
The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

In that cold and windy Spring Festival, a photo warmed the hearts of countless people: a tired woman, holding the child in her arms tightly, her eyes full of longing for home. She is the mother known as the "Spring Festival Mother", and her image has become a symbol of maternal love in the hearts of countless people.

Time flies, 14 years have passed, and when "Spring Festival Mother" came into people's eyes again, it brought a heartbreaking news.

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

The child who had been snuggled in her arms had died. For the mother, the joy of reunion was instantly overwhelmed by great grief.

Reuniting with the "Spring Festival Mother", the years can not hide her bright smile

Known as the "Spring Festival Mother", Bamu Yubumu is a Yi girl from Yuexi County, Daliang Mountain. Now, the years have carved a mature silhouette on her face, but the smile that emanates from the inside out is infectious, like old wine, more and more mellow.

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

When that familiar photo appeared in front of him again, a ripple of memory flashed in Bamu Yubumu's eyes. Yes, at that time, she was just a 21-year-old young girl, in the flowering season, but because of the burden of life, she experienced the ups and downs of life in advance.

Speaking of "poverty", for Bamu Yubumu, this is not just an abstract word, but the most profound portrayal of her life from childhood to adulthood. Born deep in the mountains, she grew up living with hunger and cold. In her memory, the few acres of thin fields at home are the lifeblood of the whole family. However, even if you get up early and work greedily at night, it is often difficult to fill the stomach of a family of seven.

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

Bamu Yubumu is the second oldest in the family, with older brothers and younger siblings. As the eldest daughter in the family, she has taken on the responsibility of taking care of her younger siblings and helping her parents with household chores since she was a child. Before she got married, her life was almost fixed in a few dilapidated adobe houses. In addition to doing farm work and housework every day, although life is hard, she has never complained.

The daughter of Daliang Mountain: Bamu Yubumu's adversity life and the light of hope

Bamu Yubumu's life is as undulating as a mountain. In that isolated mountain village, the opportunities for girls to study are almost zero. As a result, she never set foot in the school's gates, and she didn't even know even the simplest words. When she was young, her daily life was to take care of her younger siblings, herd cattle, and go up the mountain to cut grass. This kind of life was already used to her at that time, and she didn't even have much desire to go to school.

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

With the passage of time, Bamu Yubumu also gradually grew up. When she reached marriageable age, her parents found a family affair for her. The other party is a calm and honest man, and she feels that such a life may be fate. So, at the age of 18, she married this man and began her own married life.

Life after marriage is still difficult. They live in dilapidated mud houses, and when it rains, the roof leaks. Bamu Yubumu had to carry a basin of water to collect water everywhere to prevent the quilt from getting wet. The hardships of life are not only reflected in the housing, but also the clothes worn by others are old clothes, and no one is willing to buy new clothes.

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

However, even in such a difficult situation, Bamu Yubumu remains optimistic and resilient. She believes that as long as she works hard to live, there will always be a glimmer of hope waiting ahead. Therefore, she and her husband worked hard together and ran for a living.

In the Daliang Mountains of that era, children were regarded as the most important wealth of the family. Therefore, even though life was difficult, they still gave birth to several children one after another. As a mother, Bamu Yubumu cares for every child with her strength and love, hoping that they can have a better future.

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

Mother out of the mountains: Bamu Yubumu and her second daughter

In the remote mountainous area, Bamu Yubumu once lived a simple but difficult life. When she picked up a newborn baby in her hands again, the burden on the family also increased. By then, they had already had two children, and their family's barren land alone could no longer meet their needs. So, a difficult decision was made for the couple - to get out of the mountains and look for job opportunities in other places.

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

The husband initially disagreed with this decision, fearing that his wife would not be able to stand the hardships outside. But Bamu Yubumu also feels sorry for her husband's back injury, and she firmly believes that the two will be more powerful to face difficulties together. After some discussion, they finally decided to take their infant second daughter on this unknown journey, while the eldest daughter stayed at home to be cared for by her in-laws.

However, life in the city is not as easy as it seems. Due to their lack of Mandarin, knowledge and academic qualifications, they face tremendous pressure to find employment. After many attempts and introductions, the two finally found a job in a brick factory in Nanchang.

