
What should I do if my child is recruited when the proportion of B flow B increases? Expert: It is not recommended to use antibiotics without authorization as soon as you have a fever

What should I do if my child is recruited when the proportion of B flow B increases? Expert: It is not recommended to use antibiotics without authorization as soon as you have a fever

What should I do if my child is recruited when the proportion of B flow B increases? Expert: It is not recommended to use antibiotics without authorization as soon as you have a fever

        At the beginning of the new year, many parents recorded the process of their children's cold and fever on social platforms, and when they went to the hospital to check, many children were diagnosed with influenza B, which can toss the family enough. According to the latest issue of the "Influenza Surveillance Weekly Report" released by the National Influenza Center, the proportion of influenza A H3N2 strains, which previously dominated transmission, has decreased significantly, and the proportion of influenza B strains has increased significantly. Which children will be more harmed by the second stream, and what should I do if I am recruited? Experts from the Municipal Women and Children's Medical Center (Group) answered the questions.

        Is influenza B more serious than influenza A?

        Influenza viruses can be divided into three types: A (A), B (B), and C (C), and influenza B is the influenza caused by the B (B) influenza virus. Children and adults are generally susceptible to influenza, and the prevalence is higher in children than in adults. Infants, young children, the elderly, and people with chronic diseases are at high risk of influenza and are at higher risk of severe illness and death from influenza. Children's influenza often has a sudden onset, the main symptom is fever, body temperature may reach 39~40 degrees, accompanied by chills, chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms, but also headache, muscle aches, fatigue, loss of appetite and other systemic symptoms. Some children have calf muscle pain. In patients with influenza B in particular, gastrointestinal symptoms are more common in children than in adults.

        Pneumonia is the most common complication of influenza in children, mostly in infants and young children under 2 years old, with persistent high fever within 48 hours or a gradual increase in body temperature after 2~3 days of onset. The risk of myocarditis in children with influenza B is much higher than that in children with influenza A, and the risk of death is also higher in children with influenza A.

        Do I need to take medicine immediately in case I get a trick and how do I take medicine?

        If influenza is diagnosed or suspected, it is recommended to take the drug as soon as possible to block viral replication early, and antiviral therapy within 48 hours can receive the best results, the sooner the drug is used, the better. After the golden 48 hours, the use of antiviral drugs can also be beneficial. Antiviral therapy is recommended for children with a history of influenza exposure, influenza-like symptoms, and even if they test negative for influenza.

        At present, oral oseltamivir is commonly used in hospitals, which can block the replication of the virus and shorten the course of the disease. Oral oseltamivir for a 5-day course. Patients are advised to use up all 5 days of medication even if their body temperature is normal to reduce the probability of influenza virus resistance. In addition to antiviral treatment, there are also symptomatic treatments such as antipyretic, cough suppressant, antiemetic, and antidiarrheal.

        Antibiotics such as penicillin and cephalosporin are drugs against bacteria and are ineffective against influenza B, so it is not recommended to use antibiotics without permission in case of fever.

        What should I do if I am in close contact with a patient with influenza B?

        Close contacts with high-risk factors for severe influenza can be prophylactized after exposure. It is recommended to take the drug no later than 48 hours after exposure. Prophylaxis is usually given with oseltamivir.

        If one of the two children in the family is infected with influenza B, one family member should be fixed as far as possible to take care of the child and pay attention to strengthening personal protection, and wear a mask when in close contact with the patient, and other family members should minimize contact with the child with influenza B, especially the child who is not infected.

        Drug prophylaxis is not a substitute for vaccination, and it is recommended to inject influenza vaccine 1~2 months before the flu season. Of course, inoculating children at any stage throughout the epidemic season can be protective.

        Which children are more harmful?

        Most children infected with influenza B will not progress to severe disease, but children with asthma, congenital heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, epilepsy, intellectual disability, immunocompromise, obesity, children under 5 years old, especially children under 2 years old, are all high-risk groups for severe influenza, and after being infected with influenza B virus, the risk of severe influenza and complications is higher, and protection should be focused on during the influenza epidemic.

        When should I seek medical attention immediately?

        Persistent high fever, body temperature over 39 degrees Celsius, body temperature persists after taking antipyretic drugs, infants under 6 months of age, premature infants or infants with chronic diseases (such as malnutrition, congenital heart disease), frequent vomiting, diarrhea, inability to eat, decreased urine output or dehydration, dyspnea, coma, convulsions and other systemic symptoms in addition to diarrhea.

        How can it be prevented?

        If there are suspicious symptoms, do not go to school with illness, as it is easy to cause mixed infection of other respiratory viruses during the illness and recovery period, and respiratory isolation should be achieved as much as possible to prevent reinfection or cross-infection.

        Everyday precautions for individuals also include: Wash your hands frequently. Wash your hands with running water, do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with dirty hands, and ventilate your hands. Open windows for ventilation to keep the environment hygienic and clean and air circulation; Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and throw the used tissue into the trash in time to strengthen your body. Regular work and rest to enhance the body's immunity. Peninsula Morning News, 39 Degrees Video Chief Reporter Huang Fengtong

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