
The Analects of the Eighteenth and Meaning of the Minor Chapters (Learning Chinese Studies)

author:The Covenant of the Heart

Laughing Sword (collected and organized)

There are 11 chapters in this chapter. Among the famous verses are: "The four bodies are not diligent, and the five grains are not divided"; The past cannot be admonished, but the coming can still be chased. In this article, there are the following contents: Confucius's political thoughts, Confucius's disciples talking about Confucius with old peasants, and Confucius's thoughts on shaping an independent personality.

Weizi goes, and the basket is a slave, and he dies than a dry admonition. Confucius said: "Yin has three benevolences." ”

Weizi: The half-brother of King Yin, seeing that King Yin had no way, persuaded him not to listen, so he left King Zhou.

箕子: 箕, pronounced jī. The uncle of King Yin. He went to persuade the king, but when he did not listen, he put on his hair and pretended to be mad, and was reduced to slavery.

Bigan: The uncle of King Yin, who was repeatedly forced to provoke King Yin and was killed.

Miko left the king, Miko became his slave, and Bigan was killed. Confucius said, "These are the three benevolent men of the Yin Dynasty!"

Megumi Yanagishita was a judge, and he was deposed three times. The people said, "If the son doesn't care?" he said: "Do things in a straight way, but don't go to the state of your parents?"

Judge: Warden, in charge of the prison.

Deposed: No need to recall.

Yanagishita Megumi was a prison officer and was dismissed three times. Someone said, "Aren't you allowed to leave the country of Lu?" Liu said: "If you serve the monarch according to the right path, where will you not be dismissed many times? If you don't serve the monarch according to the right path, why do you have to leave your country?"

Qi Jinggong treated Confucius and said: "If Ji's family, then I can't; He said, "I'm old, I can't use it." "Confucius.

When Qi Jinggong talked about the etiquette of treating Confucius, he said: "I can't do it like Lu Jun did with Ji, I treat him with a treatment that is between Ji's and Meng's." And he said, "I am too old to use it." "Confucius left the state of Qi.

Qi people returned to women's music, and Ji Huanzi accepted it, and he did not go to court for three days. Confucius line.

Return: Feed, give.

Ji Huanzi: Ji Sunsi, Prime Minister of Lu State.

The people of Qi gave some singers to Lu Guo, and Ji Huanzi accepted them and did not go to court for three days. Confucius then left.

Chu madness followed the song and Confucius said: "The phoenix is the phoenix, the phoenix is the decline, the past cannot be admonished, but the coming can still be chased." That's it! Now the politicians are gone!" Tend to dispel it, and do not speak with it.

Chu mad to receive public opinion: one says that the madman of Chu State picks up Confucius's car, one says that Chu State is called a madman who receives public opinion, and one says that the madman of Chu State is surnamed Yu Mingyu. This book takes the second approach.

The madman of Chu passed by Confucius's car singing a song, and he sang: "O phoenix, O phoenix, why is your virtue so weak? The past is irretrievable, and the future has time to be corrected. Forget it, forget it. Today's rulers are in danger!" Confucius got out of the car and wanted to talk to him, but he quickly avoided it, and Confucius failed to talk to him.

Long frustration, drowning and ploughing. Confucius passed by, so that the road of the son asked. Chang Fu said: "Who is the husband who is in charge of public opinion?" Zilu said: "For Kongqiu." He said, "Is it Lu Kongqiu?" and said, "Yes." He said, "It's Zhijin." "Ask Yu Ji drowning. He said, "Who is the son?" and said, "For Zhongyou." He said, "Is it the disciple of Confucius?" and said, "Yes." He said: "The people who talk about it are all over the world, and who is easy to do it? And instead of the people who open up people, how can they follow the people who open up the world?" The sub-road line is informed. The master said abruptly: "Birds and beasts should not be in the same group, and who are the disciples of the Wufeisi people? ”

Chang Fu and Ji Drowning: Two hermits, whose real names and backgrounds are unknown.

Coupling and ploughing: two people working together to plow.

Ask: Tsu, ferry. Ask for a ferry.

Persistence: that is, persistence.

of: with.

Pi: the same as "avoid".

耰: pronounced yōu, covering seeds with soil.

Abrupt: abrupt, frustrated.

Chang Fu and Ji drowned together to farm, Confucius passed by and asked Zilu to find out where the ferry was. Chang Fu asked Zilu, "Who is the one holding the reins?" Zilu said, "It's Kongqiu." "Is it Kongqiu of the Lu Kingdom?" Zilu said, "Yes." Chang Fu said, "Then he already knows the location of the ferry." Zilu went to ask Ji Ji again. He said, "Who are you?" and Zilu said, "I'm Zhongyu." He said, "Are you a disciple of Lu Kongqiu?" Zilu said, "Yes." He said, "Bad things like a flood are everywhere, and who are you going to change them with?, and instead of following those who are hiding from people, why don't you follow those of us who are hiding from society?" When Zilu returned, he reported the situation to Confucius. Confucius was disappointed and said: "Man cannot coexist with birds and animals, and if he does not deal with the people of the world, who will he deal with? If the world is peaceful, I will not come with you to carry out reforms." ”

Comment: This is different from Taoism. Confucianism believes that even if you can't rule the country and level the world together, you must be good to yourself and be a person with moral cultivation. Confucius was one such practitioner. Therefore, he felt that he had a sense of social responsibility, and it was precisely because of the social turmoil and the lack of way in the world that he and his disciples worked hard to call for social reform, which is a valuable sense of distress and historical responsibility.

