
Zhou Hongyi: Don't be a father, "don't pretend to be a little bit wrong" is the key (with the full text of the speech)

Zhou Hongyi: Don't be a father, "don't pretend to be a little bit wrong" is the key (with the full text of the speech)

Zhou Hongyi: Don't be a father, "don't pretend to be a little bit wrong" is the key (with the full text of the speech)

Zhou Hongyi, founder of 360 Group

After "mutual hatred" with Cheng Qian and aroused widespread attention, on January 12, Zhou Hongyi opened a 3-hour live broadcast titled "You Can Be Good Eloquence - How to Speak". The live broadcast quickly appeared on the hot list of major platforms, with more than 10 million people watching it online.

This is not a live broadcast arrangement that has been carefully planned, but more like a complete "response" to Zhou Hongyi's recent hot events.

The incident originated on January 5, in the roundtable forum session of "Holding Up to Have a Way Out: 2023 Wind Horse and Ox Year-end Show", Cheng Qian had a conversation with Feng Lun, founder of Vantone Group, Wang Shi, founder of Vanke, and Zhou Hongyi, founder of 360 Group.

Cheng Qian "ridiculed" Zhou Hongyi many times on the round table, saying that Zhou Hongyi told adult jokes and created "3721" to teach bad primary school students. He also said that Feng Lun, Wang Shi, and Zhou Hongyi gave speeches and laughed and laughed, and only he prepared the manuscript carefully.

Cheng Qian is the founder of Yimu Shixing and the manager of the well-known business interview IP "Cheng Qian Circle of Friends", mainly through business interviews, private domain paid communities and private board meetings. On Douyin, the account "Cheng Qian Moments" currently has 6.3 million followers and has accumulated more than 25.71 million likes, while Cheng Qian's personal account "Cheng Qian Jason" has 1.51 million followers.

In this incident, which is interpreted as "two generations fighting each other", many people may think that in the Internet position focused on young people, most people will empathize with the unwillingness and anxiety of this new generation of struggling youth, which will then resonate more widely, but what they didn't expect is that most people still think that Cheng Qian "overturned". In particular, Cheng Qian's nervousness and impatience on the scene, with cursed words, overturned the capable, confident, elite, and generous character set in his usual business interview video.

After the fermentation of public opinion, on the evening of January 10, Cheng Qian posted an apology video on Weibo, saying that his performance in the "Mid-Year Show of the Wind Horse and Ox" was unforgivable and his mistakes were low-level. He also emphasized that "I want to sincerely apologize to Zhou Hongyi, this is never my intention."

In the live broadcast on the night of the 12th, Zhou Hongyi said, "The recent hot events have made a technical stream realize that everyone generally lacks speech skills", speech is not a talent, you can learn and improve the day after tomorrow, and you can "become a doctor after a long illness", I hope to share some experience to help everyone avoid pitfalls.

Titanium Media APP noticed that Cheng Qian himself also appeared at the speech site. In the final question session, he said, "If you can't beat it, you can join."

And Zhou Hongyi responded, "If there was no previous farce, there would not be this speech, what I said today, you have committed it before. Second, you don't have to join us, and we don't compete with each other in business. You don't have to apologize, this kind of thing is very common compared to what I have done before, maybe you will do it again in the future, the most important thing is that you can really review, know how to improve from the bottom of your heart, and turn your mistakes into opportunities. ”

In his speech, Zhou Hongyi said, "Speeches can be skillful or unskilled", the key is sincerity, and "not pretending to be a little misbeneficial". He shared that speakers should not educate the audience from above, they should not have a "daddy", and the most important thing is to be themselves, and they must be good at self-deprecation, so as to shorten the distance with the audience.

Zhou Hongyi believes that "the most brilliant speech is the most well-prepared and open-mouthed", he revealed in the live broadcast that he will repeatedly hold meetings to discuss and consider before each speech, think about the content that the audience likes from the user's perspective, deduce the audience's reaction, and practice repeatedly until he blurts out.

At the same time, he said that learning and listening is the most important ability for speeches, and his first interview was a "large-scale rollover scene", when he was young, he was often "politely asked out" by investors because of his poor expression skills.

In the 3-hour live broadcast, Zhou Hongyi shared his summary of 15 speech skills.

In terms of speech mentality, he believes that nervousness is inevitable, and the secret to eliminating tension is "not pretending to be a little bit wrong". In addition, you should be good at self-deprecation, and you can tell a joke at the beginning to lower the audience's vigilance.

In terms of the content of the speech, he suggested that it is easier to form a memory by throwing out three points of view from the perspective of the user, and it is better to tell more frustrations and less legends. The important thing is to tell the truth, to tell the truth, to speak people's words. In terms of specific skills, it is necessary to establish eye contact with the audience, interact with the audience more, and observe the audience's reaction.

Talking about the unexpected situations that may occur in the speech, he used himself as an example to say that it is normal to make mistakes, and the speaker should be thick-skinned, and if he makes a mistake, he can sincerely admit his mistake. In addition, you usually have to read more and accumulate more, and you can adapt to the situation when you have goods in your stomach, and there is no genius, only deliberate practice.

The following is a transcript of Zhou Hongyi's live speech, slightly edited by Titanium Media APP:

Welcome many new and old friends to have an exchange today. Let me ask you a question, I have been studying public speaking for about 20 years, and I have given countless speeches, do you think I can play well? Do you think I'm nervous at this moment?

Let me tell you a secret, whether it is today or every speech, whether it is a speech in a broad sense or facing dozens of audiences or doing a roadshow, it turns out that I am nervous every time I see investors trying to "cheat" investment. So, I'll just say that there is nothing unnerving in the speech. The most important thing is how to control the tension, just like the webmaster said that you are not afraid? All the fighters were afraid. In the end, the difference between a warrior and a coward is who can control fear. So, whether the speech is well delivered or not. I see that many people on the Internet have a consensus with me this time, and everyone has put forward a concept of "relaxation", that is, the muscles of the whole body should be relaxed, and the most important thing is that the spirit should be relaxed.

I'll teach the first method, I usually have to have a warming up in my speech, just like a warm-up when doing exercise, otherwise I will strain my muscles with too much force. Why should I be verbose before my speech, and talk about it for a while, so that you don't feel so nervous, and I myself become a little more relaxed. I'm actually a nervous person, and my coach knows that I'm on the rock wall, and the coach yells at me every day, "Relax, relax!" and I say, "I won't believe your nonsense, as soon as I relax, I'll fall off." ”

Bragging, my shooting skills are also very good, standing still in that place, long-distance accurate shooting may be able to line up in front of China. But as long as I participated in a real shooting competition, I would stiffen as soon as the referee's whistle blew, and I would not pull the gun or pull the trigger, so the results were very poor. So, my gun friends said that you can give a lecture to millions of people, and my record was to give a TV lecture to 1.5 million police officers in the public security and judicial system, and you didn't seem nervous, why are you so nervous when you exercise. I said I'll tell you the truth, no one else can see it, and I'm nervous under my smiling appearance. So, nervousness is the first unavoidable difficulty of the presentation. You have overcome this, everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as you can relax, your mind can stay active. 

Just like when many of us are scolded by leaders, as long as we are nervous, our movements are not normal, our language is not normal, we can't say what we want to say, and we don't know what we are talking about.

Recently, the Internet has been very lively, I went to Yabuli, and recently went to New Oriental to study once. Because Lao Yu has done a very successful job, Yabuli's entrepreneurs are very popular, everyone thinks that they want to understand the Internet celebrity economy, and they all want to do online sales, in fact, I have long dispelled the idea of online sales, because I and Dong Yuhui have jointly done goods. I ate more than him in his live broadcast room, and I tried all his agricultural products. If that's all I do, I'm okay, but Dong Yuhui talks endlessly, and his eloquence is really good. Therefore, I was thinking, in fact, in such an Internet celebrity era, in the traffic era dominated by short videos and live broadcasts, one of the premises of the traffic password is how to face the public expression.

In the past, many of us may have thought that public speaking was about entrepreneurs, but speaking in front of the public was far away from me. Even if you are an entrepreneur today, you may not have to face so many people physically, but as long as you do short videos or live broadcasts on the Internet, there is a problem of public expression. Seeing Dong Yuhui, to be honest, some time ago, Dong Yuhui said that he relied on a small team to write "small essays" for him.

I'll tell you the truth, Dong Yuhui reacted quickly, and he had goods in his stomach, otherwise he wouldn't be able to catch my words, because he couldn't follow the fixed script. Therefore, when I saw Dong Yuhui, I said that "everyone has their own ambitions", everyone has their own talents, and I still don't compete with him. Just like when I was competing to sell fried chestnuts in the bank, someone asked me to borrow money. I said that I signed a non-competition clause with the bank, and the bank was not responsible for frying chestnuts, and I was not responsible for loans. Back to Dong Yuhui, Dong Yuhui was born in 1993, just 30 years old, I couldn't compare with him when I was 30 years old, no matter how hard I worked, I still didn't have as much potential as him.

Recently, I was also very busy, and I was unfortunately one of the protagonists of the "big rollover scene". I see a lot of discussion on the Internet. Actually, to me, what is this compared to the 3Q war? It's not a problem. I thought it was comedy anyway, don't you think it's funny? So I didn't get angry, and the guy came to me to apologize, and I said I didn't have to apologize.

Because you read the book I wrote, and look at me when I was younger. When I was younger, I was probably more arrogant, more aggressive, more aggressive, and of course I made more mistakes. In a way, I'm reluctant to put a label, not necessarily young or young. You are a young man when you are young, and I am an old man when you are old. I don't want to make such a distinction, I prefer that youth is a state of mind, and in terms of traditional biological age, it is inevitable for young people to make mistakes. If you don't make mistakes, and you're so young, talented, and in such good health, you'll be better than our old guys.

So, I look at these things that have happened in the past, and I'm a tech stream, and I feel like I'm still inexperienced in nature. I don't know how to deal with complex scenarios. Of course, there are a lot of questions, and there are many summaries on the Internet, and I will share one thing today, how to face the public, how to express it on this occasion, whether it is a panel or a speaker.

Do you think I'm eloquent? (Audience: Good!)

Really fake. I know that everyone is patting on the back, because if you don't say that good people don't have food for a while. But I don't wear a lot of sycophants, I heard everyone say in unison, but what we said in advance was not good enough, and the practice was not enough, so let's do it again. (Audience: Good!)

Actually, I was very eloquent when I was younger. Many of you haven't read my book carefully, including some of you who are 360 long-time employees, haven't been with me long enough. When I first started my business, I was a typical science and engineering man, I was a programmer, and although I also loved to talk, I couldn't speak at all. So, when I first raised funds, it was particularly difficult, and IDG took me to meet various VCs. I see that every venture capital is like meeting a relative, and I can't wait to dig out my heart, dig out my heart and lungs to tell them my feelings, my longing, and my lyricism.

The problem is, after two hours of talking, one hour of talking, people still haven't figured out what you do, what your product is, what your business model is. Therefore, with VC, they politely gave me out, and there were many VCs who blew me out very unceremoniously. So, I'm a victim of VC. Of course, I can now teach a lot of startups how to write a BP, and I can guarantee that I can cheat VCs out of their money because I know them too well.

Today, a lot of media came, and there are many old friends doing self-media. Over the years, I have experienced countless media interviews. The first time I remember being interviewed by the media was in 1998, when I first started the company, and at that time, several founders of BlueFocus were also my masters, and they watched from the sidelines and found two reporters to interview me. The first time I saw a reporter's interview, I was excited, it was like catching a relative, I don't know what to say, anyway, I ended up talking for two hours, and it felt like a confession. In your popular language, the two founders of the blue mark next to him pulled out a space station with their toes.

Later, when the reporter left, they told the reporter that they couldn't write like this, and they said to me in turn: "Hongyi, you can't talk like that." "Speak to the media how you should be. I want to talk about these troubled things, if you think about it, you will find that what happened at the scene of the wind and horses and cows that day, and the five words "That's not a thing" floated in the sky. It's just that few people are willing to disclose their own troubles, and many entrepreneurs are better at creating chicken soup for the soul and writing success studies.

