
The man bought the same car twice, exposing the breach of contract in the 4S store

author:Self-Youth Tachibana Dd

The original intention of buying a car, buying a car for the first time (subheading: The man found a problem)

Recently, there is a news that has attracted a lot of discussion. According to reports, a man bought two identical models at the same 4S store within a month. Incredibly, his motivation for buying the car turned out to be to prove that there was a problem with the first car. This incident has aroused concern and questions about the sales behavior of 4S stores.

It is understood that the original intention of the man to buy the car was to meet his personal transportation needs. However, it wasn't long before he began to feel that something was wrong with the first car he bought. For example, there may be abnormal noises when braking, unstable engine operation, etc. These problems made him doubt the quality of the first car and decided to investigate further.

The man bought the same car twice, exposing the breach of contract in the 4S store

Verification of the second car purchase (subheading: Buying a car again)

In order to verify if there was a problem with the first car, the man decided to buy the same model again. The purpose of this purchase is not to have two identical cars, but to prove the problem with the first car by comparing the performance and quality of the two cars. Therefore, he chose the same 4S shop and bought a brand new car of the same model.

After purchasing the second car, the man made a detailed comparison and test of the two cars. The results showed that the second car far outperformed the first car in all aspects. Higher braking sensitivity, smooth engine operation, better driving stability, etc., all prove the speculation that the first car had quality problems.

The man bought the same car twice, exposing the breach of contract in the 4S store

Lawyer Intervenes and Blames 4S Shop (Subheading: Lawyer Says)

A well-known lawyer also expressed his opinion on the matter. The lawyer pointed out that according to the relevant provisions of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, merchants should ensure the qualification of goods when selling goods. However, if the merchant intentionally or negligently sells goods with quality problems, it constitutes a breach of contract.

For this 4S shop, they knew that there was a problem with the first car, but still sold it to consumers, which undoubtedly violated the provisions of the Consumer Rights Protection Law. The lawyer said that the man could claim compensation from the 4S store in accordance with the law and protect his legitimate rights and interests.

The man bought the same car twice, exposing the breach of contract in the 4S store

Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests (Subheading: Calling for Stronger Supervision)

This incident has once again raised concerns about the protection of consumer rights. Many people believe that similar problems are not isolated cases, but reflect some of the problems that exist in the market today. Therefore, it is particularly important to strengthen the supervision of business behavior and protect the rights and interests of consumers.

The government, relevant departments and all sectors of society should work together to strengthen the supervision and restraint of merchants' sales behavior, ensure that consumers can purchase qualified goods, and can obtain timely and effective rights protection channels and compensation mechanisms when they encounter problems. Only in this way can we truly protect the rights and interests of consumers and promote the healthy and orderly development of the market.

The man bought the same car twice, exposing the breach of contract in the 4S store


The man bought the same car twice, exposing the breach of contract in the 4S store. This incident not only reminds consumers to remain vigilant, but also calls for stronger supervision of merchants' sales practices. Only through the promotion of industry norms and supervision can we effectively safeguard the rights and interests of consumers and promote healthy competition and development in the market. At the same time, consumers should also strengthen their shopping awareness, maintain rational consumption, and improve their ability to judge the quality of goods.