
People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

author:Meiling loves to talk about things


North Korea is a mysterious and closed country. As the last closed society on Earth, it gives people the impression of imagination. When it comes to North Korea, people still have a superficial understanding of it, except for the Juche Tower and nuclear weapons tests.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

I was fortunate enough to join a tour to North Korea and see firsthand what this little-known country is all about. In the process of exploration, surprise, shock, and curiosity come to my heart like a tide. This trip gave me the privilege of getting a glimpse of the real life of North Koreans under the veil of mystery. I piece together these fragmented fragments into a vivid story to share with you my vision of North Korea.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

Maybe you, like me, sigh in shock and think in curiosity. Come, let's cross the Yalu River and explore the land that beckons to us!

1. North Korea or China?

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

The first step to North Korea is to board an international train from Dandong. When I arrived at the train station, I found few clues to identify — men and women in suits coming and going in the waiting room, looking at their luggage and wondering if they were North Koreans. A slightly chubby middle-aged woman walked by, carrying several large bags and small wrappers in her hands. "Hey, could she be going to North Korea?" I thought to myself.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

Soon, the train pulled into a pitch-black tunnel, and there was darkness in front of me. "Why don't you turn on the lights?" exclaimed. It turns out that the interior lighting is never used here to save energy, and I can't help but marvel at the savings in North Korea. In the darkness I heard a low whisper from the top bunk, and an old man was babbling about his past experiences, and his tone was full of undisguised enthusiasm - it turned out that he was a veteran of the Korean War.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

It dawned on me that I had unknowingly crossed the border and arrived in the mysterious country of Korea.

II. The Fractured Ends of the Peninsula: The Contrast Between Glory and Desolation

As the train crossed the broken bridge, I looked out at both ends of the bombed-out railroad connection – a place that once witnessed the pain of history. On one side is the colorful Dandong, with its high-rise buildings, while on the other side of the river, Sinuiju is hidden in darkness.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

"It's like two worlds. I sighed. The old man beside him nodded, and said slowly in his unique accent: "You can see this as a portrayal of the capitalist world being bright and the socialist world being gray." ”

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

I chewed on what he inspired me, and realized that this is not just a geographical divide between the north and the south, but also a meeting point of ideology – the epitome of inter-Korean existentialism.

3. The mysterious emblem: the innate identity of the North Koreans

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

The train stopped at the border checkpoint for more than an hour, and I could hear the sound of my luggage being turned. A mother is anxiously soothing a crying child as the emblem on her chest flashes in the lamplight. I curiously asked the tour guide what this like emblem meant.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

"This is an innate honor for North Koreans, and only outstanding achievements can be obtained. The tour guide said proudly.

When I asked what to do if it was damaged, she was surprised and asked, "That's impossible! It's as precious as the heart." ”

In this moment, I realized how North Koreans cultivate a sense of collective pride – they see their identity as the ultimate honor.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

4. Confusion in stripping the coat: the difference in the train compartment

After the immigration check, people began to take off their coats. Only then did I realize that I could tell the North Koreans by their clothes — they looked just like us when they were dressed in navy blue and mixed with me. This is the distinction between the worldly and the spiritual. I thought so.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

This opened my eyes to the possibility of the mysterious East mixing with the West. Perhaps the outside is not everything, time and circumstance can strip away the surface and reveal the essence. Perhaps in the future there will also be more diverse elements in this land. I can't help but imagine with anticipation.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

5. A glimpse of North Korea's infrastructure: the faint lights in the train tunnels

The train travels through the vast mountains and rivers, and from time to time it enters a long tunnel. I was amazed to find that even the underground passage of the capital's Pyongyang station had only a few lights. "That's how fragile the power system was when they bombed the demonstrations. I couldn't help but think worriedly.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

In the dim light, I saw a little boy turning in confusion to look for his mother. The innocence in his eyes reminds me of Chairman Mao's famous saying - "Only mother is good in the world." "This kind of great man's care is perhaps what this country needs most.