Success is a good business, because everyone wants to be a blockbuster and succeed. Therefore, many entrepreneurs' books can't be read, and they are all far-sighted and strategic. Ten years ago, I had foreseen what was happening today, and how to succeed in the end, so after reading it, I couldn't learn it, and I felt that people were gods and I was human. There is a gap between man and God.

My eloquence is "a cure for a long illness", which is made by beating

Forgive me for pulling and pulling, I have to relax every muscle in my body by pulling and pulling, and now I have relaxed my upper body. I grew up with the Chinese Internet, and I know and admire many entrepreneurs, but I want to tell him that all people, including me, are human beings, not gods, and human beings will make many shortcomings. Today, I would like to give you many examples of immature mistakes in the past, examples of speeches and public expressions, and what kind of truth do I want to illustrate? Many people are very superstitious and say that speeches are geniuses and talents. You think it's a gifted hand.

Personally, I don't think it's necessary to use genius as our benchmark. Each of us is an ordinary person. I want to use my example to illustrate that there is a certain technique in speech, and after mastering a certain technique, and after a certain amount of training, your eloquence can be improved. My original eloquence was really bad, so my eloquence was "a cure for a long illness", which was beaten. I'm pretty much flabby now. Everyone noticed that no, when I first came up, my muscles were actually tense and my words were stiff. After talking for a while, did you also relax for a while?

Today, I will show up to say, like a confession, to summarize the mistakes I made, whether you are doing live broadcasts or public expressions in the future, you can step on less thunder and drop fewer pits, so as to avoid overturning. The rollover is mainly due to too many pits.

Second, I would like to clarify that some people on the Internet say that I take the opportunity to sell classes. I calculated that I had to sell the course to the end of the universe. So, this is really not a selling class, I would like to share my views and thoughts with you, do some sharing, and welcome everyone to give me some feedback. Because it is true that it doesn't sell much money to sell classes, Yuhui and I also said that the two of us don't compete with each other.

The autobiography "Beyond Curiosity" broke the theme of the speech: "Don't pretend to be a little bit wrong"

Today I gave you some gifts, we made a three-piece set, the first is a red dress, do you dare to wear it?

Second, I made an egg poker for everyone, although I am not very good at breaking eggs, but now egg breaking is very important for socializing. Therefore, eating without eggs is equivalent to not eating, there is no food to eat today, and everyone can break eggs here after a while. Now I want to establish social relationships with people, and if I want to relax and relax, in addition to me, breaking eggs is also a way to survive. Playing with me is a disastrous experience, first of all, I am very slow to react, God created man to be very balanced, I am very quick to react to some things, but I am very slow to respond to playing cards, and I often ask people how many times they have played.

I'm quick to react to certain things, but I'm slow to play cards, and I often ask people how many times they hit. The worst part was that when I was combining, my hand was too small to take, so whenever there were four bombs, I dared to draw them in front of me. So when people play cards with me, they say, "Big brother, you have a few straights, and a few bombs are basically clear, so I never win." But I hope you can be happier.

Thirdly, and most importantly, I sent a copy of my book, because the publisher learned today that the publisher still has some stock. I'm sorry, but I always have to tell the truth, but this book is still okay if you don't think about it from the publisher's point of view. It talks about two things, the first is about a lot of old things that I grew up in, you can see that these things today are not related to what I experienced back then, and you can also see how I grew up from an ignorant teenager.

I have a creed in this book, and this creed was invented by me called "no pretending, no misconduct, a bit of two", which is a slogan that I later gave to the dark horse training camp. I'll talk about the source in a moment, which I "stole" from Jobs's short story. How I give a speech today is a technique, you have to ask me about the way of expression, the way of being a man, and the way of starting a business. What I share with you is whether you can do these five words, not "that's not a thing", but "don't pretend, don't behave, a little two".

Clarification is not an "open class"

Today I have to complain about the marketing department, of course they reacted quickly and set up a platform. I want to change the name, but I haven't figured out what to change the name, they call it "Red Clothes Open Class", which is a serious violation of today's Internet culture. Today, most of us are young people on the Internet, and they all hate preaching and annoy "daddy". If you succeed, everyone will use the standard of "class" to ask you, and if you say the wrong thing one day, I will be finished, saying, "Look, he still teaches me, and I am disrespectful to the old, and I am full of mistakes and omissions."

Second, as soon as you listen to the class, you will recall the tragic memories of your childhood. I don't seem to like classes, so I'm going to change my name. The name has not yet been decided. I will discuss it with you online in the future. Therefore, everyone forgot about the "Red Clothes Open Class". Today is either a class, or I will tell you a few stories, so I am not responsible for the "efficacy". The first is to confiscate the money, and the second is over, you will give a speech again, and then talk nonsense, don't say that it is my student, otherwise the large-scale overturning sites all over the country will say that it was taught by Lao Zhou.

So again, today is not a class. I'm not systematic, I checked the information, there are not many things to speak on the Internet, Luo Yonghao has a four-step methodology. I looked at it and thought it was very systematic, but I didn't fully understand it. Therefore, I will teach you some simple and feasible methods, so it is not guaranteed to be comprehensive, but it is relatively simple and can be implemented. The final goal is not to say that you will become Luo Yonghao after listening, I think there is still a little distance from Wang Ziru. It's not that you will become Dong Yuhui after listening, I still have to look up to Dong Yuhui and me, but it can solve most of the problems you have encountered in your current speech.

It's done, and now it's officially begins. Tonight everyone is ready to spend the night.

Jack Ma once taught Zhou Hongyi to give a speech

The example that had the deepest impact on my speech, I actually said, is mainly because there is no one on the Internet, and I am regarded as an "outdated old generation of entrepreneurs", but fortunately there is a post-50s Wang Shi there to support it, otherwise I would be an outdated old guy. Look for it on the Internet, and what impresses me the most, I will tell a story, and I will repeat this story briefly, there are many false rumors on the Internet.

In fact, in 1999, I had just raised 2 million yuan, and I was very anxious to become famous, especially eager to sell my products and company, because I was famous to have an eyeball economy, so I could further raise funds, so how could I have the money to go to Switzerland at that time, and I was not as tall as everyone said on the Internet. Everyone says that Zhou Hongyi is Versailles, and they say the Swiss Forum. It is indeed the Swiss Davos that has held an event in China, called 25 Chinese young elites, I am definitely not among these 25 people, 250 people I have a chance. Jack Ma and Wang Juntao, who was 8848 at the time, were the elite of the 27 young Chinese people. As a result, I asked everywhere how to sponsor this meeting, and when I spoke at the meeting, people said that you were not qualified. So, you see, you all have people asking you to go around for meetings and be the moderator, how happy you are.

Later, there was an intermediary, I won't say the name, but also in our media circle, today I became friends, you have seen that all the people who have harmed me have become my friends, he said Hongyi, you only need to sponsor 100,000 yuan, a dinner, the price in 1998 is okay, you can talk at the dinner for half an hour. He asked me to sponsor, but in fact he lied to me, because the rules of the dinner party are known to those who are familiar with it, and those who are engaged in legal professions and financing know it. The sponsor of the dinner party has one sentence: Hello everyone, I am a certain company of such and such a company, this dinner is sponsored by me, I wish you all a good appetite, you will go off the stage.

How can I know so many rules? When I heard that at the Davos forum, I could spend 100,000 yuan, and I could speak for half an hour for such a small fee, which is said to be longer than all the delegates. I wrote a manuscript that could really be spoken for half an hour, and I was full of joy. So, why did people think I was more sharp that day? Because sometimes when I see my own shadow, the atmosphere is very wrong as soon as I go on stage, and Dr. Schwab hands me a microphone and looks at me with a stack of manuscripts and opens it to read, and he is very suspicious. The old comrade stood by and watched me for a long time, and then I began to read it formally, no one listened to me below, I am nobody, who knows who you are, and the people below are busy talking and eating.

I remember there were 100 people or 200 people, about 20 tables, because not only those 25 elites, but also a lot of people from their companies and other media. After a few words, Dr. Schwab said It's all, and he was going to take my microphone, and he was going to take my life, and I wasn't going to let go, and I was reading genltman and Ladies, and then I was in a hurry, and I said into the microphone, "This is my sponsorship!" and the audience burst into laughter. But I have an advantage, my face is not more important than the 100,000 yuan, since I spent 100,000 yuan, accounting for 5% of my financing of 2 million.

Everyone burst into laughter, and my own mind was blank at that time, and I can't remember clearly, but at that time I had a belief that I would work with others to the end! So, I blocked him with my back, but the old man was older, and then he chased him from the center of the stage to the edge of the stage, and then went around four times, ran two laps, and we started grabbing the microphone on the stage like "Catch and Release Cao" and "Three Forks", and I ran faster than him, and then read two sentences. This is not called a "rollover scene", this is called a "plane crash scene".

In this way, it took about ten to twenty minutes to read the manuscript. In fact, the audience is very happy, and I don't know what happened on stage, but there is an audience member named Ma Yun in the audience, it was the first time the two of us met, Ma Yun thinks I am a very interesting person, I have never seen such a thick-skinned person as me, if I am thin-skinned, I will go home, I may feel that I have lost 100,000 yuan, and I have depression, and you will not see me today. The only advantage of this person is that although I make a lot of mistakes, I am thick-skinned, maybe Ma Yun thinks I am a very interesting person, so he stays and drinks a cup of coffee or tea with me, which doesn't matter anymore.

I remember that there was also Wang Juntao of 8848, and Ma Yun said to me: "Brother, you can't give a speech like this, don't say that he grabbed your microphone, don't grab your microphone, let you stand on it and talk for half an hour, and everyone doesn't know what you're talking about." "There are some words that I remember very well, and sometimes I throw them to today's younger generation, not lyrical, not abstract feelings, but dry goods. Jack Ma told me a lot, to be honest, this is more than 20 years ago, 25 years ago, 1999, 1/4 century.

What I remember most clearly is that he actually talked about two points, and later I verified that he didn't teach me to tell jokes, but I read them every day from the jokes on the Internet. He said, if the time is very limited, I will give you 5 minutes, and if you come up and say that, and say that I am fortunate to communicate with you today, I will say three sentences, and he said that everyone will prick up their ears to listen to your three words.

I said, "I have a lot to say. He said: "Don't be in a hurry, too many ideas that others can't listen to are equivalent to talking in vain, you only need to say the most critical three sentences, and you had better think about these three sentences in advance, how to make these three sentences impressive, unforgettable." If others remember these three sentences, your goal will be achieved. "If you think about Jack Ma's speech back then, every time he speaks, there are a few golden sentences, and the words are not shocking and endless.

Second, he said: Don't read the manuscript, don't use the written language. In fact, we are all cultivated by the same education system, and we always think that it is a very formal thing, just like a speech is to use written speech, and we have to use written language, and we have written a lot of similar essays since we were young, and we have made similar preparations. Ma Yun said that telling the truth, telling the truth, and telling the truth can move people the most. So, if you think about whether Jack Ma's speech is all verbal, and it doesn't feel like he wrote it in advance. So, it had a huge impact on me at the time.

There are many more similar examples, so I won't cite them for now, but use this example to confirm my words. 25 years ago, I may have compared with today's Internet celebrities and self-media, and my speech level was scum. So, it's not a question of emotional intelligence, it's not a question of IQ, we haven't been trained in this area since we were kids, even if some people say that I was a student union cadre since I was a child, and I have participated in various debate competitions in school, I think that the trained one is a bar, not a speech, and the speech is not a debate with others, it is to export your ideas to others, influence others, and find a way to make others accept your ideas.

Therefore, I often say within the company, a little off-topic, don't do the bar essence, because the bar essence does not generate excess value, and our point of view will never change. Really in the company, especially for entrepreneurs, what you need is not to debate but to discuss that you have a good idea, I have a good idea, we put the ideas together and get a good answer, we don't care who the idea is, we don't care who is the smart person and who is the fool, because we need a teamwork. The debate competition is different, to prove that the other party is a fool, to prove that I am the smartest, and the style cultivated in this way is not suitable for speeches, but suitable for criticism meetings.

The secret to eliminating tension is "don't pretend, don't behave, a little two"

Because nervousness is a taboo in all presentations. I'm a little more relaxed now, and I thank you all for your support and tolerance. Some psychologists say that the first fear of human beings is not death, death is second, and the first fear is to speak in public. I think it's a bit exaggerated, since nervousness is inevitable, so how to avoid nervousness? First of all, I have to make an adjustment in my mentality, just in my book, help me sell the inventory, if the publishing house has stock, no publishing house will be willing to publish the book for me in the future. The secret is "don't pretend, don't behave, a little two".

