
At the beginning of the year, we will sprint and fight for the economy, and these places have already enlarged their moves

At the beginning of the year, we will sprint and fight for the economy, and these places have already enlarged their moves

At the beginning of the year, we will sprint and fight for the economy, and these places have already enlarged their moves

Text/Chen Su

has just entered 2024, and all localities are already gearing up to "fight for the economy". The reporter combed and found that all localities have made efforts to achieve a "good start" in the economy through the layout of key work, the start of a large number of projects, and the introduction of a package of policies.

Grasp the "golden key" of major projects

Major projects are an important support for the economy. At the beginning of January, a large number of major projects were in full swing in various places, and the economic work in the first quarter released by many places also planned and released the construction of major projects, mainly involving people's livelihood shortcomings, infrastructure and urban renewal, industrial upgrading and other fields.

Sichuan: On January 11, the on-site promotion activities of major projects in the first quarter were held, and the major projects under construction this time involved infrastructure, industrial projects, people's livelihood and social undertakings, ecological and environmental protection and other fields. In terms of the scale of investment, there are 226 projects of more than 1 billion yuan with an investment of 621.7 billion yuan, 28 projects of more than 5 billion yuan with an investment of 277.7 billion yuan, and 12 projects of more than 10 billion yuan with an investment of 188.1 billion yuan.

Shenzhen: On January 3, Futian District, Shenzhen, held the first batch of projects in 2024, and released the first batch of 23 projects in 2024 in various fields such as key industries, infrastructure, housing and public livelihood, with a total investment of 133.6 billion yuan, and strive to achieve double-digit growth in investment throughout the year.

Hunan: On the morning of January 3, 11 major projects started construction with a total investment of 87.2 billion yuan.

Henan: The 11th phase of the "three batches" project construction activities will be held, the work plan of the "Double Hundred Project" of major projects in 2024 and the list of provincial key projects will be introduced, the mechanism for focusing on important provincial projects will be improved, and the preliminary work of additional treasury bond projects will be accelerated, among which the "three batches" projects will strive to achieve a start-up rate of 70% in the first quarter of the current contracted projects.

Zhang Yiqun, vice chairman of the Performance Committee of the China Fiscal Society, said that from the promotion of government investment in January, early planning, early investment, and early results of the front-line investment play an obvious role. A large number of infrastructure, public services, and new technology capacity projects will be implemented one after another, laying a good foundation for achieving a "good start" for the economy in the first quarter of this year and stable economic growth throughout the year.

Stimulating the "New Potential" of Private Investment

Private investment is an important force for expanding domestic demand and promoting economic development. In the opening measures of "fighting the economy" in various places, in addition to promoting the investment in major projects led by the government, the potential of private investment has also been continuously stimulated.

In early January, the Zhengzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission announced the list of the first batch of projects to be promoted to private capital in 2024. There are a total of 44 projects in this batch of promotions, with a total investment of 100.1 billion yuan, covering industrial parks, transportation infrastructure, social undertakings, logistics infrastructure, affordable housing projects, urban organic renewal, new infrastructure and other fields.

The relevant person in charge of the Zhengzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission said that the next step will be to carry out the project promotion activities for private investment on a regular basis as the entry point, release the list of recommended projects on a quarterly basis, do a good job in project tracking and scheduling and follow-up service guarantee, give full play to the role of major project traction and government investment leverage, actively carry out investment and loan linkage pilots, strengthen support for private investment and financing, and promote capital investment in key areas that benefit from supply and demand and have a large multiplier effect.

In addition, many places focus on the development of private enterprises, and invite enterprises to participate in the "C position" at the "first meeting of the new year".

On January 3, Suzhou held a city-wide conference on promoting new industrialization, many entrepreneurs were invited to participate in the meeting, and were arranged in the middle of the front row of the venue "C position" seat, their speeches are not only about achievements, but mainly about the current economic situation and the difficulties faced, and put forward specific suggestions.

