
After watching the three meals a day of the Northeast people, the southerners understood: Why do the Northeast people look like tigers?

author:A new era in food and beverage


The Tohoku is becoming more and more popular, attracting many people to enjoy the snow, and as a southerner who has never seen snow, I am looking forward to the snowy world of Tohoku and the dreamy world of ice and snow.

I went to the Northeast to see the beautiful snow scenery and taste the special food of the locals, and gradually had a deeper understanding of the Northeast people.

After watching the three meals a day of the Northeast people, the southerners understood: Why do the Northeast people look like tigers?

In everyone's impression, Northeast people are often tall and big, but this is actually very related to their local eating habits.

After reading the three meals a day of the Northeast people, the southerners finally understood: Why do the Northeast people look like tigers? After reading the three meals of the Northeast people, I believe you will become more understanding of the tall impression of the Northeast people.

1. Breakfast for Northeast people

After watching the three meals a day of the Northeast people, the southerners understood: Why do the Northeast people look like tigers?

I went to the Tohoku and experienced first-hand how the locals eat breakfast?

When I came to the breakfast shop on the street, I asked for a steamed dumpling, and the store brought a large basket of steamed dumplings, there were more than 20 of them, and the dumplings were very large, full of meat filling, and the inside could be full of ingredients from the outside.

Such a large portion of dumplings is the amount of one person in the Northeast, and such a large amount is enough for three people for southerners with small appetites.

In the southern breakfast restaurant, order a steamed dumpling, the number will never exceed 10, and the dumplings are small and pitiful, one bite at a time, and I feel hungry after eating, but I feel full after eating 5 dumplings here.

2. Lunch for Northeast people

After watching the three meals a day of the Northeast people, the southerners understood: Why do the Northeast people look like tigers?

When I arrived in the Northeast, a local friend invited me to his house for lunch, and I heard that the southerners came to eat at home, and my friend's parents prepared a large table full of dishes.

The amount of each dish is huge, such as the dish of coriander mixed with beef, which is actually not eaten less in the south, but the amount of dishes is incomparable with the northeast, and the tableware in the northeast is particularly large, which belongs to the super-large kind.

Whether it's stir-fried lotus root, boiled lettuce, salt-and-pepper pork ribs, stir-fried clams and other dishes, the portions are very large, which surprised me, a southerner.

3. Dinner for the Northeasterners

After watching the three meals a day of the Northeast people, the southerners understood: Why do the Northeast people look like tigers?

For dinner, I ate at a street restaurant, and I deliberately chose a restaurant that eats Northeast stew, and ordered a stewed pork rib with potatoes, beans and other side dishes in it.

There are also corn tortillas on the side of the pot, and there are no less than 10 golden corn tortillas, which are very large, soft and delicious, and they are eaten with pork ribs, potatoes, and soup in the pot, which is really delicious.

After watching the three meals a day of the Northeast people, the southerners understood: Why do the Northeast people look like tigers?

In addition to the stewpot, I also ordered Northeast specialties, pot wrapped meat, shredded sweet potatoes and other dishes, and the amount of each dish was huge.

For example, this dish of sweet potatoes is also very common in various parts of the south, but the sweet potatoes made in southern restaurants are often less than 20 slices of sweet potatoes, and they are very finely cut.

However, the sweet potato here is cut very coarsely, and the sweet potato with golden color is quickly pulled with a flick of chopsticks, and it tastes sweet and crispy, which makes people have an endless aftertaste.

4. Northeasterners' supper

After watching the three meals a day of the Northeast people, the southerners understood: Why do the Northeast people look like tigers?

Some people in the Northeast eat four meals a day, and people like to go for supper at night, and the barbecue in the Northeast is completely different from that in the South.

Take barbecue lamb skewers as an example, the lamb is skewered with fresh mutton made by the boss himself, and the size of the meat skewers is very large, and a piece of meat is larger than a whole skewer in the south.

Fresh lamb is grilled on a charcoal fire, and the store sprinkles a little cumin powder, a little barbecue powder, and chili powder, and it suddenly becomes fragrant, and people can't help but want to taste it.

The large, delicious and affordable Northeast barbecue realizes the vision of everyone eating meat and drinking a lot, and if you are not careful, you will eat too much and get drunk.

Northeast people eat three meals a day, eat a large amount of dishes, and rich in variety, especially like beef and mutton dishes, these dishes are nutritious, how long to eat, and over time, it will grow taller and bigger.

What do you think about this?

Give people roses, have a lingering fragrance in your hands, like and forward to take good luck, may you have unexpected luck and sudden joy.

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