
Zhang Xinyu bought the old man's balloon on the hot search, netizens questioned its hypocrisy, and the old man's daughter responded to this incident!

author:No. 2 Entertainment Detective

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Sentence|No. 2 娱秘探

Editor|No. 2 Entertainment Detective

Zhang Xinyu's reputation in recent years can be said to be getting better and better.

Especially the things about her buying old man's balloons in the past two days made everyone praise her again and again.

The reason why Zhang Xinyu can have such a big praise has a lot to do with her military husband He Jie.

Zhang Xinyu participated in the variety show "Amazing Dog" in 2017.

In the show, Zhang Xinyu not only showed her tenacity and hard-working side, but also let the audience see her courage and perseverance in the face of challenges.

Zhang Xinyu bought the old man's balloon on the hot search, netizens questioned its hypocrisy, and the old man's daughter responded to this incident!

In this high-intensity training, the relationship between Zhang Xinyu and He Jie, the instructor of the army, quietly sprouted.

For Zhang Xinyu, this relationship is not only a simple love story, but also a new beginning in her life.

She has experienced a low point in her relationship, but she has found new hope and comfort in He Jie.

In August 2018, Zhang Xinyu and He Jie entered the palace of marriage.

On that day, their wedding was in the limelight.

After getting married, Zhang Xinyu shifted the focus of her life to her family.

In her own way, she has created a warm and harmonious family atmosphere.

In a happy family life, Zhang Xinyu also found her childhood hobby of painting.

She uses her brush to depict a beautiful yearning for life on the canvas.

Each work is full of deep affection for family and life.

Zhang Xinyu bought the old man's balloon on the hot search, netizens questioned its hypocrisy, and the old man's daughter responded to this incident!

Although there are occasional small frictions in life, she can always solve problems with an optimistic attitude and show the demeanor of a mature woman.

For Zhang Xinyu, this simple but loving family life is something she has been looking forward to for many years.

He Jie's appearance played a key role in Zhang Xinyu's life.

He is not only her husband, but also her strong backing, making her feel the beauty of life again.

For Zhang Xinyu, He Jie's company means stepping out of the haze of the past and welcoming a sunny future.

Zhang Xinyu bought the old man's balloon on the hot search, netizens questioned its hypocrisy, and the old man's daughter responded to this incident!

A simple scene, a thousand emotions

Some time ago, Zhang Xinyu posted a short video on social platforms.

In the video, a well-dressed woman with a designer bag walks past the old man, in stark contrast to the old man selling balloons.

Zhang Xinyu's simple video, without gorgeous editing or profound copywriting, shows the social side.

And this video also triggered everyone's deep thinking about goodwill, celebrity responsibility, and social attitudes.

Zhang Xinyu's behavior, although simple, reflects the complexity of human nature and the diversity of society.

It is not just a video, but also a mirror, reflecting the understanding and misunderstanding, concern and indifference of society.

Netizens reacted differently to this video.

Zhang Xinyu bought the old man's balloon on the hot search, netizens questioned its hypocrisy, and the old man's daughter responded to this incident!

Some people praised Zhang Xinyu's kindness, some sympathized with the old man's situation, and some people lamented the gap between people in society.

Many people are surprised that such a video actually comes from a star.

Because the content of this video is completely different from the content released by other celebrities, Zhang Xinyu is more sincere and down-to-earth here.

However, with the popularity of the video, the wind has gradually begun to shift.

Some netizens began to question Zhang Xinyu's original intentions, believing that she posted this video just to attract attention.

even accused her of violating the privacy of the elderly.

This also reflects the star's every move, which is always infinitely magnified.

Zhang Xinyu bought the old man's balloon on the hot search, netizens questioned its hypocrisy, and the old man's daughter responded to this incident!

Zhang Xinyu is no exception, the simple kindness she wants to express has been interpreted into all kinds of complex intentions.

As the controversy intensified, it even developed into a war of words on the Internet.

Just as the argument was in full swing, to the surprise of the old man's daughter, she spoke out.

Her response was a forceful quelling of the controversy.

The old man's daughter expressed her gratitude for Zhang Xinyu's behavior, and also called on everyone to be more understanding and respectful of the elderly.

Zhang Xinyu bought the old man's balloon on the hot search, netizens questioned its hypocrisy, and the old man's daughter responded to this incident!

A heartwarming story of an old man and ordinary life

On the street corner of Tianhe, Guangzhou, the old man who was hobbling and holding colorful balloons in his hand.