On January 2, Zhejiang Jinhua held the 2024 "good start" conference, the meeting invited 100 enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, chambers of commerce and association representatives to participate in the meeting, and discussed questions including "should the dividend enterprises enjoy?", "is there anything that can be optimized in the landing process?", "are there any policies, enterprises feel that 'it is not necessary'?" Jinhua hopes to repair and boost market confidence, perceive the "temperature difference" between economic policies and market entities, and further adjust and optimize policies. 

Running out of the "acceleration" of opening up to the outside world

Foreign trade is one of the "troikas" that drive economic growth. In the past year, the external situation has been complex and severe, with major developed countries continuing to raise interest rates, global economic growth slowing down, and geopolitical conflicts emerging. The Central Economic Work Conference proposed that it is necessary to expand high-level opening up, accelerate the cultivation of new momentum for foreign trade, and consolidate the basic market of foreign trade and foreign investment. In order to make greater efforts to expand high-level opening up, various localities have frequently made "new moves" at the beginning of the new year.

On January 2, the Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission launched a new measure to consolidate the basic market of foreign trade and foreign investment, in accordance with the "enjoy without application" model, to support enterprises to use foreign exchange settlement direction exchange rate hedging products to reduce the risk of exchange rate fluctuations, and to attract and utilize foreign investment with greater efforts.

On January 6, the Fujian Provincial Department of Commerce issued the "Notice on Printing and Distributing Several Measures to Expand Consumption, Stabilize Foreign Trade and Stabilize Foreign Investment in the First Quarter of 2024", proposing 11 measures to support enterprises to expand the market and stabilize orders, promote local stability and promote increment, strengthen export risk protection, promote foreign-funded enterprises to accelerate investment, improve the level of investment in the manufacturing industry, support multi-form investment promotion, and promote the upgrading of foreign-funded projects.

As a major foreign trade province, Shandong Province has formulated a new batch of targeted policies in the recently released "2024 Policy List of "Promoting Economic Consolidation and Improvement, Accelerating Green, Low-Carbon and High-Quality Development" (the first batch). Focusing on the two major goals of stabilizing the scale of import and export in the short term and enhancing the comprehensive competitiveness of foreign trade in the long term, in 2024, Shandong will make greater efforts to explore the international market, implement various policies to stabilize foreign trade, and cultivate new momentum for foreign trade through the implementation of five major actions.

Continue to tap the "new momentum" of the economy

In a number of measures to "fight the economy" at the beginning of the year, innovation, high technology, and transformation have become high-frequency words, and all localities are committed to promoting transformation and upgrading, and constantly tapping new economic momentum.

On January 3, Suzhou's "first meeting of the new year" focused on "promoting new industrialization". The meeting clarified the goals and tasks of Suzhou to promote new industrialization: accelerate the construction of 10 key industrial clusters and 30 key industrial chains in the city, and strive to form four trillion-level leading industries of electronic information, high-end equipment, advanced materials and new energy in about 3 years, with a total industrial output value of 5 trillion yuan, so as to achieve effective qualitative improvement and reasonable growth in quantity, and promote GDP to 3 trillion yuan.

On January 11, Sichuan held an on-site promotion activity for major projects in the first quarter, and the projects released involved a large number of emerging technology industries such as new energy, intelligent manufacturing, and advanced medical care. The main venue of the event is located at the site of BOE's 8.6th generation AMOLED production line project, with a total investment of 63 billion yuan, which is the largest single manufacturing project in the history of industrial development in Chengdu and even the province. The choice of this main venue also shows Sichuan's "ambition" to achieve transformation and development and explore new economic momentum at the beginning of the new year.

Experts believe that at the beginning of the new year, intensive and effective measures have been introduced in various places, and policy dividends will be further highlighted, which will help promote the economy to achieve a "good start" and help the stable and high-quality development of the economy throughout the year.

From: The country is a through train

Editor: Gao Yanjiao

Editor-in-charge: Wei Xi

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