
Qianlong year of the Qing Dynasty made blue glaze painted gold dragon pattern porcelain plate

author:Hongyun Xuan

This year's annual stem branch is Jiachen, so this year is the year of the wooden dragon, and this year is the year of the zodiac dragon. 2024, a leap year in the Gregorian calendar, with a total of 366 days and 53 weeks. The year of the dragon in the lunar calendar, without leap months, has a total of 354 days, and the lunar calendar starts and ends from February 10, 2024 to January 28, 2025. The dragon is an important symbol in traditional Chinese culture, and the dragon symbolizes auspiciousness, festivity, unity, enterprising, and soaring.

Yan Chaoyin in the Tang Dynasty "Fenghe Dengli Mountain should be systemized" poem: "The dragon walks on the air, and the sky is half a word. Chaos doubts the first judgment, and Hong Yun is like the beginning. The dragon has been a symbol of auspiciousness in our tradition since ancient times, but it is not a legendary exotic animal, but a real star that passes over people's heads every day. Through the observation of astrological phenomena such as "dragons", the Chinese ancestors completed the positioning of time and space and embarked on an uninterrupted journey of civilization for thousands of years. In order to observe celestial phenomena, the ancients divided the stars around the celestial equator and the ecliptic into 28 star groups, each of which was a group of seven nakshatras. Among them, the seven houses contained in the "Oriental Canglong" are connected and shaped like a dragon. The ancients believed that the dragon was in charge of the rainfall, and the rain determined the harvest of farming, and the harvest of farming determined people's living standards, and the dragon became the most important "totem" of the farming society. Sima Zhen's "Supplement to the Three Emperors" said that in the front of the "Supplement to the Three Emperors", although Fuxi had a snake body and a human head, at the end, he said that Fuxi "has Long Rui, and is called the Dragon Master with the Dragon Discipline Officer". In the Wei book of the Han Dynasty, it is said that the first virtue of the Fuxi clan is in wood, which is the first of the hundred kings. Fuxi is the green dragon, the green emperor. Emperor Yan Shennong's clan took Huode as the king and was the red dragon, and the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan clan took Tude as the king and was the yellow dragon. According to the Five Elements, wood is the first to appear, not fire and earth. In the same way, the Qingdi should also be the first emperor of ancient times, and the Qinglong is also the first dragon of the Chinese nation. The Fuxi clan is naturally the well-deserved founder of the dragon totem, and created the civilization of the Chinese nation. In the Dunhuang testament, there are four fragments of the question and answer body entitled "The Emperor's Chronicle since the Opening of Heaven and Earth", the reason why Fuxi and Nuwa were able to survive the flood was because they "wore dragon clothes or climbed the dragon to the sky". Fuxi Nuwa is the common ancestor of the new generation of all ethnic groups after the flood.

