
Why do children eat a lot of food, or are they always constipated? How to eat lactulose to be effective?

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health science

On an ordinary weekend morning, the voice of a child complaining came from the living room of Xiao Li's house. Seven-year-old Xiao Ming complained of stomach upset, and this is not the first time. Li remembers filling his children's plates with vegetables every day, from broccoli to carrots. But Xiao Ming's constipation problem does not seem to be alleviated by this. This made Xiao Li feel confused and helpless, and couldn't help but think: Why does the child still suffer from constipation after eating a lot of food?

Xiao Li's confusion is not unique, it is a common problem faced by many parents. We often hear parents discuss how their children follow a healthy diet and still experience the challenge of constipation. This not only affects the quality of children's daily life, but also makes parents worry and uneasy. ”

"This situation raises an important question: is simply increasing our vegetable intake really enough, or are we ignoring other potential causes of constipation?

Why do children eat a lot of food, or are they always constipated? How to eat lactulose to be effective?

Causes of constipation in children: It's not just a matter of vegetables

Constipation, although it may seem simple, is a major hidden danger that affects children's health. Many parents believe that as long as their children eat enough vegetables, the problem of constipation can be solved. However, the reality is not so simple. The causes of constipation in children are complex and varied, and increasing vegetable intake alone is often not enough to solve the problem completely.

1. Dietary fiber: necessary but not sufficient

Vegetables are the main source of dietary fiber, which is essential for promoting intestinal peristalsis and softening stools. However, simply increasing vegetable intake cannot completely prevent constipation. If your child's overall diet is unbalanced, such as eating too many refined carbohydrates (such as white bread, desserts, etc.), or eating too much fat, it can lead to indigestion and constipation.

2. Water intake: an invisible factor of constipation

Children tend to neglect adequate hydration. Hydration is a key factor in helping food move smoothly through the digestive tract. Lack of adequate hydration, even with adequate dietary fiber intake, can lead to dry stools and difficulty in passing stools.

3. Lifestyle habits: The importance of exercise and regular life

Lifestyle habits also affect a child's gut health. Lack of physical activity slows bowel movements and increases the risk of constipation. In addition, irregular eating and sleeping times may also interfere with normal bowel function.

4. Psychological stress: a factor that cannot be ignored

For preschool and school-age children, emotional and psychological stress can lead to intestinal dysfunction. The stresses of school life, changes in the home environment, and even anxiety about using public restrooms can affect a child's bowel habits.

5. Medical Issues: Other Causes of Concern

In some cases, constipation can be a symptom of a more complex medical problem, such as abnormal bowel motility. If your child has long-term constipation and other symptoms such as abdominal pain and weight loss, you should consult a doctor in time.

Why do children eat a lot of food, or are they always constipated? How to eat lactulose to be effective?

"Lactulose: The Invisible Savior of Constipation?"

Lactulose, a term that may not sound very familiar, actually plays a significant role in relieving constipation. As a gentle prebiotic, it not only helps to improve the intestinal environment, but also helps regulate your child's bowel habits. In this section, we will delve into the mechanism of action of lactulose and its impact on improving constipation.

How lactulose works

Lactulose is a soluble fiber that works in the gut but is not absorbed by the small intestine. When it reaches the large intestine, it becomes a food source for probiotics and stimulates the growth of probiotics. The increase in probiotics helps to improve the balance of intestinal flora, which in turn promotes intestinal peristalsis and helps relieve constipation.

Why do children eat a lot of food, or are they always constipated? How to eat lactulose to be effective?

Lactulose's effect on constipation

Lactulose softens stools by increasing the volume and water of intestinal contents, making bowel movements easier. It doesn't cause intestinal discomfort like some stimulant laxatives, but rather a gentler form of regulation. This gentle effect is especially important for children, whose digestive systems are more sensitive than those of adults.

Scientific research support

Some studies have shown that lactulose has a significant effect on improving constipation in children. In these studies, children who took lactulose not only experienced an increase in the frequency of bowel movements, but also had a softer texture of their stools, reducing discomfort during bowel movements.

Lactulose and gut health

In addition to acting directly on constipation, lactulose also helps maintain overall gut health. By promoting the growth of probiotics, it helps to build a healthier intestinal environment, which is essential for preventing constipation and other digestive problems.