What is "pretending"? We often say that if a person pretends to be a person in life, pretending to be a deceitful person, pretending to be a big garlic, and you don't have that kind of strength, so you have to fill yourself up. This one is bound to go wrong.

What is "end"? You put yourself very high and feel like you're amazing. You know that when you give a speech, the audience is actually a bad taste, and if the speaker is very pretending, what is the audience's reaction? I don't have to dick you, I'm going to expose you. Some people say that I am very aggressive, but I don't know what it looks like to be weak compared to the original. If you pretend and end it, it triggers my nerves, and I can't help but want to touch it when I meet someone who is pretending and ending. What is the concept of not pretending to be misbeneous? I have a secret to treating myself as a nobody.

For example, the big man, the two of us are fighting, can I beat him? My target is to put the other person down, and when I see him, he takes the initiative to lie on the ground, and I have already put myself down, can you make me worse? So, I have read the comments on the Internet in the past two days, and many self-media are very familiar with it, and they call it "showing weakness". But showing weakness is a bit of a skill, or a bit of pretending. Psychologically, you really don't pretend to be misbeneficial, you don't feel like you're a great person, and you really don't feel like you're a famous entrepreneur. That day, everyone watched a lot of videos of my speeches, and they felt that the point of "not pretending to be misbeneficial" was really implemented in their hearts.

Where did the misdemeanor come from? And the result is also vulgar, from Steve Jobs's Stanford speech. When someone mentioned Stanford Jobs' speech that day, I was very excited and felt like I had found a soulmate. Xiao Cheng said that he had read this story 100 times, and of course I felt very inferior in my heart, so I watched it 10 times. But the next sentence made me break the defense, saying that Jobs also read the script. Because does it matter whether Steve Jobs reads the manuscript or not? For God, for great men......

Right. It really doesn't matter if he reads the manuscript or not, what matters is what message he delivers, he told three stories, you go to the Internet to search for yourself, through these three stories, he told three sentences: Stay humble, Stay foolish, Stay Hungry.

Stay foolish, some people translate it as foolish or it translates it as wise and foolish. I don't think this translation is right, if you are wise and stupid, you still pretend, I think I am very smart, so I pretend to be stupid. What is the empty cup mentality, you really feel that you are a fool and you will be humble, you feel very smart, like at this moment you always want to educate everyone, you may be attacked. When he said Stay foolish, I think it is "a little two", and we Chinese think "two" is stupid.

Misbehaving is closer to Stay humble, Stay foolish, this is not a literal translation, it is a paraphrase. Everybody makes speeches, you don't just give speeches or start a business, do anything, you don't grow into a good person, put your posture down, have a very good protection for yourself, everyone is really willing to help you, you are also with an open mind.

Many people become awesome characters, and they are not cautious in their words, and there are no more examples. "Achieve a small goal first", you find that many entrepreneurs have problems in recent years because they either put themselves on or end, and put themselves in a very high position. So, you try it, after lowering yourself in mentality, once you know that you are nobody, you have to pass the face barrier. That day, Wang Shi asked me if I wanted to be thick-skinned, I said the wrong thing, I said "shameless", not because I was shameless, but because I wanted to lose face. In fact, these statements are all consistent.

You can really understand it, I think I have dealt with a lot of media for so many years, and if I pretend, I am too tired, and I am very tired to see every media call me brother and sister, and I am very tired. So, you really put your mentality down, I'm nobody, an entrepreneur who has failed repeatedly, this is the mentality of teenagers. Everyone says that "the boy in red" has always been a teenager, and Xiaomi's advertising slogan "After a hundred battles, he is still a teenager when he returns", which is the same as my mentality. Teenagers generally have no experience in the rivers and lakes, not the image of the old guns, if you are the image of the old guns, pretending and dignifying, and without the strength of the old guns, you are not looking for a fight, it is easy to be defeated.

If you don't pretend to be true and show your true colors, this is still a bit of a teenager. Teenagers are prone to make mistakes, is it very serious for a very wise big-name entrepreneur to say the wrong thing? Therefore, many entrepreneurs are very cautious when they speak, but do I speak cautiously or casually? Whatever? I often say the wrong thing. A comrade left the table just now, and I don't know how to offend him. Fortunately, I can still know if I offended at the scene, and sometimes I used the words of a celebrity, and I offended people behind my back.

I'm really a person with very low emotional intelligence, that day Wang Shi complained about me, which surprised me, he invited me to play rowing, but I don't like that thing, for me I like it, I don't go, if I don't like it, I don't go. That day, as soon as Wang Shi said it, I knew that it was such a serious thing to reject Wang Shi, but I still wouldn't go, so Wang Shi felt that I had a personality. To be honest, you don't have to care about other people's reactions, and you don't have to guess, the only thing is that I am a little "two", and everyone can understand "two" better, because the brain is not good enough.

I've made a lot of mistakes in arithmetic, are you full of pity for me, full of sympathy? I'm a bit of a two, a little stupid, a little straightforward, often saying that I don't understand, I don't know, and asking questions with an open mind, isn't this what we should do. When you don't pretend, you must be the most relaxed, because others can't beat you, what are you beating? All the shortcomings I should have been exposed, I just don't have a high appearance, and my eloquence is not high.

Like Dong Yuhui, Dong Yuhui definitely doesn't rely on his appearance to eat, anyway, he is much more handsome than Mr. Sun, and I am not afraid of offending him. In the live broadcast room, I joked about Dong Yuhui's appearance, and he immediately took it and laughed at himself, so you won't be able to joke with others next time. If he cares a lot, isn't he just exposing his weakness, the next time Dong Yuhui broadcasts live, the competitor says: Dong Yuhui takes a snapshot and looks in the mirror, he cares a lot about his appearance, then his live broadcast sales will seriously decline. Therefore, it is very important not to pretend to be yourself. That's what I'm making a little bit of.

The speech cannot be completely fake, saying that I am pretending not to be nervous, that I am pretending to be self-deprecating, that I am pretending to be modest. This outfit can't be pretended, and everyone here can feel that this outfit and end are not popular in social interaction in daily life, just because he is out of place with everyone and criticizes everyone...... How do I feel as if I am talking about myself? Or maybe I'm telling a big head of garlic, and the people of Beijing say who is pretending to be a wolf with a big tail. Therefore, some people pour "chicken soup" and say that speech confidence is the most important.

I don't like this kind of chicken soup very much, just like the coach tells me every day, "Trust your feet, exert force!" I stand on the rock wall, my legs are shaking, and the ghost can exert force. That's why I tell you, "Be confident, be brave in your speech, and walk up." This is in vain, because you don't know how to be brave, including climbing because you have a fear of heights, next time you tie you to the rock wall, pull you to two stories high, and say, "Don't be afraid to jump off." "You must have scolded me a hundred or ten thousand times in your heart. Therefore, the method I shared is whether you can make your mentality "not pretending, not behaving properly, a bit two".

Have the courage to laugh at yourself, dare to blacken yourself, not boast about yourself

Second, how to implement it without pretending? I don't think my method works for everyone, and beautiful women don't have to do this, they have to have the courage to laugh at themselves, to dare to blacken themselves, not to boast about themselves. If you dare to laugh at yourself and deprecate yourself from time to time in the whole audience, including in the process of communicating with others, then your speech is half the battle. As you can tell from me, I've developed a habit of laughing at myself, and it's very effective. I said to myself that my brain is not good, and I can't play cards, can you still laugh at me for being stupid? I said that my head is far from Yao Ming, can you still laugh at me for being short?

There are four kinds of entrepreneurs in China, you can sit in the right seat, one is a great entrepreneur, like Wang Shi, the second is an ordinary entrepreneur, most of you are; the third is a literary entrepreneur, like Yang Bo of Douban, you must have literary and artistic feelings, you can't rule out that there are also, I am a relatively rare 2B entrepreneur, so how can you criticize me?

Therefore, everyone doesn't like to watch smart people show off their cleverness, everyone is very tired, watching your short videos, live broadcasts, listening to your speeches is not just for fun, edutainment, and you are not everyone's teacher. Even my employees couldn't do it, and the employees looked at me and pretended to sit here, all flipping through their phones underneath. Isn't it just that I like to look at people who are a little stunned, and I really look at people.

Why is the "Mr. Bean" movie so good, what kind of style do you like, a too shrewd old fox speaks without leaking, speaks very mellowly, and says nothing at all. Recently, 360 digital people have been trained to this level, and they are much more tactful than me. You ask him what female stars Lao Zhou likes, and he will tell you that Lao Zhou doesn't like female stars, but respects the entertainment industry, Lao Zhou respects both women and men, and he says that Lao Zhou even respects ChatGPT.

Self-deprecation and self-deprecation is a methodology, but you can't pretend, you can't pretend it, you still have to be humble in your heart. People who often reflect in their lives can really do not pretend to be misbeneficial. I posted on Moments yesterday and saw a paragraph on the Internet, if you think you were a fool last year, I didn't scold, I said myself, congratulations on your progress compared to last year. When I saw it, I excitedly said to the staff, "Yesterday's Zhou Hongyi was a bit stupid, does it mean that I am more stupid?" The employee said that there may be a little, I said, it means that I am evolving much faster than others. It took a year for others to find out that I was stupid, and I knew I was stupid after a night.

Therefore, this kind of self-deprecation and self-deprecation is not what everyone says to be humble in the face of any great entrepreneur. Where I do the speaker, where I do the panel, no matter who the audience is, my audience has government officials, internal employees, my employees can testify, and I often laugh at myself internally. It doesn't matter who you face, it's not about teaching you what people to put on what dishes, it's too tiring. Being able to reflect on yourself often, it's not called humility, it's called real self-confidence, true self-confidence.

In the past, Wang Shuo often praised a person in his novels, "You are really deep, not fake deep", what is true self-confidence, that is, being able to face and laugh at one's own problems. There are many problems that are not to wait for others to laugh at them, but to laugh at them yourself. A lot of people are like this, when others start to laugh at you, you start to get angry when you can't stand it, and the brain nerves don't work, and then you want to roar, want to tear him apart with a claw, which is easy to make people lose control. But when others are laughing at you and attacking you, you can successfully defuse all the attacks by laughing at yourself.

Therefore, I advocate that although many self-media and live broadcast accounts need to make money, everyone still should not use the perspective of God, the rescuer and the evangelist, because the higher I put myself, the more nervous I am, and I feel that I have charged a fee, and the lecture is better than Luo Yonghao, and I must surpass Dong Yuhui, and I must be under a lot of pressure. Therefore, the technique of self-deprecation and self-deprecation must be gradually learned. In fact, if you think about it, including the video of Feng Ma Niu at night, I have a lot of self-deprecating things in it, so much that I don't realize it, and I have a lot of self-deprecation today, right?

I would like to recommend it, Guo Degang and I did a program "Guo Dexiu", why was Guo Degang's "Guo Dexiu" very successful later? Because many celebrities were invited, and the celebrities pretended to be good. Cross talk was originally a "three vulgarity", he and Yu Qian blackened each other, blackened themselves, and blackened each other's families on stage, and the two dug holes with each other, which celebrity could stand it. Guo Degang is also holding back, and he can't hack you, so what are you talking about? You can't let Guo Degang praise you, he will never praise people. So after I went, Guo Degang really met a confidant, and every time he was in a long drought, because he hacked me, I also hacked him, and the two of us dug holes for each other, of course, Yue Yunpeng has not debuted yet, Yue Yunpeng belongs to the black Yue Yunpeng when we both can't go down, and the effect is very good.

