
Express delivery is open, express delivery is on holiday, and the 2024 Spring Festival mode has officially opened!

author:To the courier

Written in front of the words

There is less than a month to go before the Spring Festival, and there will be arguments in the logistics industry at this time of year, whether to engage in "Spring Festival does not close"? In 2024, the head enterprises have basically clarified and issued service announcements, and on the whole, it is still an open express delivery and a fast holiday.

So this year, the express delivery companies that still adhere to the Spring Festival are still responsible for increasing the resource adjustment fee? How long is the holiday time of the head express enterprises and regional special lines this year? What are the changes compared with previous years? What is the reason for the completely different Spring Festival mode of express delivery and express delivery?

Today, let's take a look at the Spring Festival in 2024, how the logistics industry will open the service model!

01 Express delivery is not closed: open the mode of additional Spring Festival service fee

As of January 14, the leading enterprises in the express delivery industry, such as SF, Jingdong, Debang and other direct sales departments and Shentong, Yunda and other franchise departments, have announced that the Spring Festival will not close in 2024, and the remaining basic internal services that have not been officially announced have been determined to continue to provide Spring Festival non-stop express delivery services this year.

On December 21, 2023, Shentong Express officially announced the official launch of the 2024 "Spring Festival does not close" project, and will continue to provide services nationwide during the Spring Festival from February 7th to 12th.

On January 2, 2024, Deppon Express officially announced that this year's Spring Festival will not close, which is the first official announcement of the direct management department, and it is also the fourth consecutive year that Deppon has no end in the Spring Festival, the main slogan "Chinese New Year's Eve can be shipped, and the first day of the new year is also delivered", and a new IP image "Deppon Flying Elephant" was also released, which means stable and reliable, powerful and responsible, and "more than 3kg of large pieces of Debang" has also become the latest slogan.

On January 11, 2024, SF Express released a service announcement during the Spring Festival in 2024, which stated that due to the change of capacity resources before the Spring Festival, a resource adjustment fee of 0.1-1.2 yuan/kg will be charged from January 11 to February 9, and the main land transportation products such as SF Card Airlines, Standard Express, and dry distribution products above 20kg will vary according to the distance and membership level, which is also the 17th consecutive year that SF Express has provided Spring Festival non-closing services.

At the same time, the direct sales department added a resource adjustment fee, and the franchise department charged the Spring Festival deposit, compared with previous years, this year's direct sales department added a slight delay and the fee refinement rose, and the franchise system has decreased and become low-key.

Express delivery is open, express delivery is on holiday, and the 2024 Spring Festival mode has officially opened!

First of all, the increase time of the direct sales system has been slightly delayed. Taking the SF service announcement as an example, the 2024 additional fee will be from January 11, 2024 (the first day of the lunar month) to February 9, 2024 (the thirtieth day of the lunar month), and the additional fee in 2023 will be from December 21, 2022 (November 28) to January 20, 2023 (the twenty-ninth day of the lunar month), from the lunar calendar, it is basically one month in advance, and this year it is affected by the Spring Festival holiday (Chinese New Year's Eve is a working day), and the time is delayed by 2 days.

Then there is a slight increase and refinement of the direct sales system. Also looking at SF's announcement, in 2024, a resource adjustment fee of 0.1-1.2 yuan/kg will be charged for products such as SF Card Airlines, Standard Express 20kg+, and dry distribution 20kg+, and in 2023, 0.2 yuan/kg-0.5 yuan/kg will be charged for SF Card Airlines, Standard Express 20kg+ and other products, and the maximum fee will be increased from 0.5 yuan to 1.2 yuan.

The second is a slight decrease in the deposit charged by the franchise department. The 2024 Spring Festival deposit collection time of a head express is from January 1st to January 31st, with an amount of 0.03 yuan/ticket, and the collection time in 2023 is from December 1, 2022 to January 20, 2023, with an amount of 0.1 yuan/ticket, which is less than 20 days and nearly half a month this year, and the amount is nearly half of the less.

