
There are many benefits of massage, and the four major massage misunderstandings should be avoided!

author:Mercury visitors

Massage is a common health care method, through the massage of various parts of the body, can play a role in relieving pain, promoting blood circulation, improving muscle fatigue and so on. However, if it is not properly massaged, not only will it not achieve the health effect, but it may also cause harm to the body. This article will introduce the four myths of massage and how to do it correctly.

There are many benefits of massage, and the four major massage misunderstandings should be avoided!

Myth 1: The stronger the massage, the better

Many people think that the harder the massage, the better, but this is wrong. Excessive massage force can damage muscles and soft tissues, and even lead to serious consequences such as joint dislocation. The correct massage pressure should be determined according to the individual's tolerance and should be comfortable. If you feel that the force is too high, you can adjust the masseur's strength appropriately, or ask for a change of masseur.

There are many benefits of massage, and the four major massage misunderstandings should be avoided!

Myth 2: Press where there is pain

Some people think that where there is pain, press it, which is not true. The painful area is often the location of the lesion, and if the painful area is directly massaged, the inflammation and pain sensation of the lesion will be aggravated. The correct massage should be to relax the muscles around the painful area first, followed by a gentle massage of the painful area. This relieves pain while avoiding irritation of the lesion.

There are many benefits of massage, and the four major massage misunderstandings should be avoided!

Myth 3: The longer the massage, the better

Some people think that the longer the massage is better, but this is also wrong. Massaging for too long can lead to muscle fatigue and joint stiffness, which in turn can aggravate the discomfort of the body. Generally speaking, the duration of a massage is between 30 minutes and 1 hour, and the specific time should be determined according to the individual's physical condition and needs.

There are many benefits of massage, and the four major massage misunderstandings should be avoided!

Myth 4: Massage can cure all diseases

Massage, while relieving some pain and discomfort, does not cure all ailments. Some people think of massage as a panacea, which is not true. For some serious diseases, such as fractures, severe cervical spondylosis, etc., massage may aggravate the condition or bring danger. Therefore, before getting a massage, you should consult a doctor or professional masseur to find out if your physical condition is suitable for massage.

There are many benefits of massage, and the four major massage misunderstandings should be avoided!

In short, the correct massage method is beneficial to the health of the body, but you need to pay attention to avoid the above four misunderstandings. When performing a massage, you should choose the appropriate massage strength, time and method according to your physical condition and needs. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the choice of regular masseurs and institutions to avoid harm to the body due to incorrect massage methods.

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