That night was supposed to be recorded for 1 hour, and the two of us recorded for 2 and a half hours. Guo Degang's jokes, inspiration, and ideas flowed well, and later the TV station was in a hurry and cut us to a 40-minute program, and many essences were cut. I said that it is not good to play mosaics? They said that playing mosaics cannot make sounds. You can take a look. I think I can survive under Guo Degang's blackness, and the only technique is that I blackened myself when he hacked me. For example, Guo Degang arranged a very embarrassing question, you are 360, I also make a company called 250, okay? How do you answer? I immediately said: "Big brother knows me too well, it seems that we are 250, because we do free antivirus, and we don't make money and we don't let our peers make money." ”

Then Guo Degang asked me, I heard that your popularity is not good, how is your relationship with your peers? Because just after the 3Q war, I immediately replied, and our relationship with our peers is similar to the relationship between you and your peers. Later, Guo Degang arranged for Yue Yunpeng to come up and ask me, I heard that your employees all use Ruixing and Jinshan, what do you think about this? I said of course this is the case, only by studying the products of competitors can we better understand the needs of users. If you run into something that you think is humiliating it, it is humiliation, you think it's hurting it, you feel like Kong Yiji blushing, stammering, Guo Degang, how can you ...... If you block me here, I won't be able to watch the show.

As I said earlier, there is actually a point of view, life is short, why put yourself so high? Lower it, be more down-to-earth, and be closer to grassroots users, and everyone thinks that you are more acceptable.

Here is a question, there are also personalities, because many people come to me and say, Lao Zhou, I want to make a personal package for you. Whether you have done human packaging or not, my opinion is quite contradictory. I mean: the characters are not packaged. You are who you are. Although I have changed a lot over the years, my personality has basically not changed.

It's not that there won't be changes in 2024, and it won't change in 2084. Therefore, being a character cannot be out of touch with your current situation, it can be a little higher than your current situation. Because life is higher than life, if you have to portray Zhou Hongyi as a representative of entrepreneurs, I really can't do it, don't you force me to pretend to be such a person. And the most taboo is to package themselves as gods, China packages itself as a god entrepreneurs, without exception, the end collapses quickly, because God cannot make mistakes, and people can tolerate mistakes. Everyone will not be surprised if I say the wrong thing one day, they will think that he is more second, I have already said that he is going to have an accident. So, this kind of persona is too tiring. In my opinion, there is no perfect person in this world, a perfect person is not a person, a perfect person is finished, only the dead are perfect, and the person with shortcomings is a real person.

In ancient times, there was a great general in the Qin State, and when he set out on the expedition, he intended to give the king of Qin a recital, and portrayed himself as very greedy. In China, I told some entrepreneurs that you can have shortcomings that make people feel more real, and real warriors with shortcomings are still warriors. For example, Jack Ma is very smart, and I can't help but take him as an example, because he is my teacher, but in fact, these people in the industry are my teachers. Some people are mixed up to a higher level (I won't say the name, you are all laughing), and they are all mixed into the position of general manager of a foreign company, he has to buy a fake diploma, he lacks that doctoral diploma, and in turn you are a doctor from Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Stanford, what will everyone think if you are the general manager of the company? You're going to lose your job, and people think you have a problem.

Ma Yun understands it very well, and he will talk about it when he packages his own personality, and I got 1 point in mathematics in the college exam. I didn't get into college for many years, I didn't get a job at McDonald's, I was kicked out of the police when I wanted to take the exam, I had to do Alibaba, I didn't go to 985 or 211 in college, and I went to a school. So, this kind of character design is designed, and you think about its advantages. A lot of scumbags think it's too fresh, and he turns out to be worse than me. His success, compared with this person, do you think he is amazing, the reason is the same.

It's like Lei Jun's speech level is getting higher and higher, it turns out that Lei Jun is a model worker and an image of a god. Now, in the past few years, with the work of Xiaomi, I have also been studying Lei Jun's speeches, and I have been constantly laughing at myself, such as "Are you ok?" Do you remember the example? Do you think that Lei Jun is talking to him in English and laugh at him? Because most of us are not good at English, so Lei Jun thinks Are you OK? Everyone has to think: "Yo! It turns out that the great Lei is at the same level as me in English." "Do you like him more? So, what we speakers want is not respect, we want the audience to love and recognize us. No matter how awesome you are, people don't like you, what's the use of not listening to your speech? You can be awesome to you.

Therefore, in terms of personality, you may wish to dress yourself up with advantages and disadvantages. Including I often say typos, Chinese think you don't say it well, when you have shortcomings, everyone finds that you are very close to you. So, self-deprecation and self-deprecation, not over-packaging the persona, I think it is to lower expectations. Just like you came here today and I was a little nervous because everyone's expectations were very high, I talked for a long time, everyone lowered their expectations, listened to my class and bragged, neither Dong Yuhui nor Luo Yonghao, everyone is just here to have fun, and there is no food to eat at night, this is to lower expectations.

When you were a child, your parents either expected too much from you or put pressure on you. If your child's expectation is to grow up healthily, it is good to get 1 point in the exam, which is better than handing in a blank paper, and your child must be extremely happy. Someone asked me if I wanted to brag when I met investors and media reporters during the roadshow, and how could I be self-defeating at that time?

I can tell you a story, you can use the results of the description to be awesome, speak with numbers, but don't use the expression to be awesome. There is a gap between the two, and some people describe themselves in a very exaggerated way, and everyone is very disgusted with you. You can say it in a modest way, but the result is very good, what is this rhetorical way called? Isn't it called Versailles? For example, the lady who often came to our climbing gym to exercise, and one day she said, "It's too hot, it's too hot, I'm going to take off my diamond ring to cool off", and we learned that the eldest sister was wearing a five-carat diamond ring.

I often report to the big leaders what 360 does, and bragging in the face of big leaders is the most taboo. I told my leader that 360 is the best security company in the world, the world's first, far ahead. Leaders don't necessarily believe it, why? We friends and businessmen will all say the same thing, and leaders can't tell the difference. So I usually tell a story to the leader, a group of us is quite 250, and at that time we didn't know anything about entering the security market, and then we began to blacken ourselves.

Then the peer antivirus software sells very expensive, my antivirus software has no advantages, it is free, I didn't expect the free effect is very good, beyond our expectations, more than 200 countries around the world 15 users have used our software, we do not have traditional antivirus technology, we are the people who do search, just think about whether we can bring security incidents, security data to the cloud to do artificial intelligence analysis of big data, user way to see, I didn't expect that we are the first company in the world to do this, it has become the largest company in network security, and the result is to help the country find 51 other countries against our country (attack) hacker groups, a total of 52 were found in China, and 51 were found by me. In particular, for the first time, it was discovered that the two major intelligence agencies had infiltrated and attacked our country, so we were double-sanctioned by a certain major country. So, we're having a tough time right now, but we've been trying.

So, bragging can also have the practice of bragging, instead of using a swaggering way, you can use the method of self-blackening and self-deprecation. Everybody likes humble people, even though we educate me to say that I am young, because my age labels me, I am young, I am high-spirited, I am unrestrained, then said, he must be harmful to you. After entering society, even peers like humble people.

Therefore, you always have to adapt to this change, I am not making you vulgar, you always have to win the love of support, and the trust of investors can carry out your ideas. If in the end everyone doesn't like you, you will be high-spirited and speak wildly. If you could succeed by speaking wildly or simply by being high-spirited, the world would have been filled with big talkers. So, let's say something very hypocritical, the vast majority of people in this world like humble people. You are genuinely humble, not pretending, pretending to be tired, and I think the vast majority of people will probably approve of you. Second, being truly humble will help you learn, which is a matter of cognition.

3 tips for opening the show to lower the audience's vigilance

After talking about the principles, I will talk about three skills, how to lower the audience's vigilance at the beginning. The audience is wary, and the audience either has expectations or subconscious challenges to those who come on stage. Method one, my suggestion is to tell a joke, you can usually prepare it, carry it with you, practice it skillfully, it is a self-deprecating joke, do any of you have this joke. I have several jokes on hand. I always speak first, there is my name on the PPT, I say why I wear red, everyone will listen carefully, I said: "It's very simple, what red-clothed cannons are uploaded on the Internet, they are all rumors, because I always like to wear red, everyone calls me Uncle Red." ”

There are also many rumors on the Internet: red clothes are auspicious, red clothes make the face look good, red clothes have the color of revolution, Zhou Hongyi is a red star, and his heart is for the motherland. I said that this is all elevated me, my name is very simple, since I was a child, my name has never been called right, always called "Zhou Hongwei", many big leaders call me Zhou Hongwei in meetings, I can't correct it, I can't say that the leader is wrong, I will wear a red dress, hint at the leader - red clothes. My story is both a bit self-deprecating and a bit self-deprecating, I have used it for many years, you can also use it, don't use it wrong, change the name first. Don't say Zhao Hongyi, Lei Hongyi, it's strange if you don't change your name. As long as the audience is amused, the distance will be shortened, the actual audience will be relaxed, and you yourself will be relaxed, everyone think about it, right?

Tell a joke, it's like a joke doesn't laugh, like that story, a group of animals sit in a boat, and whoever tells a joke and doesn't laugh will be thrown down. You all know that I won't tell that story, it's just that pigs are too slow to react. I tell you the truth, once encountered a very serious scene, told three jokes in a row, they still don't laugh, I will inevitably fail to speak in such an audience, I will avoid this occasion in the future, because he can't empathize with you, he can't feel.

For example, when I introduce the origin of 360, it is the same as the question asked me by Guo Degang, no one asks me questions, and the leader asks me, Xiao Zhou, what is the origin of 360. I'm going to introduce 360, I said there are three origins, which version do you want to hear, there are very exciting versions, and there are also very vulgar versions. The vulgar version is that we do safety, 360 degrees without dead ends, which is our earliest intention. The second, after this company grows bigger, someone tells me fortunes, 360 is a week, 360 is surnamed Zhou, so 360 is a company surnamed Zhou, what I said is not quite right, 360 is not mine, always ready to dedicate to the country.

This kind of joke can be made up in advance. What is the most second? What I said, we are young and ignorant, ignorant rushed into the security market, did the world's free security antivirus, free for life, free forever, completely free, and finally do not make money and do not let our peers make money, peers hate us to death, affectionately call us a group of 250 want to do 110 my business, leader, you think about how much 250 + 110 is, the leader thinks about 250 + 110 is 360.

I said that's right, 360 is a group of 250 who are determined to do network security, and the spirit of a little two can do this thing, which is the same as our "a little two", "a little two" is 250. This not only strengthens everyone's impressive impression on me, if you say: "I am Zhou Hongyi, a famous entrepreneur, and a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference." "There are so many such entrepreneurs in China, who can remember it? But I wear red clothes, my name is always called wrong, and I am always misunderstood when I am a child. You'll remember. The name 360 also has a special meaning, don't you just remember it?

Think about it, when it comes to self-blackening, I like Li Xueqin very much, she especially likes self-blackening, I can understand the self-blackening of men, and I really admire the fact that women can be so cheeky to blacken themselves. If I were a woman, I probably wouldn't want to blacken myself. But you can learn from their jokes. Including the examples of Guo Degang and Yu Qian, the two of them are mainly self-black. Everyone loves to listen to cross talk, they all love to listen to talk shows, and they still have to spend money. I'm telling you talk shows for free now, in fact, I'm a talk show actor who has been delayed by the Internet, don't you think? I think I have the temperament of a talk show actor, standing on the stage to black myself and others, as long as someone writes a script for me, I think my live performance is okay.

But the opening joke must be appropriate, don't put on a crown. Let me give you a negative example. Xiao Cheng, don't be nervous, it's not your example, there is an old priest who is also very good at preaching like Zhou Hongyi. A young priest came to him to learn from him, and I was nervous about preaching to others. The old priest told me the same way: you tell a joke and make everyone laugh, and then you relax. The little priest said, "Tell me a story." The old priest said, "You can say that last night I was with a woman, and everyone will be in an uproar, and then you can say that this woman is my mother, and I pray with my mother, and everyone will laugh." The little priest remembered the first half, but not the second half, and the next day he wanted to use this joke to say, "I was with a woman last night, and the whole audience was in an uproar, and before he could say the next thing, he stammered, "I forgot who that woman was." "This is where the disaster begins.

Therefore, you must not apply the jokes of Zhou Hongyi and 360 to yourself, go to Guo Degang's jokes, Xiaoguo's talk show jokes, and Internet jokes, find a suitable joke, and then make up an opening story for yourself. Don't worry, just like every time I talk about 360, it's like a few people have heard it, I believe that your influence is not so great, and the vast majority of people have never heard of it.

