has good relations with Putin and Kim Jong-un, and has good relations with high-level Chinese officials.

Needless to say, China, Russia and North Korea are all "strategic rivals" in the eyes of the Biden administration. It is worth mentioning that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, although he is the number one leader of Hungary, a member of NATO and the European Union, has always given priority to Hungary's own interests in various international affairs and is unwilling to be completely subservient to the United States. For example, it vigorously promoted the Hungarian-Serbian railway, and continued energy cooperation with Russia after the Russian-Ukrainian war. It can be seen that Trump's statement undoubtedly shows that he and the Biden administration are likely to take a completely opposite approach in diplomacy.

As soon as Trump won the primary, he showed goodwill to China: I have a good relationship with the Chinese high-level

Compared with Biden, who is still struggling to maintain the precarious "global hegemony" of the United States, Trump, a businessman, is actually very shrewd. As long as the "price code" is right, Trump can talk about anything. Moreover, according to Trump's proposition, once Trump becomes the president of the United States, he will inevitably abandon the "four-sided attack" approach of the Biden era. Now that the United States is supporting Ukraine in Europe to continue the Russian-Ukrainian war, while "supporting" Israel in the Middle East, and on the other hand supporting Marcos Jr. in the Western Pacific, it is very likely that there will be great changes. Even on the island of Taiwan, which the United States will not easily "give up", in Trump's eyes, the "independence" faction is just a "pawn" and can become an "outcast" at any time for the sake of the interests of the United States. It can be seen that if Trump is successfully elected, then the global situation may be greatly eased, wars and conflicts may be reduced, and many countries, including the United States, will refocus their attention on economic construction.

Of course, Trump himself also has certain uncertainties, for example, this person prefers to compete in the economy rather than a direct military conflict, and "trade protection" and "trade war" are Trump's "way of playing cards". However, with the further growth of the mainland's economy, China and the United States are now "you have me, and I have you" in the economic aspect, and any behavior of "playing cards" in trade and economy will "hurt the enemy by 1,000 and damage itself by 800," and the United States itself will not be able to bear it. Therefore, we are not afraid of any kind of "trade war" that Trump will engage in.

As soon as Trump won the primary, he showed goodwill to China: I have a good relationship with the Chinese high-level

In the end, the author believes that compared with Biden, who is "one in front of one and one behind the back", Trump, who has a straightforward personality and likes to be straightforward, is actually relatively easier to deal with.

End of this issue.

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