



this year

Gold medalist Xu Bicheng: 2023 is a very successful year

The last time a reporter from the Beijing News saw Xu Bicheng (ID: Yinuo), it was at the base of Chengdu AG Super Play Club in Wuhou District. It was the second day after the end of the 2023 Honor of Kings World Championship Cup (December 31, 2023), and Xu Bicheng, who had just taken a break from a series of celebrations, had a little tiredness on his face. While waiting for the interview to begin, he quietly fiddled with his phone alone.

Looking back on 2023, Xu Bicheng has experienced his own spring planting and autumn harvest. In the spring season of the KPL (Glory of Kings Professional League), he experienced ups and downs in the bitter sea of consecutive defeats. In the golden autumn season, Xu Bicheng, who was on the highest podium of the Hangzhou Asian Games, wore the national team uniform, and won a valuable gold medal. After returning to the club, he drew a successful end to the year with 1 runner-up and 1 championship.



In January 2023, AG issued a number of personnel change announcements, and Tang Tian (ID: Aisi), Tang Jiajie (ID: Xiaoying), Chen Zhengzheng (ID: Cat) and others left the team. During the spring transfer period, the team experienced a large number of personnel changes, including the training team.

"I just wondered why, the people around me slowly left, leaving me alone. AG's spring game documentary, Xu Bicheng asked this sentence. From BA Black Pineapple to later AG, Xu Bicheng's trusted old teammates Xu Yiran (ID: 6.6), Zhang Yuchen (ID: Lao Shuai), Tang Tian and others left the team one after another. Xu Bicheng, who has always been protected by them, has changed from a "child" to the oldest member of the team.

In the spring of 2023, the battleship carrying new and veterans will set sail. The second round of the regular season was frequent, and the pressure of consecutive defeats overwhelmed the team. In his new teammates, Xu Bicheng seems to see his former self, often making mistakes, but his mouth is very hard. He began to take the initiative to share his experience and became more and more like a veteran. The style of play is more team, the style and thinking are also more team, Xu Bicheng took the initiative to pick up the burden on his shoulders. In the spring season, AG's final result was the top 8 in the playoffs.

Asian Games

It's an honor to win the gold medal for the country

The summer tournament started from the beginning, and after Chen Zhengzheng returned, he led the team back to Group S. At this time, Xu Bicheng was preparing for the arrival of the Hangzhou Asian Games.

At the beginning of May 2023, the list of the national training team of the Glory of Kings project was announced, and Xu Bicheng was on the list. Emerging from the stiff competition, he became the only developmental player on the final six-man roster. After the selection was completed, Xu Bicheng went to Hangzhou with the army in August last year for the final sprint preparation.

On the evening of September 26, 2023, Xu Bicheng and his teammates of the national team had the last laugh with an undefeated record and won the first gold medal in e-sports at the Hangzhou Asian Games. After the award ceremony, stepping off the podium, Xu Bicheng followed closely behind the captain Luo Siyuan (ID: Huahai) and walked quickly through the mixed mining area. When he was stopped for an interview, before the words came out, he couldn't help grinning, "My mind is full of happiness, and I am honored to win the gold medal for the country." ”


In the Asian Games and the World Championship, Xu Bicheng and his teammates won the championship. Photo courtesy of the interviewee


After 4 years, wait for FMVP skin

The joy didn't seem to last long. After the Asian Games, in Hangzhou, Xu Bicheng devoted himself to the training of the Challenger Cup. From the Asian Games version to the Cup version of the uniform, in order to quickly find the rhythm and play the results, the national players have to pay more time and energy than other players.

In mid-October 2023, the Challenger Cup officially began. The gold medal scorer returned to the familiar professional arena with confidence. After losing to Chongqing Wolves in the final, Xu Bicheng and AG fell in the closest place to the Golden Phoenix Cup. However, it was this runner-up, which seemed a little regrettable to the outside world, that gave them the motivation to persevere. At the very least, we can see the hope of winning the championship again.

On December 30, 2023, the final of the Glory of Kings World Champions Cup kicked off in Chengdu, and Xu Bicheng, who was fighting at home, and his teammates did not let the plot of 3 years ago repeat itself. After winning the 2019 KPL Autumn Championship, he helped AG win the second championship in team history and became the first KMV winner in the KPL. If you don't forget, there will be an echo. Gongsun Li, who completed the key push in the peak duel 4 years ago, waited for the FMVP skin 4 years later.


There will be a lot to harvest in 2023

On the last day of 2023, when I met Xu Bicheng at the AG base, he was still the same person as the Beijing News reporter remembered. The whole person nested in the office chair in the conference room, lowered his head and tinkered with his mobile phone, without saying a word. The Beijing News reporter pressed the record button on the camera, and Chen Zhengzheng, who was sitting next to him, poked him with his elbow to remind him that the interview had begun.

Entering the working state, Xu Bicheng said a little more. He uses "fulfillment" to describe his 2023. In the spring game, the run-in process with his new teammates allowed him to grow a lot. The combination of new and old people competed in the arena, and he saw the spirit of not admitting defeat and the enthusiasm for the arena in the newcomers, and said with a smile, "I want to learn more from them."


Xu Bicheng said that as long as you persevere, work hard, and believe in yourself, you will have good results. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Not to mention the Asian Games champions, Challenger Cup runners-up, and World Champions Cup champions, "This year's harvest is a lot. In the end, Xu Bicheng gave himself such a comment.

"When I get results or when I'm in good shape, I want to get more honours. But if you don't get good grades, you may think back to paying so much and why you can't get anything, and you will feel tired. But I still believe that as long as you persevere, work hard, and believe in yourself, you will be fine. ”

In the documentary of the 2023 Spring Competition, Xu Bicheng once left such a passage. Looking back now, it was indeed as he said. 2023 is very good, continue to persevere, work hard, and believe in yourself, 2024 should be very good.

Beijing News reporter Zhao Xue

Edited by Wang Chunqiu

Proofreading by Li Lijun

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