Finally, the franchise department has become more low-key this year. At this time of the previous year, basically all families have officially announced that the Spring Festival will not close the service, but this year in addition to Shentong, Zhongtong, Yuantong, Yunda and Polar Rabbit have not yet been officially announced, it is understood that the internal has also weakened the word not to close, from the previous year's "Spring Festival service" adjusted to "Spring Festival service", this year in addition to the guide price recommended that the first weight increase does not exceed 1.5 yuan / single + 0.3 yuan / kg remains unchanged, the Spring Festival service period will also increase the existing standard of 1 yuan / single shipping fee.

It is not difficult to see that whether it is a direct department or a franchise express delivery company, this year's increase in the amount of external customers will be raised, and the internal staff may increase subsidies and appeasement, especially Tongda Rabbit may no longer force the franchise outlets to engage in the Spring Festival service, even if it is not closed, it will minimize the pressure on the outlets, just like reducing the Spring Festival margin and increasing the distribution fee, which is a more practical pressure reduction measure.

Of course, these measures may not be enough for outlets willing to provide Spring Festival non-closing services, such as statutory triple salary, special incentives for the Spring Festival, heart-warming red envelopes, condolences for Chinese New Year's Eve meals and other basic benefits still need to be available, especially such as setting daily indicators for receipt, proper delivery assessment, personnel efficiency These deduction and fine items are better or less, after all, it is not easy to be willing to stay on duty, or more care and subsidies as well.

02 Express Notice: The holiday mode will be opened around the New Year

Compared with express delivery companies, the main network-type head express companies and regional special line companies, basically are still based on normal holidays, this year Aneng logistics has taken the lead in officially announcing the holiday time, other express companies have also issued holiday notices, special lines are on holiday earlier and longer.

On January 12, 2024, Aneng Logistics issued a notice to customers about the 2024 Spring Festival collection and delivery service, and the Spring Festival holiday time of each outlet is from February 3, 2024 to February 17, 2024 (from the twenty-fourth day of the lunar month to the eighth day of the first lunar month), and the official start will start on February 18, 2024 (the ninth day of the first month).

In addition to the front-line operation network holiday time of 15 days, non-operational functional civilian personnel will still be divided into two batches of holidays, the first batch of holiday time from February 1 (the twenty-second day of the first month), the number of people proportion of 60-70%, the first batch of start time is February 18 (the ninth day of the first month), the remaining second batch of February 3 (the twenty-fourth day of the first month) began to holiday, the latest February 25 (the sixteenth day of the first month) to return to work, the longest holiday time is 22 days.

Express delivery is open, express delivery is on holiday, and the 2024 Spring Festival mode has officially opened!

With Aneng taking the lead in issuing the Spring Festival holiday notice, it is expected that Zhongtong Express, Best Express, One Meter Tick, Yunda Express, Shunxin Jetta and other network-wide franchise express companies will also issue holiday notices one after another, and it is estimated that the holiday time should be almost the same as Aneng.

Compared with express companies, regional special line companies have earlier holiday notices, and the time is longer than that of network-wide express companies.

Just search for the Spring Festival holiday time of special line logistics in 2024 from the Internet, and there will be holiday notices of many special line logistics companies, such as Nanjing Huazhe Logistics LTL line suspension time is January 31 (December 21), transit suspension time is January 30 (December 20), Guangdong Ketong Logistics transit LTL suspension time is January 25 (December 15), direct LTL suspension time is January 31 (December 21), Shandong Qiantutong Logistics suspension time is January 26 (December 16) , Guangdong Jinpeng line logistics festival before the last train to stop the time is January 25 (the fifteenth day of the lunar month) and so on.

Express delivery is open, express delivery is on holiday, and the 2024 Spring Festival mode has officially opened!