The second method, some people may misunderstand, everyone thinks that I am a black friend. Do you think I'm a black friend? You must praise a friend, a friend can't be used to black. Of course, the method of holding can shake off the burden. Actually, I gave two examples that night, did any of you guys be there? I came up and said first, I was very disappointed in Feng Lun, why? Because I thought he was an FM show. I imply that I'm a very vulgar person. After I came, I was disappointed to find out that it was Feng Ma Niu, and it turned out to be a serious talk show.

This is to help Feng Lun support the field and come to Fengma Niu again, but through self-deprecation. Feng Lun and I are indeed very familiar with each other, Feng Lun is indeed good at telling jokes, as you all know, the language is much more "standardized" now. Therefore, I learned a lot of economic knowledge and social knowledge from Feng Lun, to tell the truth, he is 10 years older than me, of course, I also "added" a sentence and learned a lot of physiological and health knowledge. Why do you add a sentence? Isn't this just to make everyone sound happy, and this is also a kind of self-deprecation. Feng Lun is not ashamed of telling his jokes, on the contrary, in the industry, he is proud of his jokes, so I talk about his jokes to compliment Feng Lun, not to hack him.

For Wang Shi, I even pretended to hack him, but I was actually complimenting him. Wang Shi's heart was already happy. I said that I saw a photo on the Internet, a 70-year-old Wang Shi was signing and selling books with a group of beautiful women, surrounded by beautiful women, with the title "You will understand why people exercise when you see this picture", and I also appeared to say, "Wang Shi taught me how to exercise, and he also patted my body bones and said, Hongyi will know the strength of muscles when you are 70 years old." "You think it's dark, but in fact, Wang Shi is overjoyed to hear it. Just like I praised Wang Shi for being good, there are many beautiful women around him, and as a man with vanity, he will definitely not be angry. Therefore, many of you always misunderstand that you don't hack your black friends and partners when you play. This could not be more wrong.

When you watch my videos on the Internet, I basically never hack others, I always suppress them first and then praise them. I went to Liu Qiangdong There is also a video on the Internet, praising Liu Qiangdong, I said that everyone can't compare with him, he is really in great shape, so I praise him, because there is the power of the post-90s generation supporting him to exercise. Including the example I just gave Jack Ma, the details may be a bit exaggerated. When these stories are spread, do you think the people involved will be angry when they hear them? No, no? Therefore, you must be sincere and don't pretend.

For example, if you are false and praise people who do not approve, there is another idea, praise the organizer, and make the guests in the first row happy, and the guests will be more tolerant of your speech. You still have to create a harmonious venue environment. I solemnly said that it's okay to hack yourself and laugh at yourself, and it's okay to hack friends. Of course, two people in the cross talk world are hacking each other, but there is a bottom line between black and personal attacks. For example, "Feng Lun is in good health, so there are girls signing and selling books around him", which is called a compliment. If I say, "I bumped into Feng Lun two days ago and has three girlfriends. "If this is true, his wife's face changes color when she listens to it below, which is a personal attack. So, we must make a good distinction between them, and my feeling is not to hack friends, but to praise friends. If you don't master the skills well, you can praise it.

The third method, if you can't blacken yourself and won't praise people, my suggestion is that you might as well string off, although you are not necessarily the host, because you are not the only one who speaks in many forums, you can summarize the main points of other people's speeches, which will appear to have two effects, indicating that you are listening carefully. Second, if you take other people's good points and say them again, others will think they are wise.

The spearkers who were mentioned by you were happy to be repeated. That day, I gave Feng Lun an example, Feng Lun gave a PPT, I said you gave an example of low voltage and wiring, I have a strong memory, they moved to pull off the car, I remembered, I gave an example, to show that Feng Lun knows that you listen carefully, you speak carefully and others listen carefully, what do you feel. So, you summarize it to show that you really have the material, so warm yourself up first. If you don't tell it well, you can come up and tell a joke, there are many jokes on the Internet.

The content should not be long, it is better to make three points

After the opening speech, we are left to talk about the main content of the speech. It's Ma Yun's point of view, the content should not be too long, I talked a lot about it, and it was a bit accumulated. Fledgling young people can speak a little shorter, not to give you 30 minutes to speak full, you talk for 3 minutes, talk for 5 minutes, sometimes I laughed at myself that day, did you get my stalk? I said that Ma Yun asked me to often say "12333", I am easy to make mistakes, too long-winded, often in the company meeting for half an hour to speak for 3 hours, and then I realized that the employees are very hard, the bladder is suffocated, and finally the effect is not achieved, they don't know where to run. So, the most important thing in speech is to convey the message.

I will talk about Ma Yun's method again is very important, if you come up to talk about it, after telling the joke, you must outline it, I will say three sentences today or three points today, it is very important for you to emphasize these three points twice, because even if your speech is forced to end, or the things you talk about later are not good, in fact, it doesn't matter whether you speak well or not, the important thing is that these three sentences are imprinted in the audience's mind. Our audience occasionally listens and occasionally doesn't listen, like fragments in the live broadcast room, someone runs in and stays for 2 seconds, up to 1 minute, the live broadcast room is very fragmented, watching short videos and watching them slides away. Therefore, the live broadcast room may impress users more than a long speech.

I talked about the top ten trends of AI, and also talked about the belief in AI, all in AI, containing AI. In the end, there is a blogger who is still very supportive of me, saying that what Zhou Hongyi talks about is dry goods, I will make a summary, the top ten trends of AI, the first point is All in AI, what is the second point, I found that his memory is completely messy, indicating that our information transmission is ineffective, there are too many points. I talked about the top ten trends, where do people remember to live?

When it comes to AI, maybe I won't talk about it next time, but today I will talk about three points: whether you have AI beliefs, whether your company has All in AI, and whether your company has AI. You may have an impression. In fact, I will talk about three points, each point will be 1 hour, go back and your wife will ask you, what Zhou Hongyi talked about today, you can know exactly that he talked about AI faith, All in A and AI content. Your goal has been achieved, for ourselves, but also to prevent off-topic, of course, some guest speakers, like me, will go off-topic, but after running will run back, some guests will not run away after running. So there are three points, in case you go off topic, you can hug back.

There is also the need to memorize and get off the manuscript, the manuscript is the highest level, and it is actually very difficult to get off the manuscript, so I want to borrow this ladder device today. The teleprompter does not solve all problems, the most important thing is to keep the outline firmly in mind, and the outline will not make too many mistakes if it is memorized. For example, when I met Jack Ma today, is it important to talk a little more or a little less? Today I will tell the story of 360, whether it is the first point or the second point, does it matter? It doesn't matter. I would like to write down the three points I have made.

For everyone, there is another benefit that it is easy to attract everyone's attention. If you don't talk about the point of view at the beginning, this is a bad habit we developed in middle school writing essays, come up and quote famous quotes first, lyrical comparison, lyrical for a long time, the first paragraph is finished, I don't know what you're talking about. Therefore, users will not listen attentively throughout the whole process, and do not expect users to summarize in their brains, as the vast majority of users will not make up the correct summaries. You guys as professional bloggers do this every day, but it's really a mess for the average listener. So, you have to help him summarize the main points and summarize the main points.

At the end of the end, be sure to repeat these three points, and if the speech is not very successful, it will be the last chance to conclude at the end. For example, today's program is not very good, my brain is not online, I am more verbose today, I summarize, today I said three points, the first point is to be black, the second point is to tell jokes, and the third point is to talk about three sentences. In this way, the audience can finally leave an impression.

One point of view is accompanied by a story, and more about setbacks and less about legends

A lot of people still make a mistake when giving speeches. If I didn't have the story of Jack Ma, the story of Liu Qiangdong, and the story of Guo Degang, you wouldn't be able to listen to this speech, because the human audience can still accept the arguments of dryness. But for middle school to learn how to write argumentative essays, logical arguments users do not have any mood. Users like to listen to gossip, what is the essence of gossip? So, today it's better to have a story for each idea. Stories are the easiest to tell. It's hard to let you memorize a manuscript today, after Ma Yun's story is finished, let you retell it, you can basically retell it, and it's easier to retell it in your own words.

There is no pressure to retell the story, you can add oil and vinegar, you can change the version, it has no certain constraints, so you must tell the story. Jobs's speech at Stanford is not about you watching it 100 times, but about the most touching power: Stay humble, Stay foolish, Stay Hungry, that is, I don't pretend to be a little bit wrong. Can you believe these three things when he comes up? So, he told three stories, and I won't repeat them. It can be searched on the Internet.

The three stories are very moving, that is, the true feelings, one is how he dropped out of school and had no food, this story is very touching, and the second is that he was fired by the company he founded, which is something he was unwilling to mention. You have to look at his autobiography, his saddest thing is that he was fired by Apple, and he sold all his shares because he didn't want to recall. It's a great shame for men. He founded Next, there were a lot of parties in Silicon Valley that year, Silicon Valley was very powerful, many parties no longer invited him, he was very lonely, everyone thought he was too angry, felt that he was out, he faced this story calmly, not only from the perspective of storytelling, but also in the face of his most unbearable past, at this time the man became very strong.

There are also people who humiliate Jobs, who is the CEO of Dell, saying that if I were Jobs, I would shut down the company, return the money to the shareholders, and go home to sleep. Jobs replied with a swear word. The second most touching one was that he said that time is limited, don't waste your life. This kind of dry truth can be said casually, but he himself said that he has pancreatic cancer, his life is limited, and if he has surgery, and the boss of a listed company has a disease like this, and the public disclosure will affect the relationship of many investors, and it will affect how to look at it. So, these three stories support his speech.

Two days ago, I just watched an interview with Jason Huang on the Internet, an old farmer gave him the most valuable life advice, he told the story and entered the plot of your main control, it was very hot on a summer afternoon, there were not many leaves on the tree, and then how to do it, the story must be played, and the story must be told in detail to move people. It's like the story of me grabbing the microphone at the Davos forum, depicting how you talk about it on stage. If you are telling the story of Jobs, why do you come to listen to your speech? Sometimes you can use it, and it is best to empathize with it and experience it yourself.

Recently, Cai Lei, a vice president of, got ALS, and we are willing to help him, because his story is the most moving, and this kind of story does not need to be focused. So, the story of 360 antivirus is my own personal experience. The selection of stories should be in line with the previous principles, and my advice is to talk more about lessons, more about setbacks, and more about failures, rather than boasting about your own legends. Because to tell the truth, the success of a businessman in China who is more successful than you also accounts for a large proportion of the chance factor. Why is the probability of many entrepreneurs making a comeback very small? Because when you move out an entrepreneur and give a new sum of money, it is no longer the right time, place, and time for the entrepreneur to succeed, and it is very difficult to succeed again.

So sometimes everyone can't learn how to talk about success, and everyone comes to the stage to talk about their own success methods, but in fact, he can't learn the most, because what he can learn may not necessarily be shared. But the things that fail resonate with everyone, because the vast majority of people will experience failure, and talking about failure is also in line with the humility I mentioned earlier.

I said at the meeting that day that you don't use lyrical methods, a good story is to move people with content, and a good story is to move people with data. Recently, Lei Jun made a PPT that surprised me, he took advantage of people's inattention and put the number of revolutions of the engine, 27,000 rpm, which is more convincing than others. If you don't have this data, if you don't have Steve Jobs to tell a true story, you feel that life is short, you have to save time, you go home and educate your son to see if you can listen to it? He thinks you're talking empty words, big talk. The theme of the meeting that day was "hold on", and everyone shouted slogans to hold on. I said you have to say 20 postures to hold on, and I can only offer one of them to be innovative and find new opportunities.

So, if you tell a story in your own words, it's the easiest to get out of the script. If you think about it in daily life, when girls gossip, I heard that who gave birth to a child, I saw her recently. It doesn't require education, it speaks vividly as if you were on the spot, and it speaks in your own language very movingly. So, my speaking style is naturalistic, plain.

Tell the truth, tell the truth, speak people's words

A lot of the time we don't speak in human language, in an official voice, in a written voice, or in a broadcast voice. This emphasis will be much less contagious. All of you here empathize with me, think of yourself as an audience, and when I come to the stage and speak some clichés, you think, why waste time listening to me talk about these things? In fact, only by expressing personal feelings can the audience have empathy and empathy. In daily life, whether it is the truth and the truth can move people the most. When you admit your mistakes, when you have a heart-to-heart exchange with one of your subordinates, do you talk about clichés at that time? I also told the example of Jack Ma just now. A lot of times you get into the habit of telling the truth and telling the truth, and the audience reacts the same.

