
61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard


It is a "fashionable sister" loved by many young people.

Netizens commented on her selfie,

"38 years old can't be any longer!"

She has lived in Shanghai for 12 years.

Rent a 236-square-meter home in the city center,

Living with an adopted son and a rescued dog,

The house is full of ethnic furniture retrieved from all over the world.

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard


With her rescued dog, Bianca

Christine is one of the first Chinese models to travel in Europe and the United States.

was praised for having a good figure.

Married twice, and now single for 11 years,

Still working hard,

Also enjoy the romance of dating.

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

Swimsuit ad for Christine as a young woman

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

A selfie of Christine at the age of 58

She fitness, maintenance,

Wear a T-shirt for dozens of dollars,

It is also gradually reconciled with age and aging.

In January, Ichijo visited Christine's home,

Chatted with her about supermodel memories and cool life.

Editor: Ma Shiyun

Editor-in-charge: Chen Ziwen

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard
61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

The living room and open kitchen of Christine's house

I am a Malaysian overseas Chinese who has lived in Shanghai for 12 years, and this is my fifth home. Downtown, rented this beautiful house. I don't like glamour, I like the ragged beauty of myself.

Some of the old furniture was shipped from Malaysia and I added it little by little. When I was a child, I grew up in this kind of home environment, and my grandmother's home was very beautiful. Now that the economy allows, I will slowly cultivate a home that feels like this.

The living room will be greatly adjusted every six months, but the tone remains the same, and it is all like this.

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

Christine is particularly fond of crystal cups

In the teak cabinet of the 60s in Myanmar, I particularly liked crystal cups, many of which I bought one by one from Sweden and France. I will take out good friends who come and they deserve this cup.

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

Bookcases and hat holders

The bookcase was taken out and sold by a Kyoto school after the earthquake.

The hat rack was a farm rake that I found at the thrift market, so I made an iron pillar and put it on it.

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

Yak carpet

The yak carpet was brought back from Argentina in the millennium and costs $90. It's an old thing that I carry with me in every home, and it's been 24 years. Every one of my dogs has been bitten, and I cut it with scissors after nibbling it, and it's still beautiful.

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard


Left is a purchase in Paris in the 80s

I was a model in Paris in the 80s, and I liked these two masks when I went to the fashion week auditions. A few days later, I saw it in an African home goods store, and I reluctantly used all the money I earned that season to buy it.

After that, I started to collect masks like crazy, and the feng shui teacher said that if you want to find your husband, don't put this thing on it, but I would rather not have my husband, but ask for a mask.

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

Old cupboards full of utensils

In the open kitchen, there is an old Burmese cupboard, and many of the utensils are made by Japanese potters.

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

Ienaka Xiao Drunk

I can do nothing for an afternoon, move furniture, wipe cups, touch this and that, listen to music, and the day passes.

I have houses in Penang, Melbourne and Bali, but the best and most like my home is the one I live in Shanghai, and I feel completely relaxed as soon as I come back.

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard
61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard


I used to be a model, and I started my modeling career in Singapore. At that time, I was a cosmetics cabinet lady, and I often said that I was very beautiful, and I thought I would try it. After that, he never stopped, and walked the catwalk to Europe.

At that time, there were not many opportunities for Asian models in Europe, but after I came back, people who had not been given opportunities before began to work with me.

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

1990 Versace Southeast Asia tour


61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

Christine (bottom left) walks the Torrent haute couture show in Singapore

I've been with Versace, Gucci in Hong Kong and Japan, all the big brands that come to Asia. I had a great time walking at Gucci, sharing the stage with top supermodel Kate Moss and Tom Ford, who was Gucci designer at the time.

Because I have a good figure, I am often arranged to wear heavy makeup, and everyone says that I am the most beautiful in swimsuits and evening dresses.

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard
61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

Christine as a young man

At that time, I wanted to have a body, I wanted a beautiful face, but I was still very unconfident. I'm always thinking about when a model with longer legs, bigger breasts, and more hair will take my place, all kinds of anxiety.