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

Here, Bamu Yubumu not only has to face heavy physical labor, but also has to take care of young children. She often puts her children aside while she engages herself in intense work. Only when the child is hungry will she stop to feed. However, such an environment has had a serious impact on the health of the second daughter, and her illness has gradually increased.

At first, Bamu Yubumu and her husband did not realize the seriousness of the problem. They thought that minor illnesses only needed to take some medicine to get better, so they did not take the child to the hospital for treatment in time. However, it was this negligence that caused them to miss the best time for their daughter's treatment.

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

Facing the difficulties of life and the pain of his children, Bamu Yubumu felt extremely heartache and helplessness. But instead of giving up, she worked harder in the hope of creating a better future for her daughter. Her story allows us to see the greatness of motherly love and the hardships of life, and it also makes us cherish everything we have more.

Bamu Yubumu's tortuous return and irreparable regrets

In the hustle and bustle of a big hospital, Bamu Yubumu and her husband are like two lost leaves, surrounded by unfamiliar language and complex environment. The language barrier is like an invisible wall, cutting them off from the world. At this critical moment, they made a difficult decision to let Bamu Yubumu take their daughter home first, while her husband chose to stay and earn a few more days' wages.

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

The journey home was long and arduous. On the back of Bamu Yubumu, there are piles of old clothes and children's supplies given by the workers, like a small mountain. Her steps were heavy but firm, and she had only one thought in her heart - to return to her hometown as soon as possible and find a life-saving straw for her daughter.

After a few days and nights of turbulence, Bamu Yubumu finally returned to his familiar hometown. She took her daughter to the doctor non-stop, from the village to the town, and they traveled from clinic to hospital. However, fate played a cruel joke on them. Every time the doctor shook his head and sighed, Bamu Yubumu's heart felt as if he had been hit hard by a heavy hammer. It was sent too late, and this simple judgment pierced her heart like a sharp knife.

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

She had thought about taking her child to a bigger city to seek better treatment, but the idea was quickly stopped by her family. Perhaps with good intentions, they think that no matter how hard they try, it is in vain, and it is better to let the children spend their last days in their hometown quietly. However, this decision has become an eternal pain in Bamu Yubumu's heart.

It didn't take long for the baby, who had been concerned by everyone and had high hopes, to leave this world like this. Her departure seemed to take away all the hope and joy of Bamu Yubumu. In the dead of night, Bamu Yubumu would cry silently, she could not forget her daughter's immature face and fragile life. This experience has also become the last thing she wants to talk about in her life.

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

Ill-fated, but never gave up - the story of Bamu Yubumu

Life is like an unpredictable drama, and even more so for Bamu Yubumu. Once, she welcomed the birth of a new life in joy, however, fate took this little life in a cruel way. The death of her child hit her hard while she was still in confinement, and she couldn't help but ask herself: Am I really not worthy of being a mother again?

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

During that time, Bamu Yubumu fell into deep pain and self-blame, and she even had suicidal thoughts. However, whenever she saw the innocent eyes of her eldest daughter, she couldn't be ruthless. The children need her, and the family needs her. She couldn't just give up.

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

Poverty leaves her helpless, but she knows that crying won't solve the problem. For the sake of the family, she had to pull herself together. So, she wiped away her tears and told her husband again about the idea of going to the city to work. Luckily, this time, good fortune finally befell her.

Just before she was ready to enter the city, the words "targeted poverty alleviation" blew away the poverty and despair in Daliangshan like a spring breeze. Through the explanation of the village cadres, she and her husband understood that they could earn money in their hometown. The arrival of this news made Bamu Yubumu see the dawn of hope.

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

So, she and her husband began to attend classes at the village committee to learn about growing tobacco leaves. Although they only received 5,000 yuan in the first year due to natural disasters, this is already a lot of wealth for them. This money gave them hope for life, and also made them more convinced that as long as they worked hard, they would be able to get out of poverty.

The "Spring Festival Mother" who moved China 14 years ago has now been found, but the child in her arms has passed away

Now, Bamu Yubumu has walked out of that hazy time, and she has brought new hope to the family with her diligence and wisdom. Her story tells us that no matter how difficult life is, as long as we don't give up and don't compromise, we will definitely be able to find our own sunny day.

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