For example, I criticized the marketing department today, and this is true, I do think the name "Red Coat Open Class" is inappropriate. When I tell the truth, everyone will feel that it is not very true. I'm telling the truth about the top 10 trends in AI, because no one believes that I summarized the top 10 trends. So, to tell you the truth, I have summarized four, and six of them are copied by me, mixed together, maybe the final prediction is accurate, and you will forget it at the end of next year, and you will not settle accounts with me. This kind of truth often contains both self-deprecating and self-deprecating parts. [AI enthusiasts and entrepreneurs must read the top ten trends of the 2024 big model, the original video guides the way - search for "360 Zhou Hongyi" > WeChat video account]

I couldn't help it that day, and sometimes I yowed and said that your ten predictions were wrong, which means that you know the real answer, but you don't want to tell others. This stalk is relatively deep, so let's not talk about it. Just like someone said that there is a gap between the Chinese and American models, many people have boasted that we have surpassed GPT4, and brushing the list can brush GPT4 to the top ten, but I always honestly say that there is still a gap of one and a half years, because others are also making rapid progress. I also talk about artificial intelligence, and I also say that as soon as people open up the source, we will make progress, and this kind of truth still has real power.

On the other hand, when you speak, you don't have to think that you are making a written report, just use your most plain language, the way you speak every day, and when we say "talking about people", we don't mean that you usually speak the language of birds, but actually use the language of your life. In the past two days, my colleagues have also pushed some vloggers, some have video accounts, and some have Douyin, I never pretend to be Douyin, because Douyin is too attractive. It's really fascinating, because I have limited time, this time my colleague pushed me the link to Douyin, caused me to watch the video of Douyin, and caused me to sleep an hour late at night.

Big bloggers are all telling the truth, like Dong Yuhui, a typical truth-telling, telling the truth, and acting in their true colors, so we all like Dong Yuhui, think about it, is this the truth. Including telling the truth, when telling the truth, many times you can react instantly. For example, when entrepreneurs go, he complains, "What can I say about so many entrepreneurs? I'm talking nonsense. It reminds me that it's like a family visit during the Spring Festival, and parents let their children perform backflips, which is very real and ingenious. During the live broadcast that day, some of the styles felt a bit similar to what I said, he said that my brain is not very in a state today, which represents both truth and self-deprecation. This approach will keep you closer to your audience.

I've talked so much, in fact, there is a principle of fastening oneself, lowering oneself, and bringing the audience closer to the audience, so that the audience feels that you are your own person. You are your own person, and you will be able to listen to me. Why is Jobs, Luo Yonghao, and today's Dong Yuhui known as "reality distortion power", he can have a huge influence. If he puts himself high on the 15th floor, and we all look up on the ground, we may not be able to listen to what he says.

To tell the truth, to give a few examples, I will talk about 360 when I give lectures outside, and if you talk too much, everyone will think that I am here to listen to you talk about business principles and artificial intelligence, why do you advertise for 360? I will say, I have no charge for this speech, and I can't come in vain. I'll enter the advertising time below, everyone give me 5 minutes to brag about 360, are you embarrassed to stop after I finish talking like this?

There is an example of sincerity that touches people the most, don't misunderstand, it is called armed sincerity. Everyone has heard Nicolas Cage's "Lord of War", he sells a gun to an African president, and the president kills a guard with a gun, and he is shocked, and the president of Africa thinks that he is dissatisfied with him, and points the gun at him, and at the last moment, he snatches the gun and says that he hasn't paid yet, this is a new gun. The president thinks he is a gun dealer and sells guns with real feelings, because the guns have been used before they are sold. This is an extreme example, not that everyone has to pretend, but that this pretending can be seen.

That day, Wang Shi preached that his 3-year-old daughter was actually telling the truth, telling the truth, and the effect was very good after the lecture that day, and they all covered the "wind horse cow", and everyone was saying that Wang Shi had a 3-year-old marriage daughter. I think Wang Shi is typical of not saying clichés when he speaks, so his words are the most moving. I'm not wrong, right?

I suggest that you can't write a "small composition", but the composition is divided into many levels, I suggest that you use the composition level of primary school students to write, fairy tales are unscrupulous, and the words used in primary school students' essays are simple. Why is Trump popular in the United States? The vocabulary he uses is all elementary school vocabulary that he can understand. As soon as you come to the stage, what you talk about is black words, private domain, closed loop, and alignment, which ensures that the communication effect is not good. Therefore, use less terminology and industry "black words". Don't be afraid to show your cowardice, don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid of being embarrassed, and don't be afraid of ridicule, then you should speak in the most moving way. I'm not a trick, it's become a habit for me. For example, the marketing department just now interfered with me, and it did interfere with me, so I will tell my true feelings, and saying it may not necessarily be a negative thing for the market atmosphere. So, a speech is more like a conversation.

One minute on stage, ten years off stage

Talking about the issue of unscripted, there may have been a serious misunderstanding that day, did everyone watch my 40-minute talk show before? Do you think I was prepared? Many people think I was unprepared, and I promise I was prepared. You can ask our marketing department. A week before we spoke, someone had someone discuss the outline with me, what to talk about, we have an arsenal of copywriting, such as what jokes to tell, what jokes to tell, what ideas to tell, what pictures to match, we will have several meetings to discuss.

I'm just rehearsing, because I can't rehearse and you need passion. If I spoke before you came, and I was depressed after you came, it doesn't mean that I won't repeat it many times. You think I am very familiar with the things, because I have spoken many times internally, many leaders have visited our company, and I have spoken in front of the exhibition hall, which is to practice more. So we have a draft, but the really clever way to tell it is to use a teleprompter to tell the outline and the main points, you have to keep the logic in mind, many fragments of the story do not need to be memorized, you know that you can tell the story, and express it in natural language. With the help of the teleprompter and the previous exercises, I can do it, if I don't look at the teleprompter, if I don't see that I have a page turner in my hand, I will feel like I am beaming and giggling.

In fact, I looked at it that night, and in fact, Feng Lun had a PPT, and there was content on his teleprompter, and he also made preparations. So, you must not be misled by our appearances, and you are not ready to stand on the stage and laugh at anything, it will definitely be a disaster if you do this, because you really don't have enough time to prepare.

But I am also reading the manuscript now, what is the situation when I read the manuscript? Participating in the meeting of the government within the system, at this time, you must not say the wrong thing, that kind of meeting is not a speech, it is a report by the leader, and you must read it according to the script. But read the script, when you do live broadcasts, do public accounts, you young people will come out in another 5 or 10 years, and the young leaders will come out, and you must not be too bad in your speech skills. The speech is not necessarily external, but also to the employees. What is leadership, it is like beating chicken blood to employees, which is leadership. Reading manuscripts is the worst way to communicate. I do all the trails, look at everyone on the stage, then look at the manuscript, look at the eyes that look at me, and face the manuscript.

Poor eloquence and poor memory. Memory definitely takes effort. Teleprompter, our company has a very good teleprompter, there is a screen in front of the arrow, if you don't prepare, there is a teleprompter, your vision is flickering, is blurred, reading and you according to an outline to expand yourself to talk about a paragraph of things, this sense of passion is completely different. I've never met anyone who reads a manuscript with passion.

Of course, you can use teleprompters and flashcards. Do you know how good the president of the United States is at teleporting? You see Obama shouting there on the TV broadcast, "Change!Change!" You think it's very passionate, he puts the telegraph in a lot of places, how much does the telegraph write?, "Raise your hand and chant slogans here," "Stop here and look at the old lady in front of you on your right and smile at her." "It's not a rumor, I just looked at an internal training material. In order to cater to the presidential effect, Americans have to do training in their speeches, don't believe that a person is not prepared to go on stage, let me tell you, I am not prepared to go up to the stage to answer questions, there is no problem with a short 5 or 10 minutes, there is no problem with speaking well, if you do not make careful preparations and do not have any planning, it is impossible for me to talk on stage for 30 minutes. What you see at will has to look behind the preparation in advance.

So, let me tell you that I am stupid, I have to prepare for more than 10 minutes, and the marketing department has to think about it again and again, which is the most painful part for them, and I have to revise the draft repeatedly, to what extent? When we went public, the investment bank was tortured to death by me, and I will talk about the roadshow, which is only 30 minutes, how many versions did I change before I went to the roadshow? More than 60 versions were changed. Investment banks are going to be tortured to death by me, and I have to change them repeatedly, I have a lot of things that go very smoothly, in fact, now that I am older, my memory is not necessarily better than that of young people, and I can blurt it out after I have spoken more times. So there is a saying "one minute on stage, ten years off the stage". I'm different from you, I don't talk about topics that are too scattered, and I've been talking about safety, entrepreneurship, innovation, and marketing over and over again for so many years. There's a lot going on about that. AI, I've done no less than 100 games this year, and I'm certainly familiar with it both internally and externally. The talk show also has a script and a teleprompter, otherwise there is nothing to prepare, and the scene will shake the jokes, I can shake two jokes, and there will be no words if I shake it again. Therefore, just writing a manuscript does not mean serious preparation, but still has to do a lot of memorization work. Everyone, you can still hide the script in front of the camera, but don't rely entirely on reading the script.

Speak less about grand narratives, especially for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs

When I teach entrepreneurs to write BP, telling the truth and telling stories is to implement this idea. Speeches, macro things, correct nonsense, chicken soup things are the most untouching, because after listening to it in vain, people come to listen to a speech, you can give a specific suggestion. Many of our bloggers have done a very good job: "This video will bring three points to make money, please follow me quickly and stick to watching this video", I seem to have learned this set.

For example, when talking about business, you should talk about what problems your products solve, don't brag, and talk about how to survive the economic cycle that day. The examples I gave were industry shuffles and AI innovations that have the potential to reshape your industry or reinvent your products. To be convincing, it depends on data and facts, I gave the example of Xiaomi in advance, Lei always told the engine revolution, do you think it's quite shocking. Xiaomi is always able to cite some data from angles you don't expect.

For example, we made a camera similar to Xiaomi, and I thought Xiaomi's advertising slogan was very good: "Four lenses are all glass", so I asked our engineer how many of them were? He said that it was also four, and he said why don't you say it? He said: Everyone is four. I said that if you didn't say it, it means that the user doesn't know, but if you say four pieces, it's not very professional. And secondly, I asked him, are our lenses glass? And he said it's all the same. So, there is a joke on the Internet, if you sell noodles, you have to say that this noodle is grown on Kunlun Mountain, and what kind of water is used.

Look at the audience, from "no one in sight" to "no one in sight".

I've just talked about the content of the speech, so let's talk about a few tips. From "no one in sight" to "no one in sight", teach a few methods:

In the front row of the audience, you see, make eye contact with him, see if you know him, if you don't know him, find a support, today the first row is all my support. You have to imagine that you're not speaking in front of a lot of people, and if you want to have a million people watching my live stream, it's too stressful, it's too bad. If you say that I will communicate with this beauty or this handsome guy, will your nervousness drop a lot? I've tried this method, and I've never been able to do it. Of course, if this person can't go to the Tao, he can't look at you blankly, and if it's broken, you will have self-doubt. This person should nod his head with you frequently, smile constantly, and have a look of adoration in his eyes. If not, I asked in my speech if I could ask the audience in the front row to give me an admiring look.

I'll give you two negative examples, the first is an all-staff meeting in a large gymnasium, and when employees sit far away and can't see people, you will find that the speech will be much worse. I once gave a press conference, I didn't say my name because it was a bit negative, and I invited a master speaker who is also a business leader in our industry. Usually he speaks very smoothly, but he was completely out of order at my meeting that day, why? The silly hat gaffer hit the spotlight directly at him. I later found that his eyes were illuminated by the bright light, and the audience was dark, and no one could see it, and you would find that he, who was usually wise, suddenly became very nervous, very cramped, and spoke incoherently, and began to be wild, because no one made eye contact with him. I learned this trick and communicated with the audience every time I spoke something.

