
The third session of the 19th People's Congress of Pingyin County was successfully concluded

author:Flat yin in the palm of your hand

On the morning of January 19, the third session of the 19th People's Congress of Pingyin County successfully completed the agenda and closed successfully.

The third session of the 19th People's Congress of Pingyin County was successfully concluded

Wang Xiucheng, Shang Haicheng, Li Wenbo, Chen Wanchang, Liu Guanglan, Jia Hongxia, and Sun Jiu, executive chairman of the conference and executive chairman of the presidium, sat in the front row of the rostrum.

The third session of the 19th People's Congress of Pingyin County was successfully concluded
The third session of the 19th People's Congress of Pingyin County was successfully concluded

Pan Jianjun, Liu Zhongliang, Qiao Liang and other members of the presidium attended the meeting and took their seats on the rostrum.

Shang Haicheng presided over the meeting.

There were 213 delegates who should attend the meeting, 24 delegates who were absent due to leave due to illness, and 189 delegates who actually attended the meeting, which met the quorum.

The congress voted and passed the resolution on the work report of the county people's government, the resolution on the implementation of the national economic and social development plan of Pingyin County in 2023 and the plan for 2024, the resolution on the implementation of the 2023 budget and the 2024 budget of Pingyin County, the resolution on the work report of the Standing Committee of the Pingyin County People's Congress, the resolution on the work report of the county people's court, and the resolution on the work report of the county people's procuratorate.

The third session of the 19th People's Congress of Pingyin County was successfully concluded

Wang Xiucheng, secretary of the county party committee, made a speech at the meeting, pointing out that during the meeting, all the deputies conscientiously performed their duties entrusted by the constitution and the law with full political enthusiasm and the spirit of being highly responsible to the party and the people, actively offered suggestions and suggestions, and discussed development plans, which reflected a strong political responsibility and showed a good spiritual outlook. This congress has opened up the political consciousness of holding high the banner, the firm confidence to move forward bravely and resolutely, and the good atmosphere of unity and struggle.

Wang Xiucheng pointed out that 2023 is a year for our county to move forward under pressure and overcome difficulties, and it is also a year of forging ahead and full of harvest. This year, we have concentrated on the soul, the mission is on our shoulders, and the theme education has been solidly promoted; this year, we have a clear path, firm pace, and orderly expansion of the development framework; this year, we have accumulated momentum, steady and far-reaching, and the industrial energy level has continued to rise; this year, we are people-oriented, dedicated to the people, and the background of happiness is more beautiful.

Wang Xiucheng said that 2024 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, a key year for the implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and a year for the in-depth implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan. The whole county should make greater efforts, run faster, strive to improve efficiency and make new contributions in various work, and promote the high-quality economic and social development of the county to a new level. He said: Loyalty is the best character, and it is necessary to improve efficiency and make new contributions in "stressing politics with a clear-cut stand." It is necessary to build a loyal soul, truly and profoundly understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", and earnestly integrate the enhancement of the "four consciousnesses", the strengthening of the "four self-confidences", and the "two safeguards" into the bloodline, and transform them into loyal beliefs and political consciousness. It is necessary to consolidate the foundation of theory, unremittingly arm the mind with the party's innovative theories in the new era, and achieve the integration of learning, thinking and application, and the integration of knowledge, belief and action. It is necessary to strengthen the power of practice, creatively promote the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of the provincial and municipal party committees to take root in Pingyin, and ensure that the government decrees are smooth and consistent to the end. Hard work is the best responsibility, and we must improve efficiency and make new contributions to "taking advantage of the situation and seeking development". It is necessary to build a solid "ballast stone" for the real economy, strengthen project planning, increase the intensity of double recruitment and double introduction, and strengthen the development potential of Pingyin. It is necessary to play the "concerto" of urban-rural integration, steadily promote the organic renewal of the city, and accelerate the construction of a new industrial city in the east. We will further promote the expansion of rural revitalization, and strive to depict a new picture of rural revitalization with prosperous industries, rich people, and ecological beauty. It is necessary to make good use of the "key moves" of reform and innovation, and unswervingly deepen the reform of key areas and key links such as state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, agriculture and rural areas, development zone management mechanisms, and administrative examination and approval. Create a good business environment in an all-round way, and strive to form a good atmosphere of "whoever develops" and "whoever supports development" in the county.

The third session of the 19th People's Congress of Pingyin County was successfully concluded

Wang Xiucheng pointed out that people's livelihood is the biggest politics, and it is necessary to improve efficiency and make new contributions in "doing practical things with heart and feelings". We must always "stand together" with the masses and strive to make the fruits of development more beneficial to the people, so that the people's lives will be more energetic and energetic. We must always "think together" with the masses, earnestly find out the social conditions and public opinions, do whatever the masses think, and change whatever the masses are annoyed by. It is necessary to always "work together" with the masses, do a solid job in key people's livelihood matters, strive to improve the mechanism for the prevention and resolution of contradictions and disputes, and solve the reasonable and legitimate interests of the masses with heart. Style is the strongest ability, and we must improve efficiency and make new contributions on "daring to do good and grasping implementation". It is necessary to muster the enthusiasm of passion and entrepreneurship, and truly turn ideas into methods, ideas into solutions, and planning drawings into real pictures. It is necessary to maintain the tenacity of doing good work, do a good job of laying the foundation and increasing stamina, and ensure that the whole year will go from a "good start" to a "full house". It is necessary to strengthen the hard work of overcoming difficulties, take out the courage to break the cauldron and sink the boat, and the courage of the strong man to break his wrist to the end, resolutely break through the "middle obstruction", remove the "roadblock", and promote Pingyin to achieve leapfrogging and catching up, and create more brilliant brilliance.

The third session of the 19th People's Congress of Pingyin County was successfully concluded

Wang Xiucheng stressed that the people's congresses at all levels and their standing committees should accurately grasp the new positioning and new requirements, always put the work of the people's congresses in the overall situation to plan and advance, and use high-quality performance of their duties to better speak for the people and serve development. The "government, committee, and procuratorate" must conscientiously accept the supervision of the people's congresses, report their work to the people's congresses according to law, strictly implement the resolutions and decisions made by the people's congresses and their standing committees, and comprehensively raise the level of administration according to law, supervision according to law, and judicial fairness. All deputies should cherish the honor of deputies, improve the level of performance of duties, and earnestly reflect the loyal performance of their duties in the practical actions of implementing the party's line, principles and policies, in the practical actions of promoting high-quality development, and in the practical actions of sharing worries for the party, fulfilling responsibilities for the country, and dedicating to the people, and strive to demonstrate value and demeanor in speaking for the people, performing duties for the people, and serving the people, and strive to create a new situation of realizing the "six leaps" and building a modern Pingyin.

The third session of the 19th People's Congress of Pingyin County was successfully concluded

The conference closed with the majestic national anthem.