
Iranian advisers were killed, US warplanes fell, US cargo ships were injured, and five nuclear powers were involved

author:Armament in depth

Israel launched an airstrike on a residential building in Damascus, the capital of Syria, on the 20th, killing an adviser of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and wounding many others. There is no doubt that this is yet another unexpected event, which once again leads to tensions. Because Iran has just made a strong move, and now Israel has blown up and killed Iranian advisers, which can only further complicate the problem. It can be said that the current situation in the Middle East is still very serious and generally worrying.

On January 19, local time, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said that the United States carried out a new round of military strikes against the Houthis in Yemen on the same day, with a total of 3 military strikes. The US side confirmed that the US attack on the Houthis is escalating. It can be said that the situation in the Middle East as a whole is becoming more and more delicate on the spot. The three nuclear powers, the United States, Britain and Russia, are involved, Israel is also a nuclear-armed country, and Pakistan is also involved as a nuclear-armed country. In fact, the involvement of five nuclear powers in the Middle East conflict has made the situation even more complicated and tense.

Iranian advisers were killed, US warplanes fell, US cargo ships were injured, and five nuclear powers were involved

The Middle East is killing mad, and the use of force has become the first choice of all countries, which is a red flag. The Middle East is known as a powder keg and a land of tigers and wolves, and the use of force to solve problems is also a characteristic of this region. People are good at being bullied, horses are good at being ridden, and the country is beaten by 10,000 people, which has simply become the motto of the Middle East. Recently, because of the loss of control and spillover of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Middle East region has really gone crazy. The situation is treacherous and murderous, and this is the most intuitive feeling in the Middle East at present. Israel bombed Gaza, it bombed Lebanon, it bombed the West Bank, it bombed Syria. The United States and Britain bombed Yemen's Houthis in a row, and even bombed them twice in 24 hours.

Turkey has been bombing targets in Iraq and Syria for several days, destroying Kurdish strongholds. Iran has also begun to take direct action, with successive air strikes on targets in Syria, Iran and Pakistan. Pakistan also dispatched warplanes and other warplanes to carry out a fierce bombing of extremist forces in Iran. Even Jordan, which had previously been relatively low-key, began bombing Syria, citing the fight against drug traffickers. At present, the Middle East gives people the feeling that everything that can be bombed has come out to bomb, and the most bombed is poor Syria. Syria used to be a regional power, but under the chaos caused by the United States, the country has decayed to the point of being bullied by others. The fact that force is the first option to solve the problem is clearly a red flag.

Iranian advisers were killed, US warplanes fell, US cargo ships were injured, and five nuclear powers were involved

Iran took a tough action, Iran's younger brother cooperated very closely, and the United States and the West began to realize that Iran is not good at stubble. The Middle East went crazy, and Iran began to take a tough shot, carrying out bombing in a row. More importantly, Iran used a long-range precision-guided missile to destroy Israel's Mossad intelligence headquarters, and released the corresponding video. The video shows Iranian missiles that have flown more than 1,000 kilometers and accurately destroyed Israel's Mossad institutions, without even harming nearby trees.

This precision has demonstrated to the world Iran's strength, after all, this is the first actual combat success of a long-range precision-guided missile. Iran's younger brother is also working closely with each other to constantly attack US and Israeli targets, which is a headache for the US and Israel. The Shiite forces in Iraq and Syria, the Houthis, the Lebanese Allah, and so on have all shown their magic and made the United States and Israel uncomfortable in various ways. The United States and the West have also begun to lament that Iran is really not a good stubble.

Iranian advisers were killed, US warplanes fell, US cargo ships were injured, and five nuclear powers were involved

By shooting down a US fighter plane, the Shiite forces once again demonstrated their offensive capabilities. According to Iraqi security sources, on January 18, local time, local Shiite forces shot down an American MQ-9 "Reaper" drone. It is reported that the place where the fighter plane was shot down was near the town of Migdadiya in Diyala Province in eastern Iraq, and after the fighter plane was shot down, the local military police had already set up a cordon nearby.