The audience nods, smiles, turns heads, and takes pictures with mobile phones (I don't know if it's real or fake), people sometimes have to be self-paralyzed, to be confident, it is an incentive for you, and you will relax. The most terrible thing is that I told three jokes, and the audience really didn't laugh, I encountered this incident, I once went to the disciplined forces to talk about it, you can't applaud without the leader's order, you can't laugh, everyone looks at me with a straight face, you can imagine my frustration, I don't want to talk about it anymore at all, I just want to end this speech. Just like the big model and Promote, if you give better feedback on the prompt, the big model will talk, and if you don't have feedback, the big model won't have anything to say.

CCTV does programs, and TV stations around the country have to find some audiences, even if the extras sit under the stage, there is no audience during the epidemic, so I have to look at the photographer. I've been practicing for many years, and when I'm facing a camera, when I'm facing a photographer, I couldn't speak, but now I'm a friend to a photographer, whether I recognize it or not, and I frequently nod at it, which makes many photographers nod at me constantly. It is very effective for you to try this method.

I was most happy in the field that day, I had two major advantages, I had listened to my lectures in the morning, they were all my students, and I was more bold in what I wanted to say. Second, Feng Lun is a joker, and he can speak more casually. The third front row was filled with my acquaintances, and everyone kept nodding their heads, which was a great encouragement to me. Speakers also need to be motivated.

There are also two ways to interact, and you need to observe the audience's reaction

The first method, if the audience is not responding, you can ask the audience, do you all believe in GPT, is it really intelligent or fake intelligence, think it is real and raise your hand. It seems silly, once a user interacts with you, at least one user is on the same side as you. For example, if a user raises more than one hand, you say, "I have the same opinion." Therefore, you can continue to ask questions through interaction, which is equivalent to doing surveys, just like you said in the live broadcast room: "The big brother on the list deducts 1" or "666 comes to one", which is doing user feedback, and the actual essence is the same.

There is another way to be more detrimental, casually pointing to the audience that does not exist in the audience, anyway, the audience doesn't know who you are referring to, this fat man, this bald head, I'm not talking about you. Don't you want to tell a joke, you add a joke to him, which is equivalent to sacrificing him and making the audience happy. For example, in the original example of WeChat products, WeChat products have a flashpoint "shake" function, but now no one uses it. I usually say that this function will say: "Shake it, this student shows a knowing smile, at first glance is a master, please introduce the essence of WeChat use" This kind of interaction is slightly damaged, it can enliven the atmosphere. Will the rest of the audience be very supportive of this interaction? They won't know who you're referring to, and no one will be angry. Therefore, be sure to observe the user's reaction, if the user is bowing his head to play with the phone, turning his head to ear, expressionless, indicating that he does not like to listen, at this time quickly end the topic, or tell another joke.

It's normal to make mistakes, be thick-skinned, and admit mistakes sincerely

What if something goes wrong? People make mistakes. Hold on a little longer, I really want to go to the toilet now. Don't laugh, in fact, I don't want to go to the toilet, this joke was learned from Li Xueqin, you have watched Li Xueqin's talk show, Li Xueqin said: "I came to the toilet to go to the toilet", of course, I laughed, so I have to apply what I have learned. For example, what should I do if I say the wrong thing, what should I do if I forget the words, and what should I do if I am nervous about saying the wrong thing? It turns out that although I have told jokes in my speech, I still say the wrong thing, I forget the word, and it is very embarrassing to forget the word. Short videos can be edited and restarted, and there is no chance for live broadcasts. Especially when there is a big leader sitting below, what should you do if you forget your words? That is, you admit that you have forgotten your words. This is in line with what I said earlier, to tell the truth, to say that it is really emotional, not afraid of self-deprecation, I was so excited last night, like a primary school student, now my brain is short-circuited, I forgot what to say, give me 2 minutes to adjust it, at this time the user is acceptable. Or ask the audience and seize the opportunity to interact with the audience, so there is a saying "as long as you are not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed", even if you make a mistake, you are an ordinary person, you will say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, and if you want to pass the face barrier, there will be resistance and defense.

Speaking of mistakes, you make mistakes and stop, here's a new beginning, don't accumulate. Accumulation is always under pressure in my heart, I can't say wrong, just accumulate, the more nervous I get, and finally I collapse. Crashes are not caused by one mistake, but by countless mistakes in a row. So, the skin should be thick, my brain said that there was water seepage today, and the state was not good. I'm in good shape today, and I've been climbing the rock for two hours. And the more honest you are, the more you are not afraid to cover up your mistakes, the more people will like and forgive. What everyone hates the most is not admitting mistakes and covering them up.

What I often hate is the organizer, of course, in our company don't dare, hold up a sign, there are 5 minutes, there is 1 minute, I also look at the occasion, I am also very vulgar, if it is a government meeting, I will hurry "thank you! This is the end of my speech", if it is a friend's venue, or this place invited me to speak, you know, I go to many places to speak for free, I can come to help. So, when I'm happy, I'm going to let me talk as much as I want, I don't ask anything else, I'm going to say don't bother me, I'm happy. There is a term in Wang Shuo's novel, like a broken toilet, which is so loud that you want to close it for me. Of course, ask the audience if you want me to continue, and there are still jokes that let me listen to them. The general audience will not think it is a big deal to watch the excitement, and at this time, there is no support for the conference organizers, and I hope that the more chaotic the better, so I will support it.

What do you do if you are attacked? You also saw the scene of the rollover that day. There are two types of attacks, one is vicious and the other is aggressive. Public relations said that the issue setting, don't defend when you encounter problems, don't resist, just don't pretend, put your posture on the nobody, and be invincible against all attacks. For example, don't get into each other's arguments, don't get into his issues. For example, someone suddenly stood up and said, "Zhou Hongyi, I think you're talking about shit, you're a pig." If you have to say the other way around: "You are a pig!" then you are both pigs, or the other way around: "I am not a pig, Feng Lun and Wang Shi proved that Zhou Hongyi is not a pig", then tomorrow's report will be "Zhou Hongyi said he is not a pig". This thing is getting blacker and darker. What is the right thing to do? Along the way, you can say that you have discovered all my secrets, is there anything wrong with pigs? Tell me, "I am a pig," and put yourself at the bottom. Conversely......... I'm not going to talk back, just take this example, I admit it's a pig, are you embarrassed to attack me? That might talk about the difference between wild boars and domestic pigs, and then we might go back to the topic of entrepreneurship.

To give you a negative example, this is one of the very few examples of gaffes among me, either without gaffes, or at the meetings of dark horses. One year there was a young man, this young man really wanted to be in the limelight, he made a software, 360 had already succeeded, said that 360 plagiarized and killed it. 360 kills him for reason. It was the Dark Horse Competition, he was nobody, and I was the chief judge and entrepreneurial mentor of the Dark Horse. If it were to be today, I wouldn't be angry at all, saying that I don't understand the situation you said, I'll go back and investigate, and if it's our problem, I'll correct it. Today we are an entrepreneurship competition, not to discuss the relationship between 360 and your software, or to return to the topic of entrepreneurship, so that we can get rid of his topic setting.

But I made a mistake at the time, and I was enraged, and that's when I got into the realm of explanation, and I started explaining that I didn't kill it, that I wasn't wrong. In fact, there was chaos on the field at that time, and did anyone listen to this kind of explanation? The media liked to hear it the most. The media is all watching the excitement, it's not a big deal, it's better for the two of you to fight. In the end, I really got angry, bang, and slammed the microphone, saying I'm going to pump you, I'm going to rush up, but I was stopped. If you beat him, it's an epic plane crash. People will not forget what he said, but there is a title "Zhou Hongyi beats the entrepreneur", "Zhou Hongyi beats the Internet celebrity", "Zhou Hongyi beats the host", it is terrible to think about this theme.

Therefore, since then, this education has impressed me very deeply, because there are always people who use similar topics to prove that "Zhou Hongyi is very rude" and "Zhou Hongyi is very aggressive", and there are all kinds of rumors, smashing colleagues with ashtrays, I scold colleagues for having them, but to hit the ashtray and smash people is to go to the hospital, win the game, and lose the hospital. So, when encountering such a challenge, there is still one thing not to be provoked, and if you are provoked, you will enter. The solution is the same, if you feel like you're nobody, you're not a great person, just accept it. The solution to the problem setting can be eliminated by the method of tai chi.

I've learned an expression management and I'm going to share it with you. Have you noticed that when I am on stage, this is not pretending, as long as you keep telling jokes, not only bring happiness to others, but also fill yourself with happiness, so it doesn't matter if you are always smiling and smirking. I didn't look in the mirror that day, but I should be smiling. Because I'm really happy. Of course, I'm not gloating, because I told a lot of jokes, and that night our public relations department felt that I was very proud of my talk show, told a lot of jokes, and blackened myself a lot. Including posture and language, to put it in detail, many of you don't study body language, in fact, you have to study a little.

I never do this kind of photo with my hands copied. Many business elites, especially professional managers, like to stand on their feet. In fact, this body language is a defensive posture, indicating that I am closed and do not accept anything else, which shows that you are not confident. Therefore, we talked about self-confidence for a long time, truly confident people dare to open themselves, dare to face their own shortcomings, and truly confident people can also listen to others attacking themselves, so it is not right to close the legs and hold the legs together. Women have to put their legs together, and I keep crossing my legs to show that I'm open. Wang Yangming said that "knowledge and action are one", so in terms of expression, mentality, and language, can you do your own inner self, and turn yourself into a person who is humble and reflective, and can accept criticism and attacks from others.

From the user's point of view, talk about the Why first, then talk about What, and talk less about How

This is the user's perspective, I am a product manager, making a speech, and making a product is the same, from the user's point of view, I care about what problems can be solved by the user. When I speak, many of us are always hilarious, talking to ourselves, always trying to talk about what I have delivered. It doesn't make sense if the audience doesn't love to listen to it. So, when you design your speech, you have to think about what you want to say. Too many people speak briefly, or report to the leader, which is the most common, in the exhibition hall, or with the VC to finance, spend a few minutes to explain what their business is like, just because they ignore this problem, it becomes "painful to talk about the history of revolutionaries", how they were when they were children, why they want to start a business, what difficulties they encountered in starting their own business, Screw Eight can talk for an hour or two, lyrical and family and country feelings, and finally lose the main core meaning.

So, be sure to pay attention to the listener's feelings, what exactly he wants to listen to. Everyone should do an exercise "elevator promotion". For example, if you are usually a dick, and you finally meet a famous VC, such as Sequoia investor, you can squeeze him into an elevator, from the 1st floor to the 10th floor, and impress him with two or three sentences in such a short time, and he will take you to the office for an in-depth conversation, which can arouse his interest. It sounds like PUA, which is called elevator promotion in foreign countries, and uses the shortest time to grasp the key points, which is also a skill of speech. Sometimes the shorter the speech, the more powerful. Because there is too much information today, my version today is a little longer, please understand.

I used a method, I just had a meeting this morning, I went to a company with a group of leaders, and they made the same mistake, when the leaders visited your company, the leaders only had a short time, which was also a speech. Don't talk about How, talk about Why first and then What, sometimes just talk about How, and don't talk about How if you don't have time. What is Why, What, do you know this statement?

First, the audience must not know the details of you, and you can't let him make up for it, and you can't tell the staff. I made up more than 1,000 numbers for jokes, and when the internal management had a meeting, I didn't tell jokes, just said the number 346 joke, and everyone laughed. Because he knows what I'm talking about. We also do the tacit understanding of the trail. So, users don't actually know you, you talk about any product first and say "Why", why do I do this, what value I solve, this is always more important than the product itself. This makes it clear. Next, let's talk about the function of 360 antivirus, which leader can understand.

I will come up and say that today's national strategy is digitalization, and the biggest threat to our national strategy is digital security. The biggest "bottleneck" problem of digital security for us is that the cyber armies of other countries attack our digital systems and we "can't see it", which poses a huge threat to our country, so 360 must strive to solve this problem. As long as the leader cares about what problems you solve, what value you create, and why you do this, your position will be very high. Too many of our founders with technical backgrounds come up and say: "Leader, my technology uses cloud technology, container technology, and virtual machines", and the leader listens for a long time, and scolds his mother in his heart, so I have to talk about Why.

Second, let's talk about what, what is your positioning, that is, what I do, what users I face, and what market I face. In general, I don't approve of you using rough communication at a meeting to tell you how. How is how I do it, How is tactical, Why is strategy, and What is what connects it in the middle. This exercise has helped me a lot. There is also a big brother who is also one of mine, once he was going to take me to raise money, and I met the CEO of Softened Silver, I remember the appearance of that person for the rest of my life, and it took a lot of effort, and I drove for two hours that day, and I almost went against the road.

