
The lifespan period is 70 years old, and it is difficult for both men and women to walk with these 6 manifestations, and it is difficult to live a long life

author:Medical original story meeting
The lifespan period is 70 years old, and it is difficult for both men and women to walk with these 6 manifestations, and it is difficult to live a long life

Different people behave completely differently after the age of 70, some people are still very strong when they reach the age of 70, and some people are paralyzed in bed when they reach the age of 70, and they can't take care of themselves anymore.

The ancients said that life is rare for seventy years. At the age of 70, the physical function of the elderly has further declined, and many elderly people have begun to suffer from all kinds of diseases, including hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, etc., these diseases directly affect the quality of life and life expectancy of the elderly, so 70 years old is called the decisive period of life expectancy, 70 years old, the appropriate exercise mode for the elderly, it is generally recommended to walk, because walking is a low-intensity exercise, walking is not like running, swimming, Climbing a mountain has high requirements for cardiopulmonary function, and the risk factor of walking is relatively small, think about it, a 70-year-old man, if he still goes running, in case of falling, the consequences are very serious.

At the age of 70, walking is conducive to exercise, but walking is not as much as possible, for 70-year-old seniors, the best number of steps is about 6,000 steps a day, otherwise if you walk too much, your knees can not stand it. In addition, the elderly should also walk according to their actual situation, some elderly people to 70 years old cardiopulmonary function is not very good, or they themselves have serious osteoporosis and knee joint disease, at this time to do what they can, not to increase the burden on the body, but also to exercise properly, that is the best.

Why do many long-lived old people have to go out for a few laps no matter whether it is windy or rainy, whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter? They know very well that life lies in exercise, and it is a good thing to be able to walk, and if one day they can't even walk, then death is not far away.

Therefore, walking can not only exercise the body, but also reflect the health of the body in time, if you have the following 6 manifestations when walking, then congratulations, it is difficult to live a long life.

First, there is no precordial pain, no precordial suffocation, and no palpitations when walking

Good cardiac function is essential for walking, and for patients with coronary heart disease, walking increases the oxygen consumption of the myocardium, so many people are prone to angina pectoris as soon as they walk, and when angina attacks, patients will have precordial colic, chest tightness or palpitations.

Poor heart function, which seriously affects the patient's activities, some people even have difficulty walking, if you walk, there is no discomfort in the heart, then congratulations, if there is, it is recommended that you go to the hospital in time.

The lifespan period is 70 years old, and it is difficult for both men and women to walk with these 6 manifestations, and it is difficult to live a long life

Second, there is no breathlessness when walking, no panting, and breathing is very steady

Starting at the age of 70, the lung function of the elderly will decline to varying degrees, and if they suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, lung cancer, tuberculosis and other chronic respiratory diseases, their lung function will be even worse.

The lungs are the place where gas exchange takes place, and if the lung function decreases, the patient will have difficulty breathing when walking, panting after not taking two steps, and even the throat can hear cat meows.

If you're still breathing smoothly when you walk, congratulations.

Thirdly, there is no abnormal gait when walking, the gait is steady and powerful, and the gait is elegant and not clumsy

Gait is very important when walking, and for patients with cerebral infarction, Parkinson's disease, patients with brain tumors, etc., it is easy to have abnormal gait when the disease occurs.

For the elderly with abnormal gait, there should not be any hesitation, and they should go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Of course, if you walk with a steady and powerful gait, and your gait is graceful and not clumsy, then congratulations.

Fourth, there is no dizziness and headache when walking, no numbness and weakness of limbs, and the limbs move freely

Walking may seem like a simple exercise, but it requires the coordination of multiple organs in the body.

If a person's brain has a problem, such as a stroke, then it will definitely affect walking, dizziness and headache when walking, numbness and weakness of limbs, you must go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Of course, if you don't have dizziness and headache when walking, no numbness and weakness in your limbs, and you can move your limbs freely, then congratulations.

Fifth, when walking, you are energetic, there is no feeling of fatigue and weakness, and when you walk, you hold your head high, and you do not feel sluggish

Some old people, walking with their heads drooping, taking very small steps, and even need to rely on crutches, wheelchairs or other people's support, seem to be in a particularly good mental state, the whole person seems to have no strength at all, such old people, must be plagued by diseases.

Healthy elderly people are energetic when walking, without feeling tired and weak, and walk with their heads held high and without listlessness.

Sixth, there is no abnormal knee pain or abnormal sound when walking

When walking, the knee is the joint that bears the most weight, if you have pain and abnormal noise in the knee when walking, then be vigilant, the knee joint may have abnormality.

If not, then congratulations.

The lifespan period is 70 years old, and it is difficult for both men and women to walk with these 6 manifestations, and it is difficult to live a long life