"Historical Records: The Five Emperors" records: After defeating Emperor Yan and Chiyou, the Yellow Emperor toured the Quartet and "fit Busan". This "merger" not only unified the letter of the military orders of the various ministries and established a political alliance, but also took some elements from the original totems of each tribe and combined them to create a new animal image - dragon. "Xunzi Fu": "The world is dangerous, and I am afraid of losing the world." The dragon is a dragonfly, and the owl is a phoenix. Wang Chong of the Eastern Han Dynasty said: "The secular painting of the dragon is like a horse's head and a snake's tail." Bangu's "Book of Han": "The minister thinks that the dragon has no horns, and it is said that it is a snake with feet, and it is a lizard that is not guarding the palace." Xu Shen of the Eastern Han Dynasty "Shuo Wen Jie Zi" contains: "Dragon, the length of the scale insect, can be dark and bright, can be small and huge, can be short and long, ascend to the sky at the spring equinox, and dive into the abyss at the autumn equinox." "Erya" mentions the image of the phoenix, but does not mention the image of the dragon. In the supplement "Erya Wings" made by Song Ren Luo Yuan for Erya, there is a "release dragon": "The horns are like a deer, the head is like a camel, the eyes are like a rabbit, the neck is like a snake, the belly is like a mirage, the scales are like a fish, the claws are like an eagle, the palms are like tigers, and the ears are like cows." Guo Ruoxu, a connoisseur of calligraphy and painting who was also a Song person, expressed a similar view in his Pictures and Stories. In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Luo Guanzhong outlined the characteristics of the dragon through Cao Cao's mouth: "The dragon can be big and small, and can rise and hide; Fang is deep this spring, and the dragon changes with time". Dong Yu, a painter of the Song Dynasty, believed that the dragon "has horns like a deer, a head like a cow, eyes like a shrimp, a mouth like a donkey, a belly like a snake, scales like a fish, feet like a phoenix, a beard like a human, and ears like an elephant." "In the Ming Dynasty, "Compendium of Materia Medica: Wings" cloud: "The dragon is the length of the scale." Wang Fuyan has nine shapes: the head is like a camel, the horns are like a deer, the eyes are like a rabbit, the ears are like a cow, the neck is like a snake, the belly is like a mirage, the scales are like a carp, the claws are like an eagle, and the palm is like a tiger. It has eighty-one scales on its back, with nine or nine yang numbers. Its sound is like a copper plate. There is a beard next to the mouth, a pearl under the chin, and an inverted scale under the throat. There is Boshan on the head, also known as the ruler wood, and the dragon cannot ascend to heaven without the ruler wood. It can turn into water and fire. Yuan Mei of the Qing Dynasty wrote in "Zi Bu Si" that "the thunderstorm is obscure, and the dragon comes to wail, and the sound is like a cow's roar." In modern times, Wen Yiduo's "Fuxi Kao", "Dragon and Phoenix" and "Dragon Boat Kao" pointed out that the Chinese are called "descendants of the dragon" from the legend of the Yellow Emperor era.

The dragon is an animal in ancient Chinese mythology, the length of the scale insect, and one of the symbols of the Chinese nation. According to legend, the dragon can fly, is good at changing, will call the wind and rain, etc., and the phoenix, unicorn and so on are listed as auspicious, the ancient main meaning of imperial power; mythological stories have the finishing touch, Nezha in the sea, Sun Moon Lake and so on. It is mentioned in the "Clan Codex": "Ancestral dragon, old dragon also." And the "old dragon" is Ying Long, so Ying Long is the "ancestor of the dragon". And because Ying Long has wings on his back, and those who have auxiliary wings can be regarded as "real dragons". "Erya Wing" records that "the horns are like a deer, the head is like a camel, the eyes are like a rabbit, the neck is like a snake, the belly is like a mirage, the scales are like a fish, the claws are like an eagle, the palm is like a tiger, and the ears are like a cow"; "On Balance" records that "the secular painting of a dragon is like a dragon, and the body of a horse is headed and snake"; and "Guangya" records that there are four kinds of dragons: Jiaolong, Yinglong, Qiulong, and Dragon. Ji blue, also known as "sacrificial blue", "blue blue", "sapphire blue", etc., is a kind of high-temperature monochrome glaze with cobalt oxide as the coloring agent. It is characterized by a deep color, uniform and stable. In addition to the monochrome glaze, the blue utensils are often decorated with gold color, and some are engraved and printed with dark flowers. Common court sacrificial vessels, so it is also called sacrificial blue glaze. "Ji blue" is a blue glaze that is fired by mixing an appropriate amount of cobalt in a lime glaze and firing it in a kiln at 1280-1300 degrees Celsius. "Painting gold" is one of the methods of gold color decoration, all of which are depicted by hand, and the principal gold is gold powder or bright gold that is gold water is used to decorate decorative patterns on the porcelain surface or cooperate with other decorations as edges or gold ground.

The shape of this dragon plate is regular, and the bottom section is the six-character blue and white seal book made in the Qianlong year of the Qing Dynasty, with a diameter of 26CM. The tire quality of the whole device is delicate and firm, and the disc shape is weekly. The whole vessel is decorated with the blue glaze gold painting, the gold decoration dragon pattern in the plate, the double dragon play beads, the power is lifelike, the gold jewelry is well preserved, the dragon pattern hand-painted gold craftsmanship is exquisite, radiant, magnificent. The brushstrokes are delicate, swaying freely, the blue glaze is fat and shiny, even and deep, the gold color is brilliant, the gold is brilliant, and it can be the official kiln boutique.

Qianlong year of the Qing Dynasty made blue glaze painted gold dragon pattern porcelain plate
Qianlong year of the Qing Dynasty made blue glaze painted gold dragon pattern porcelain plate

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