
On the first anniversary of the suspension of NetEase's national service, the mobile game was officially announced, and some advertising companies have received orders to prepare for the announcement

author:Apple cow watch the game

Today, NetEase made a confusing operation

On the first anniversary of the suspension of NetEase's national service, the mobile game was officially announced, and some advertising companies have received orders to prepare for the announcement

NetEase's foreign website announced that it will conduct a test of its co-developed mobile game Order & Chaos: Guardians on the 24th of this month, with the Chinese name Chaos and Order: Guardians.

It stands to reason that NetEase is understandable to test its own game, the key is that this game is too Warcraft, and the time of the test is chosen to be suspended for a year on the Warcraft national server, this operation is really too psychedelic. Domestic players are waiting for your news, but you secretly send your own Warcraft mobile game?

Just put on two promotional animations to show you how Warcraft this game is

On the first anniversary of the suspension of NetEase's national service, the mobile game was officially announced, and some advertising companies have received orders to prepare for the announcement
On the first anniversary of the suspension of NetEase's national service, the mobile game was officially announced, and some advertising companies have received orders to prepare for the announcement

At present, the game is only on foreign platforms, but I don't know if NetEase is careless or deliberate. Yesterday Taris World rode face output, and today NetEase rode its own face output itself.

But this game is quite old, and it belongs to the earliest Warcraft-like games.

Another piece of news, the credibility is still good, and everyone defends themselves.

A long time ago, in the live broadcast room of the Warcraft anchor, there was a brother who broke the news, everyone thought that he was just talking like others, but he didn't expect him to directly shake out the name of the person in charge of the Warcraft project, and because of this, the live broadcast room of other people's anchors was blocked.

Originally, everyone thought it was just a mouthful, but it was different when Douyu personally banned it, which shows that his content really can't be said.

He reappeared today, and it was a revelation that came up.

On the first anniversary of the suspension of NetEase's national service, the mobile game was officially announced, and some advertising companies have received orders to prepare for the announcement
On the first anniversary of the suspension of NetEase's national service, the mobile game was officially announced, and some advertising companies have received orders to prepare for the announcement

Again, he said his name accurately, and following his name, he really found an advertising planning company, and this company is still NetEase's!

On the first anniversary of the suspension of NetEase's national service, the mobile game was officially announced, and some advertising companies have received orders to prepare for the announcement
On the first anniversary of the suspension of NetEase's national service, the mobile game was officially announced, and some advertising companies have received orders to prepare for the announcement

It's all right at once, and it seems that the credibility is much higher. If you start to promote and publicize now, it is indeed too late for the official announcement before the Spring Festival. If you want to make an official announcement, the 23rd or 24th is a very good time point, depending on how NetEase thinks about it.

But in the end, it's still that sentence.,The news is all summarized.,True or false, everyone defends themselves.,Whether you think what he said is right or not.,Take out the Warcraft national service and return to the law of the historical cycle.,It's always right.,Before the official announcement.,Just watch it for fun.。

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