The MQ-9 "Reaper" UAV belongs to a high-end reconnaissance and combat UAV of the US military, and it is also a nightmare for many regional armed groups. This drone has performed several decapitation operations and has strong reconnaissance and strike capabilities. The shooting down of this US fighter plane by Iraqi Shiite forces also demonstrated its powerful attack capabilities, proving to the United States that their threat to attack US troops is not just rhetoric.

Iranian advisers were killed, US warplanes fell, US cargo ships were injured, and five nuclear powers were involved

The Houthis once again wounded a US freighter and told the US with their actions that the US and British bombardment could not stop the Houthi attack. Although the United States and Britain have bombarded the Houthis indiscriminately, the Houthis have no intention of stopping their attacks, and the momentum of the attacks has become more and more intense. In the early morning of January 19, local time, Yemen's Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sareya publicly issued a statement saying that under the nose of the US military escort formation, the Houthis once again used anti-ship missiles to hit a US cargo ship.

Houthi missiles hit the freighter with precision, and the US interception failed again. The freighter exploded and caught fire after being hit, and India urgently dispatched warships to the scene to pick up the nine Indian crew members. The attack was carried out against the backdrop of continuous US air strikes, which also shows that the US air strikes have not achieved their intended purpose at all, and the Houthi attack capability has not been fundamentally weakened. The Houthis are still attacking, and the US and British warships are in trouble, which is also the threat of Iran.

Iranian advisers were killed, US warplanes fell, US cargo ships were injured, and five nuclear powers were involved

Iran's strong attack in the Middle East has made five consecutive kills, making both the United States and Israel realize that Iran is not easy to mess with. Iran has been sanctioned by the United States for many years, but Iran still has its own way of developing high-end weapons and equipment. Against the backdrop of tensions in the Middle East, Iran made a strong move and directly killed five in a row, which really impressed the outside world. Iran first seized oil tankers belonging to the United States, and used helicopters to lock and land, which appeared very tough and domineering. Second, Iran's 11 missiles hit the Israeli spy center in the Kurdish autonomous region of Iraq, which directly killed Israel by surprise. Iraq protested, but in reality it simply stated that it was not participating.

Third, a missile strike on a high-ranking residence in the Kurdish autonomous region in Iraq killed Dizaye, a Kurdish tycoon and founder of the Falcon Group. Dizaye has close ties with the United States and Israel and has always provided support to the United States and Israel. Iran's precise beheading is obviously for the United States. Fourthly, missiles and drones, air strikes on two important bases of the terrorist group Mujahideen in Pakistan's Balochistan province. Fifth, the use of missiles precisely destroyed the extremist groups located in Syria, which are also supported by the United States and Israel.

Iranian advisers were killed, US warplanes fell, US cargo ships were injured, and five nuclear powers were involved

In fact, the shooting down of the Reaper drone by the Shiite forces and the damage to the American freighter were all indirect actions by Iran. Iran has taken a series of killing moves, directly attacking 5 times, which has shown the outside world Iran's strength. Iran's crackdown on extremist militants in Pakistan appears to have been retaliated against by Pakistan, but it will not damage relations between the two countries. After all, the extremist groups in Iran are supported by the United States and Israel, and the extremist groups in Pakistan are supported by India, and both countries need to crack down on these extremist groups. The statements of Iran and Pakistan also show that the two countries are willing to cooperate in the fight against extremist groups.

Iranian advisers were killed, US warplanes fell, US cargo ships were injured, and five nuclear powers were involved

The United States has 2 rounds of large-scale air strikes in 24 hours in an attempt to suppress the situation in the Middle East. Against the backdrop of madness in the Middle East and against the backdrop of Iran's strong five-in-a-row killing, the United States carried out two rounds of large-scale air strikes within 24 hours. Agence France-Presse reported on January 18 that the United States launched a fifth round of attacks on Houthi strongholds in Yemen on the 18th, which was the second large-scale bombing by the United States in 24 hours. At the same time, the United States warned that the bombing would continue. After the bombing, Kirby stressed: "We do not seek conflict with the Houthis, nor do we want regional conflicts. It is clear that what the United States wants is to suppress the Houthis through bombardment, to suppress the momentum of attacks everywhere. But it is clear that the United States cannot suppress it.

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