Note that the details of the story I tell are true, and not entirely true, in order to deepen your impression. So, storytelling is the easiest to tell. Later, Zhou Hongyi arrived at his hotel, I was already 1 hour late, and he still had half an hour to go to the airport, but I only knew Chinese, and English was very poor. At that time, in 1999, he didn't know English, only Japanese, so he brought an entourage, a Japanese boy, and volunteered to be a translator. I began to ramble on about my feelings, I stammered in English for 30 minutes, I don't know how to translate English into Japanese so concisely, the Japanese guy finished translating "Hi, Hi, Hi", the Japanese looked at me, their eyes rolled, "You get out!" and quickly blew me away. IDG felt very ashamed, IDG kidnapped me in a fit of rage, rented a room, and locked me up for a week at Dajue Temple. I am required to write first and then memorize every day, and use 500 words, 300 words, and 100 words to describe what my company does, what family and country feelings, what I want to do if I finance money, and change the world in the future.

So, you might as well do this exercise, because of large-scale presentations and small-scale presentations. In particular, many of you will have to face the face of making presentations to leaders, reporting to leaders, financing, and fundraising in the future. There are also people who face the listing and can only speak for 20 minutes at the luncheon. So keep it concise. I am rambling here today because you understand that we must learn to be concise and concise when speaking on many occasions.

Only when you have goods in your stomach can you improvise

Kung fu is outside of poetry, many skills can be applied, many times it is necessary to accumulate more, and only when there are goods in the stomach can you improvise, it is difficult to rely on memorization. The two biggest challenges for me, the first is that I and Hunan Satellite TV's Wang Han "Everyday Upward", they are also against you, I hacked 5 of them alone, and one with Guo Degang, which can't rely on memorization, because it is impossible to prepare in advance. This method is that everyone must read more books and watch more talk show videos. In addition, I read more jokes, I have a lot of jokes, when I was young, I read several books of jokes from all over the world, all over the world, and thousands of jokes have always been read.

I especially like to read the popular Soviet jokes on the Internet. Just look a lot so that you can become an interesting person. Many of you joked about a question, and after reading it, you laughed and couldn't remember. Jokes must be memorized, adapted, and learned, and you can develop such a habit and become an interesting soul.

The jokes I watch can be remembered first, and the second touches the scene, for example, to a suitable scene, I can take out the joke and arrange it, without waiting until the speech is harmful, you can make up jokes in daily life, if so, you will become a popular person, of course, some people will call you a "poisonous tongue", Hou Xiaoqiang posted an article in the past two days, I also agree: to read across borders, to practice retelling when reading, to use it in combination with daily scenes. Dong Yuhui also reads a lot, otherwise he wouldn't be able to catch a lot of words just by relying on small compositions. For example, Yu Minhong now reads more than me, because for a period of time he was fine and had no business, so he studied every day. Therefore, this is a large amount of reading, and I obviously feel that I can talk about him, and I have been reading less recently, also because I have watched too many short videos. So, you have to defend yourself against short videos.

Reading can have the ability to speak, but if you don't read books, you can drop your book bag and say "A Brief History of Time" and "A Brief History of Mankind", such as Hegel and Wittgenstein recently, this is called pretending, so there is a recent Wittgenstein work, whether it is linguistics or semiotics, or philosophy; I often read vulgar books, talking about stall readings, "Currency Wars", which many people despise, so I also read them. So, you quote more.

A sense of humor can be practiced

Do you think I have a sense of humor? If you can come here and listen to it, it means that you have a sense of humor, at least potential. Therefore, when interacting with users, you should always affirm them and encourage them. A sense of humor can be practiced and needs to be accumulated. I have watched talk shows many times, and I have to write down Guo Degang's jokes, don't write down this thing stiffly, learn and use it lively.

To give you two examples, sometimes when arguing with others, I try to prove that I am an engineer, what are the characteristics of an engineer? bald and stubborn, but we have the advantage that programmers don't do things that they are not sure about. In order to prove this, I will tell a joke to my partners, and they will laugh when they hear it, and once I made a bet in a bar to bet on 100 yuan to drink 10 bottles of beer, and many people said I couldn't drink it, so I went out, and after half an hour I said I could drink it, and I drank 10 bottles of beer in one go, and won 100 yuan. Everyone was surprised, and they all asked me, "Why did you hide for half an hour when you were so good at drinking?" I said that I went out and tried it first, and I was sure. In turn, the joke was copied by me, and no joke was made up by me. People will think you're coke.

You said that I recently met a true story, a group of gangsters gather in Japan for dinner every year, and in October when I was in the United States, they sent me a message saying that they should come to our house for dinner this Christmas. So, let me predict that it would be more difficult to go to Japan for dinner than to ascend to heaven, so I said I wasn't sure. Two days before Christmas, I sent a message saying, "Is my brother still inviting me to dinner?" He replied: "It's full in October, and you didn't confirm with us, so you can't come this year, I'm sorry!" I'm a little disappointed, because many industry bigwigs are there, and I often need to go there often to meet and recharge.

But the day before Christmas, he suddenly noticed that one of them was sick, as if he had fallen from skiing, and said that there was a vacant seat, would you come? To get rid of this embarrassment, I said that your way of life reminds me of a story that you used the Soviet way of life. They were very strange, and I said I'll tell you a story, one day, there was a guy in the Soviet Union who wanted to buy a refrigerator, went to the store and said that it would be delivered in 10 years. This seriously asks, 10 years later, whether the goods will be delivered in the morning or in the afternoon. The people who sell refrigerators are very strange, and in 10 years' time, does it matter in the morning and in the afternoon? He said it was very important, because the workers who repaired the fruit were coming in the morning.

I read these stories.

There is no genius, only deliberate practice

I recommend two books, one is called "Alien" and the other is "Deliberate Practice". "Outliers" is about the 10,000-hour rule, what do you do, if you go through 10,000 hours of training, you can become a professional player. "Deliberate Practice" talks about not needing 10,000 hours, and one of his views has a deep impact on me, not only for the speech, he said that people like Phelps and Tiger Woods think that they are golf and swimming geniuses, they actually practice golf every day, and they practice swimming every day. There is no genius, genius is just a boost to make you a top master, and the most important thing is to deliberately connect and invest enough time. After listening to what I said, you should practice repeatedly and deliberately. I'll give you a few suggestions:

Yu Minhong, Luo Yonghao, Dong Yuhui, and Ma Yun are all masters of speech, what do they have in common? )

Yes, the teacher's eloquence is good. Are all teachers eloquent? Therefore, you can do volunteer teaching activities of the Hope Project or work part-time at New Oriental.

You should treat everything as a speech, don't think that walking on the stage is a speech, live broadcast is a speech, reporting to the leader is a speech, a leader visiting your company to explain is also a speech, giving a meeting to your employees is also a speech, going home to give a lecture to the child, giving him homework is also a speech, and of course meeting investors is also a speech. In fact, when your friends talk, it also gives you a chance to become a joker, and if you become a joker among your friends, it proves that your sense of humor has been greatly improved.

I just talked about controlling tension, in addition to what I said about lowering my mentality, telling jokes, and laughing at myself, there is also more practice. The aura is strong not because he pretends to be strong, but because he has practiced a lot, and he is familiar with it.

To review the review. I'll tell you the truth, I am very good at reviewing, a group of people from my company, whether it is a leader or a peer, as long as he is gone, we have to review, which sentence is not right, which manuscript can be written more concisely, how can the order of the presentation be different. Through review after review, we change a version of the speech every time, and these works are invisible to you. Don't believe what those people say, rely on genius, rely on inspiration. The real thing is reading, accumulation, and training. It's just that this kind of training doesn't have to be a deliberate training in a class, but just a part of the daily life as part of the practice.

Learn to listen and be good at listening

To learn to speak quickly, learn to learn from people anytime, anywhere. It's not that Zhou Hongyi's lectures and Luo Yonghao's lectures are learning. You watch a lot of meetings, when online bloggers do short video live broadcasts, many people are good examples, you don't just watch him happy, understand a lot of things, you have to think about why Dong Yuhui's words are very convincing, can you change Dong Yuhui's words into my language.

For example, I have participated in a lot of meetings, and sometimes many people think that it is a waste of time, and some of them are out of courtesy, and they can't wait for him to speak before leaving, which is the style of a big leader. Sometimes I sit there and have to listen. Later, I found that when I had to sit there and listen, I started listening carefully, instead of playing with my phone. Many people may not be as good as me in the lecture as a whole, but some of his golden sentences and ideas have been "plagiarized" by me.

Steve Jobs once said that he was the best at plagiarizing ideas. I also said within the company that plagiarism of products should not be, plagiarism of technology should not be, but ideas are priceless, and you can use other people's good views and good ideas for my use is a martial arts master. We have a saying "the Dafa of absorbing stars", absorbing other people's things.

In two days, Wang Xiaochuan will have a meeting to talk about something, Fu Sheng will have a meeting to talk about something, and Geek Park will talk about something, I will take it and see it. For example, when Baidu held a meeting, Robin Li came out and said something, I can also ask my marketing department to study what he said, and take a wonderful sentence he said and write it to my PPT, isn't it good?

Finally, take the example of Jobs, Jobs looks proud, everyone has a misunderstanding about him, what is self-serving, creating demand, educating users. Wrong, Steve Jobs was very good at taking other people's ideas for his own use. When he was making an iPad, the first time the team came up with a prototype that was white. He said that the white one was too ugly, and his hands were easy to get dirty to the touch, so he scolded the team, thinking that black was high-end/elegant, and said a lot of things, and I was not there anyway.

Someone once said, "Have you ever seen a white car for the president of the United States?" It's all black, have you ever seen the presidents and leaders of the world all white? It's all black, because he has a bunch of crooked reasoning. After the team went home, they learned from the pain, since the boss didn't like white, he should have done a lot of meditation and reflection when he went home, and the next day the team just came out with black things, and he said "white is too good", this is a fact, not a joke I made up for him, so his first version was white. He may not admit that the employee's idea is right, but in fact he is still doing good.

My suggestion is that many people are not good at listening, and they are not good at learning. If you want to improve your presentation, in addition to initiating what you are talking about live, you also have to listen to what others are saying live during your presentation and participation in the panel. What was the only thing that Feng Ma Niu was not satisfied with that day? If I were to be the host, I would definitely quote a lot of what Wang Shi and Feng Lun had said in front of the speakers, so that I could intersperse them in a timely manner. In fact, we also studied the example of open crotch pants that Feng Lun talked about that day, and felt that the style did not match mine, otherwise the joke would be taken away again, so I studied everywhere and was good at talking to everyone. We all said jokes at the dinner table, can you adapt it to become your jokes. For example, Hou Jiyong came out later and said: My name is Hou Jiyong, and then tell a joke, everyone is deeply impressed by you. The chaotic Li Shanyou often says: "My name is Li Shanyou, a shining good friend." "It's also a joke, and you can leave a deep impression.

Speech can be skillful or unskillful

The heavy sword has no edge, and the wisdom is foolish. Speech can be skillful or unskillful, the core is sincerity, as long as sincerity can defeat all forces that don't like you. Of course, in the end it's not realistic for you to make everyone like you, as long as some people like you, it's fine. So, "don't pretend to be a bit of a two" and be yourself. I'm a very good person in some ways, but some methods are a bit two, and I don't mean to, and I've always thought that this is because God created me to be very balanced, so that I am better in all aspects, so that everyone has no way to live.

Therefore, let's highlight a few points: self-deprecation, self-blackening, telling jokes, reading more, listening, deliberate practice, kung fu outside of poetry, spending a year or two, not necessarily reaching the level of Dong Yuhui, PK Luo Yonghao's level, at least PK The ability of your peers will definitely improve.

My speaking experience is also my experience for the media, and there are many media people here. What kind of interviewer do media people like, tell the truth, tell the truth, there are some things you can not say, and the other is sincerity, don't lie. There are people in the media who like to make mistakes once in a while, so they have lace to talk about. Hope it helps.

(This article was first published on the Titanium Media APP, author|Li Chengcheng, editor|Ma Jinnan)