Another example is the Spring Festival holiday time of some logistics companies in 2024 released by Zhongshan Modern Logistics Association, showing that Huansheng Logistics will stop receiving goods on January 18 at the earliest, Geely Logistics and Suda Ganxin Logistics will stop receiving goods on January 25 (December 15), Shuangtong Logistics, Guangcheng Logistics, Wanda Logistics, Fuxiang Logistics, etc. will stop receiving on January 26 (December 16), and the latest Fuchengda Logistics will stop receiving on February 1 (December 22).

Even some special lines stopped collecting earlier, according to the distance of provinces and cities, remote provinces and cities stopped collecting earlier, such as the second-level cities in the three eastern provinces and Xinjiang on the Internet, the suspension time is January 10, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shaanxi, Gansu, Shanxi, Yunnan, Guizhou is suspended on January 15, and most of the other provinces and cities are stopped on January 20.

Express delivery is open, express delivery is on holiday, and the 2024 Spring Festival mode has officially opened!

It can be seen that some special line companies began to stop collecting during the Spring Festival holiday time around the fifteenth day of the lunar month, and the whole network express enterprises began to stop collecting around the small year of each year, compared to the gap of one week, and the previous years are also similar, there is no change, the holiday will still be normal holiday, most of the express and special lines do not exist in the Spring Festival does not close.

03 Express and Express: Why are there completely different modes for the Spring Festival?

Express and express both belong to the logistics industry, but the weight segment covered is different, the express is less than 10kg of small pieces, express to 10-500k LTL goods, the special line is more focused on 500kg or more large ticket goods, but they are all service industries, why in the Spring Festival this special time period strategy is completely different?

First of all, the market demand is different. In recent years, the head e-commerce platform has transitioned from the New Year's Festival to the Spring Festival, and the major express companies have signed a strategic cooperation with the Spring Festival service guarantee, so it is natural that the whole network can no longer be on holiday as before, otherwise it will lose the share of e-commerce, and most of the B-end enterprises will rest normally in accordance with the statutory holidays.

Secondly, there are different customer groups. The main object of express delivery is still mainly B2C personal parts, and the share of e-commerce parts of the head express delivery companies is basically 70% Above, individuals hope that during the Spring Festival, they can shop normally and receive goods normally, express and special lines serve the mutual delivery of B2B enterprise pieces, enterprises are order-oriented, bulk delivery-based, and all orders during the Spring Festival will be sent away before the basic holiday, which is also the reason why the express will enter the peak of cargo volume one month before the Spring Festival every year, so the core group of services is different, and it depends on the customer whether the Spring Festival is on holiday.

Finally, the competitors are different. Express delivery in recent years can be said to be the most "volume" in the logistics industry, the price war has lasted for several years, is still in the stage of survival of the fittest, "he does not take a holiday you have a holiday" is bound to have a certain impact, and the Spring Festival is also the beginning of each year, no one wants to fall behind from the beginning, which leads to the current competition will sacrifice the interests of the first line, after all, they are listed companies, to give investors an account of performance, there is a kind of "involuntarily" The feeling that the express is still in the last stage of express delivery, and everyone is on the same running line during the Spring Festival.

Express delivery is open, express delivery is on holiday, and the 2024 Spring Festival mode has officially opened!

In short, the Spring Festival holiday or not is mainly decided by the market and customers, express delivery in the form of duty is not a holiday, or to do a good job in the welfare of employees, to avoid too much dissatisfaction, which is also not conducive to the healthy development of the network, need to pay attention to, although the express is a normal holiday rest, but after the beginning of the year is the off-season, the competition will be more intense, or to do a good job of planning and layout in advance, can not be taken lightly.

Words written on the back

The plan of the year lies in the spring, and the Spring Festival is just the beginning.

Changes in the environment of the logistics market, involution competition between industries, virtually to thousands of express delivery practitioners greater pressure, the industry needs more humane and more refined management, especially for internal employees, can not be the performance and competition pressure all transmitted to the front line to bear, listen to the voice of customers and employees, balance the relationship, is the most important thing for enterprise development.

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