It is the father of the young lady who spoke out for Zhang Xinyu.

It is reported that although the old man who sells balloons is nearly seventy years old and slightly inconvenient, he is persistent in this simple but joyful job.

The old man's daily life is unpretentious, centered around his family, friends and his little balloons.

His family often advised him to rest, but he always laughed it off and stuck to his "small business".

Although the life of the elderly is not rich and rich, it is full of the warmth and love of home.

Zhang Xinyu bought the old man's balloon on the hot search, netizens questioned its hypocrisy, and the old man's daughter responded to this incident!

When the old man's daughter sold Zhang Xinyu balloons and posted them on the Internet, his reaction was unexpected.

He does not crave the attention of the outside world, and even refuses to be interviewed and photographed, preferring only to continue his small business quietly.

With this incident sparked a heated discussion on the Internet.

The elderly's daughter is also beginning to worry about online violence and fear that her family will be overly concerned.

But Zhang Xinyu expressed her truest thoughts on social platforms.

She said that she just recorded a small fragment of her life, and she didn't think it would resonate with everyone.

Zhang Xinyu also said that when she was sleeping on the plane, she dreamed of her father, who had left her, and she felt that her father was missing her.

Perhaps in Zhang Xinyu's view, helping this old man just wanted to express his nostalgia for his father.

Zhang Xinyu bought the old man's balloon on the hot search, netizens questioned its hypocrisy, and the old man's daughter responded to this incident!

In fact, since Zhang Xinyu got married, there have been many such things she has posted on social platforms.

For example, helping stray animals, or giving voice to women's clothing.

From these things, we can all feel Zhang Xinyu's kindness.

In fact, since Zhang Xinyu got married, her life has changed.

Once controversial, she has now opted for a more low-key and simple lifestyle.

Zhang Xinyu bought the old man's balloon on the hot search, netizens questioned its hypocrisy, and the old man's daughter responded to this incident!

The interweaving of dreams and love

When Zhang Xinyu had not yet entered the entertainment industry, she was a girl who was full of love for art and design.

This not only cultivated her elegant temperament, but also opened new doors for her.

Zhang Xinyu, who has a natural beauty and a perfect figure, stepped into the modeling industry at the suggestion of her classmates.

Since then, Zhang Xinyu has not only taken photos, but also ignited the dream of stardom in her heart.

As life gradually gets better, Zhang Xinyu decides to chase her dreams.

She began to shuttle between the major crews, constantly challenging herself, and her role changed from a small supporting role to an increasingly important big shot.

Just when Zhang Xinyu's career was rising, she met Wu Zhuoxi.

Wu Zhuoxi is a sunny and cheerful Hong Kong boy.

Zhang Xinyu bought the old man's balloon on the hot search, netizens questioned its hypocrisy, and the old man's daughter responded to this incident!

He walked into Zhang Xinyu's life with the concept of love abroad.

Wu Zhuoxi's treatment of love is full of excitement, and he does not want to last long.

And Zhang Xinyu is loyal to love.

So she bravely faced this relationship, and she firmly believed that she could change him.

But soon Zhang Xinyu discovered that it is not easy to change a person's view of love.

As the relationship between the two gradually came into the public eye, Wu Zhuoxi didn't seem to want to officially announce this relationship.

This is difficult to accept for Zhang Xinyu, who is traditional and wants to make her relationship public.

In desperation, she took a radical approach.

Zhang Xinyu bought the old man's balloon on the hot search, netizens questioned its hypocrisy, and the old man's daughter responded to this incident!

Zhang Xinyu used Wu Zhuoxi's social account to post news in an attempt to force their relationship to be made public.

This move unexpectedly triggered a storm.

Because Zhang Xinyu's "official announcement" behavior angered Wu Zhuoxi, and also attracted attacks from many of his female fans.

These irrational star-chasing girls pointed the finger at Zhang Xinyu, putting her in an unprecedented predicament.

Zhang Xinyu, who was unable to support herself, was finally defeated and ended this entangled relationship.

That year was full of pain and challenges for Zhang Xinyu.

Zhang Xinyu bought the old man's balloon on the hot search, netizens questioned its hypocrisy, and the old man's daughter responded to this incident!

But life is a journey, and every low point is an opportunity for growth.

After experiencing the twists and turns of this relationship, Zhang Xinyu has become more mature, and her life has gradually returned to calm.

Just like Zhang Xinyu now, she not only has a beautiful marriage, but also has won everyone's love because of her sincerity.

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