
My husband actually gave 200,000 yuan to his nephew to buy a house in private, and I couldn't bear it anymore and finally decided to make a move

author:Nest with the wind

When he saw that I had given birth to a daughter, my husband was disappointed, because it was still the most stringent period of family planning, and each working family could only have one child.

Fortunately, my husband is still good to his daughter, and he never puts up a stand at home, and he is not willing to do housework like other men.

In addition to paying special attention to the son of his eldest brother's family, life is okay, and the idea of patriarchy has lasted for thousands of years, even my own mother is patriarchal, where can it be changed.

As long as it doesn't affect his family's small life, the ones he spends on his nephew on weekdays, just turn a blind eye. Over there

As the two children grow up day by day, the husband's partiality becomes more obvious, the nephew wants to buy the Transformers as expensive as he wants, and the daughter wants to buy something delicious, and he doesn't agree.

I was very dissatisfied with this and asked him if he had any grievances against me because I had only given birth to a daughter.

When my husband saw that I was really angry, he hurriedly said that his favorite must be me and my daughter, but my nephew is the only seedling of the old Li family, and he will rely on him in the future.

Listening to his patriarchal words, I suddenly lost the meaning of continuing to quarrel, as long as I didn't touch the bottom line, let him go.

My husband actually gave 200,000 yuan to his nephew to buy a house in private, and I couldn't bear it anymore and finally decided to make a move

My husband seems to have taken my silence as connivance, and later my nephew took the college entrance examination and found a job, and he spent a lot of money.

On the contrary, she is indifferent to her daughter's college and work, and always says that girls can just find a job and earn some pocket money.

Seeing that my husband couldn't count on it, I simply didn't rely on him, and changed the law every day to save money, thinking that when the time came, I would save a sum of money to buy a house for my daughter, which could be regarded as giving her a confidence.

In this way, I finally saved more than 200,000 yuan, and I am going to save some more to give my daughter a down payment on a house.

Some time ago, my husband's nephew's girlfriend, who had been dating for half a year, proposed that he must buy a house to get married, and his eldest brother took out all his savings and made a down payment of 200,000 yuan.

The nephew came to find her husband, but she didn't expect her husband to give him 200,000 without saying a word.

It wasn't until I found out that the money in the card was missing, and I learned that my husband had given the money to his nephew, which made me angry.

You must know that I have been saving this money for a long time, and I am going to give my daughter the money to buy a house, but my husband actually gave it to his nephew directly without my consent, which completely stepped on my bottom line and made me disappointed in my husband.

My husband actually gave 200,000 yuan to his nephew to buy a house in private, and I couldn't bear it anymore and finally decided to make a move

This time I decided not to indulge him anymore, filed for divorce, and simply moved out with my daughter.

Originally, my husband thought I was just talking, but it wasn't until we actually moved out that he panicked, found a rental house every day to ask for forgiveness, and tried to get his daughter to intercede for him.

It's just that the daughter was also heartbroken by her father this time, after all, the 200,000 yuan spent was to buy her a house.

For the next half a month, my husband ran to the rental house every day, and finally had no choice but to take an IOU and come over, saying that the 200,000 yuan was lent to his nephew and would be repaid later.

When I saw that there was not even a repayment date on the IOU, I knew that he had been fooled by my nephew, so I pointed it out directly, when will it be paid off?

The husband said that his eldest brother's family is now emptying their savings to buy a house for their nephew, and they have no ability to repay it in a short period of time, so they can only pay it in installments.

As long as I can get the money back, I don't care if it's an installment or not, and I'm afraid that he will simply cheat to the end if I'm in a hurry, and I can't really take him to court, so I agreed to let his nephew pay back 2,000 yuan a month.

After dealing with this matter, I moved back to the house with my daughter, but since then I have held my husband's bank card in my hand, and I am in charge of all the money in the family, and I only give him a few hundred yuan of pocket money every month.

My husband actually gave 200,000 yuan to his nephew to buy a house in private, and I couldn't bear it anymore and finally decided to make a move

Unexpectedly, his nephew didn't start to pay back the money after 3 months, so I asked my husband to go to his unit to make trouble, but my husband said that it would affect his work.

Seeing my husband like this, I knew that it was impossible for my husband to get back the 200,000 yuan alone, so I should rely on myself, since he was unkind, don't blame me for being unjust.

I went to buy a loud man, recorded my nephew's loan and didn't pay it back, and then took it outside his unit and started playing it on a loop.

Just after playing it twice, my husband called me and asked me to take it quickly, and his nephew leader had an opinion.

I told him that as long as his nephew didn't start paying back the money for a day, I would make trouble until he couldn't do his job.

When his nephew saw that I was really here, he immediately transferred the money for 3 months, and he didn't look like he was strapped for money at all.

After this incident, his nephew no longer dared to make any trouble, and transferred money on time every month, but he never came to our house again, and he did not have the enthusiasm for his husband in the past.

The husband finally saw his nephew's true face, and it didn't seem to be as good as he imagined.

My husband actually gave 200,000 yuan to his nephew to buy a house in private, and I couldn't bear it anymore and finally decided to make a move

But I won't sympathize with him, who told him to think of his nephew as the hope of honoring his ancestors.

From now on, I will take good care of the family's money and resolutely prevent my husband from having another chance to be stupid.

If he continues to be confused, let him go with his nephew.

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