6. Emptiness and silence: a street scene with few vehicles

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

When you arrive in Pyongyang, there are few pedestrians and vehicles on the empty streets. "How cool it would be to drive here!" someone sighed enviously. I don't think so, because it's not about convenience, it's about scarcity—it's said that the state is rationed for the vehicles here. In this way, the movement of ordinary people is restricted.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

Colorful posters lining the streets are full of political slogans, a symbol of the place as a center of socialism. Every grass and tree in this land is showing the "Juche idea", but it covers up the real needs of the people. I hope that this hot land will cultivate a path of universal values.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

Seventh, the line is in a hurry: the city is crowded in the early morning

Pyongyang is crowded in the early morning, and I see pedestrians hurrying, and the pace of life in the city does not seem to be as pleasant as I imagined. North Korean-style trams and buses are packed and become the main mode of travel for residents.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

I noticed a little girl sitting in the back seat of her mother's bicycle, her bag with a broken zipper, but still using it. "That's a picture of their thrifty society. I sighed. Perhaps it is war and poverty that have made them resilient and introverted. I look forward to the arrival of an era of peace, where the warm side of humanity will be cared for.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

8. Surprises and disappointments: sumptuous and monotonous group meals

When I came to Giethoorn Hotel, I didn't expect a group meal from North Korea. Unexpectedly, the table was filled with a rich array of dishes - cold dishes, soups, beef, roast chicken, Korean snacks。。。。。。 I was surprised to find that they wanted to put their best foot forward. "Maybe life here isn't as hard as you think. "I think.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

However, disappointment followed. Entering the suburbs of Pyongyang, rural housing has been built neatly, but the gap between urban and rural areas has been exposed. The children there wore uniform uniforms, but they looked ragged. Under their innocent smiles, there is helplessness and bitter forbearance.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

9. Wonder and Desolation: The contrast between modern buildings and dilapidated highways

On the modern Dawn Street, I felt like I was in a Chinese city. Residents laugh and laugh in the park, and pedestrians walking around the corner lead their pet dogs, which seems to be rich. However, the highways are deserted, with potholes and potholes, making it difficult for vehicles to pass slowly. This contrast is a direct indication of the imbalance and deformity of the country.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

The local guide also told us that the underdeveloped road system was due to the country's financial shortage. I can't help but worry about the fragility of the country's infrastructure, which could easily lead to division. A healthy country needs to make greater efforts in economic construction.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

10. Consumption and luxury: prices that ordinary people can't reach

I thought that North Korea, which was short of materials, would be cheaper, but I didn't expect that there would be a two-set price system for foreign tourists, which was far beyond my imagination. Mineral water and coke cost two or three times as much as in China, and small souvenirs were expensive – a tour guide sold us cigarettes for up to 160 yuan a piece.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

"Only foreigners can afford something so expensive. She laughs. I was shocked that she didn't think it was extravagant or ostentatious. For North Koreans, this seems to be taken for granted. This mentality may stem from their long-term isolation and isolation. I hope that openness and communication can awaken their consumption consciousness and move towards a new era of business.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

In the end, the trip allowed me to meet a little-known North Korea. The kingdom is changing, but the limitations remain. I sincerely hope that it will strike a balance between tradition and innovation, and that it will achieve a harmonious unity of humanity and universal values. To move towards the light, we need the understanding and help of the outside world. Let's join hands and breathe life into this hot land!

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

Some netizens said that this article vividly depicts the bits and pieces of North Korea, making people feel as if they were on the scene and have an in-depth understanding of this mysterious country. Through a large number of real things seen and heard, the real predicament of the development of North Korean society is revealed. But we also need to put ourselves in their shoes and seek a path of development, which requires the cooperation of internal and external conditions.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

Some netizens also said that some of the author's views are too subjective and ignore that the DPRK also has its own choices on the road of Juche ideology. Values or lifestyles should not be imposed from the outside world. We just need to respect them and let them explore on their own. The path of development takes time and cannot be simply criticized.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

Some netizens said that no matter what attitude we hold, the outside world should extend a hand of friendship. It is only through exchanges and mutual learning that mutual understanding can be reached. What we need to do is to create a good international environment for them, so that they can develop and work in peace and contentment. This is not only their internal affair, but also a global responsibility.

People who have been to North Korea and come back can't believe that they are going to North Korea!

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