Then slowly, from the front to the back. At the age of 35 or 6, I started as a young show director and witnessed the development of fashion in the mainland for 30 years.

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

Christine was backstage at the show

From the 90s to the present, it has been a seismic aesthetic change. In the 90s, there was almost no fashion in the mainland, only Shanghainese dressed more fashionably. We slowly brought over things that were quite mature in Hong Kong and built up the system, and now it is the people of Hong Kong who come to learn from us.

My confidence and self-confidence come from my own efforts now, leading the team well and doing a good show.

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

Christine has directed sixteen or seventeen shows for Lu Yan's brand and has become good friends with her

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

Christine and Lu Yan took their son to Europe for a summer vacation

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

Christine and Qiqi have known each other since they were in their twenties

On the right is a recent photo of the two of them

I love my job very much, and the only time I've ever thought of lying flat was after marrying my first husband. But less than 4 months after the marriage, he passed away. I thought, "No, I have to work."

After two or three years, I have a retirement plan. When the time comes, learn to cook and live a better life. Or open an animal shelter and take care of kittens and puppies. It's also a job.

I'm not going to retire completely, I'll come back when I have a show. Now, Hermès, Prada, LV, whenever they come to China for shows, they will come to me. People are coming for me, so why not?

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

All my predecessors are now friends, and the daughter of the second gentleman will come to my house to play.

Love, I think it's a bit like a condiment. Celibate for 11 years, now dating to eat, but without a partner. I enjoyed having people go on dates, people bringing me flowers, and people at restaurants handing me little notes. I love it.

On my 50th birthday, I made a wish that I wanted to be a mother. Actually, my wish is the same every year, but I don't have the courage. My friends encouraged me, but model Chen Bige was the most active, and her relatives happened to work in a welfare institute in Nanjing, so I drove there after helping me arrange it.

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard

Just after bringing my son back

While walking around the orphanage, I saw Luca. He was 11 months old and smiled at me, holding my thumb. He had a little problem with his hands at that time, even his fingers and cracked palms. Playing with him for an hour, it seems to move the part of my heart that is particularly soft. After more than three months, I went through the formalities and brought him back.

Explaining adoption to my son, I took him to adopt a dog first, and I have had more than a dozen dogs adopted.

我解释给他:小狗没有爸爸妈妈。 我们带它回家之后,它就有妈妈了,你可以做它哥哥。 This is adopt. You don't have any blood relationship, but you look like a family.

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard


I went to school for a sports day, and I hugged him, and some Chinese parents looked at us and thought it was strange. In the living room is also a 5-year-old Mother's Day masterpiece with the words "Best Mummy, I love you." Now he's 12 years old and gives me a lot of energy.

I try to get along with my son as an equal, and I apologize for doing something wrong. I always say sorry to my subordinates, why can't I say it to my children?

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard
61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard


我和孩子相差近50岁,我想看着他长大。 但我和Luca说,如果我生了重病,我会去瑞士安乐死。 如果需要孩子或晚辈照顾我,给他们带来不方便的话,对我来说比生病还要痛苦。 We come and we go. It has to be like that.

61-year-old former supermodel sister: single, living in a 236-square-meter home, still working hard


I really like the way I'm now. I exercise, lift weights, and keep my muscles from losing. Try to drink less alcohol, eat less staple foods, and occasionally do medical beauty.

There is a panic about aging at first, but why worry about some facts that cannot be changed?

I haven't done much makeup for many years, and the contents of the makeup bag are expired. Before, no, 10 lipsticks, 100 eyeshadows, and more than a dozen eyelashes. In the past, I had to dye my hair for two or three weeks, but after the epidemic, I cut off all my long hair and turned white for several months, so I let it be.

I used to buy some big brands, but now I think there are good things that are cheap, and I can wear T-shirts for dozens of dollars. I like androgynous and 80% of what I buy is men's.

我把我的能量放大之后,影响到了很多年轻人,公司里的小朋友特别爱跟我相处。 I could tell them life is good. Let's do something.

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