
T1 debut vs. GenG! Classic 20 minutes to steal the big dragon and end in waves

T1 debut vs. GenG! Classic 20 minutes to steal the big dragon and end in waves

★ Game Horseshoe Original

T1 debut vs. GenG! Classic 20 minutes to steal the big dragon and end in waves

T1 debut against GenG

Kkoma returned to T1 as the general supervisor this year, and GenG also had a lot of personnel changes, and the head coach was replaced by Kim, the gold coach who once led IG to win the championship in S8. The jungler is Canyon, the top laner is Kiin, and the support is Lehends. Although it seems that the lineup is strong, after all, GenG, which Ueno played for a long time last year, is the team that can suppress T1 in the LCK, and now this new GenG team will take a long time just for the team to re-run.

T1 debut vs. GenG! Classic 20 minutes to steal the big dragon and end in waves

Chovy Aircraft Canyon Ryll

The choice to debut GenG was truly different, taking the plane in the first three hands, while T1 was the Lumi duo who were the favorites in the version. Zeus's last choice to take Gwen against Quisanti and GenG's hand-long double C is also a perfect counter choice. In the early stages of the game, the two sides had different priorities, with T1 fighting for the Void Nest Worm, while GenG was focusing on the lower lane to take more dragons.

T1 debut vs. GenG! Classic 20 minutes to steal the big dragon and end in waves

T1 dropped the dragon in 22 minutes

The familiar rhythm of T1, stealing the big dragon in 22 minutes directly, it was too late for GenG to notice it.

T1 debut vs. GenG! Classic 20 minutes to steal the big dragon and end in waves

Faker's forced drive failed, and GenG took down the third dragon, negating the T1 advance rhythm

But then T1, who got the big dragon buff, was still not satisfied, and Faker flashed to open the group and was dodged, and then was seconded. GenG took the third small dragon and killed the mid laner and top laner again, basically canceling out the rhythm of T1's big dragon buff advancement.

T1 debut vs. GenG! Classic 20 minutes to steal the big dragon and end in waves

In the 28th minute, the T1 team battle ended with 0 for 4

Gwen, who had no solution in the early stage, was still too difficult to deal with in the mid-to-late team battles, and although GenG chose the two double-Cs with longer hands, the plane and Ephelius, but in the end they were still defeated by the strong opening of T1. T1 is still the same T1, the alignment period is excellent, the line transfer is perfect, and the second dragon is decisive in decision-making, and GenG is no longer the GenG of last year.


★ The game Horseshoe is original, and commercial reproduction is prohibited without permission

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