After the sub-road, he met the father-in-law, and used the rod to carry the lotus. Zilu asked: "The son sees the master?" The father-in-law said: "The four bodies are not diligent, and the five grains are not divided, who is the master?" The sub-road arches. Stop the road and stay, kill the chicken and eat it. See his second son. Tomorrow, the sub-road will be announced. Zi said: "Hermit also." "So that the road is reversed. to, then do. Zilu said: "No, there is no righteousness. The festival of the young and the old shall not be abolished, and the righteousness of the ruler and the minister shall not be abolished? A gentleman is also a gentleman, and he does what he is right. The way is not good, it is known. ”

蓧: pronounced diào, bamboo utensils used in ancient Yuntian.

The four bodies are not diligent, and the grains are not divided: one says that this is the father-in-law referring to himself. Fen is dung; no, it is a modal word, which means: I am busy sowing grains and have no leisure, how do you know who your master is? It is said that Zilu is not diligent in his hands and feet, and he does not distinguish between grains. The majority holds the second view. We thought that Zilu and Zhangren had just said a word, and Zhangren didn't know if Zilu was really industrious, and there was no division between grains, so it was impossible to say such a thing. So, we agree with the first statement.

黍: pronounced shǔ, sticky millet.

食: pronounced sì, to take something for someone to eat.

Zilu followed Confucius on his journey, fell behind, and met an old man who was carrying a weeding tool with a cane. Zilu asked, "Do you see my teacher?" The old man said, "I have been working with my hands and feet, and I haven't had time to sow the grains, so how can I care who your teacher is?" Zilu arched his hands and stood respectfully to the side. The old man left Zilu to stay at his house, killed the chickens, made small rice for him to eat, and called his two sons to come out to meet Zilu. The next day, Zilu caught up with Confucius and reported the incident to him. Confucius said, "This is a hermit." "Tell Zilu to go back and see him again. Zilu got there, and the old man had already left. Zilu said: "It's not right not to be an official. It is impossible to abolish the relationship between the elder and the young, and how can the relationship between the monarch and the minister be abolished? Wanting to be innocent destroys the fundamental ethical relationship between the monarch and the subject. A gentleman is an official just to practice the righteousness of a monarch and a minister. As for whether the Tao will work, I have known it for a long time. ”

Comment: There was a period in the past, when people thought that what Lao Zhang said in this chapter: "The four bodies are not diligent, and the five grains are not divided" is the working people's criticism of Confucius and so on. I am afraid that this is a matter of understanding and thinking methods. We don't want to comment on this, because it was not scientific research, but political necessity. Actually, the main point of this chapter is not this, but the summary made later in the sub-road. That is, it is not right to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and the relationship between the old man and his son is still maintained, but he has abandoned the relationship between the monarch and the minister. This is something that Confucianism has never advocated.

Yimin: Boyi, Shuqi, Yu Zhong, Yiyi, Zhu Zhang, Yanagi Hui, Shaolian. The son said: "Don't lower your ambition, don't humiliate your body, Boyi, Shuqi and?" "Yu Zhong, Yiyi," said in seclusion, the body is clear, and the power is abolished. "I'm different, it's indispensable. ”


Yu Zhong, Yi Yi, Zhu Zhang, Shaolian: There is no way to test the life history of these four people, judging from the meaning of the text, they should be declining nobles.

Put: Put, no longer talk about the world.

The people who were left behind were: Boyi, Shuqi, Yu Zhong, Yiyi, Zhu Zhang, Liu Xia Hui, and Shaolian. Confucius said: "Don't lower your will, don't humiliate your identity, this is Bo Yi Shuqi." It is said that Yanagishita Megumi and Shaoren are "forced to lower their will and humiliate their status, but they speak ethically and act in accordance with the hearts of the people." "Yu Zhong and Yiyi" live a reclusive life, speak very casually, can clean and self-love, and it is expedient to leave the official position. "I'm different from these people, I can do this and I can do that. ”

The master is suitable for Qi, the dry rice is suitable for Chu, the three meals are suitable for Cai, the fourth rice is suitable for Qin, the uncle of the drum Fang enters the river, the sowing of the martial arts enters the Han, and the young master Yang and the chime enter the sea.

Master Zhi: Datong "too". Taishi is the chief of Lu Guole officials, and Zhi is the name of a person.

Asian rice, three rice, and four rice: they are all the names of the music officials. Dry, thin, and lacking are personal names.

Uncle Fang: The name of the musician who plays the drum is Uncle Fang.

鼗: Tone táo, snare drum.

Young Master: Musician's name, deputy musician.

Chime Xiang: The musician who hits Chime, Mingxiang.

Taishi Zhi went to the Qi State, Ya Fan Gan went to the Chu State, the three rice was sent to the Cai State, the fourth Fan was missing to the Qin State, the drumming Uncle Fang went to the Yellow River, the Wu who played the small drum went to the Han River, and the young master Yang and the Chime Xiang went to the seashore.

Zhou Gong said to Lu Gong: "A gentleman does not give his relatives, and he does not make the minister complain." Therefore, if there is no big reason for the old, it will not be abandoned. There is no need for one person. ”

Lu Gong: refers to the son of Zhou Gong, who was sealed in Lu.


With: With.

Duke Zhou said to Duke Lu: "The gentleman does not alienate his relatives, and does not make the ministers complain about not using them. If old friends and ministers have no great faults, do not abandon them, and do not seek perfection and blame others. ”

There are eight scholars in Zhou: Boda, Boshi, Botu, Zhonghu, Shuye, Shuxia, Jisui, and Ji.

Eight Scholars: The Eight Scholars mentioned in this chapter are no longer available.

In the Zhou Dynasty, there were eight scholars: Boda, Boshi, Botu, Zhonghu, Shuye, Shuxia, Jisui, and Ji.

The Analects of the Eighteenth and Meaning of the Minor Chapters (Learning Chinese Studies)