
"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

Today, I went hiking with my mom and the route we chose was a mountain road next to a small stream. Along the way, the clear stream is babbling and lined with lush green trees.

The birds sang happily in the woods, as if adding momentum to our climb.

Soon, we were at the top of the mountain. Looking into the distance, the mountains are stacked, the blue sky and the white clouds seem to be a wonderful landscape painting.

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

"Mom, I beg you, I really need a 1000 yuan bag, my classmates have it, I don't want to be embarrassed in the class. "I couldn't help but lie to my mother.

Mom shook her head, "Son, this kind of thing is not important, what matters is your own ability and ability." You must know that it is not easy for your parents, it is not easy for us to feed you to go to school, and it is a luxury to buy such a bag.

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve a 1,000 yuan bag. "If you can't give it to me, I'll go to Daddy."

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

"Don't mess around!" there was a hint of seriousness in Mom's voice, "In this family, Dad works to support the family, and I am responsible for managing the housework and taking care of you, we are a whole and share the responsibility of this family."

I got up in a rage, stomped my foot hard, and ran down the hill. Behind him, his mother's voice kept echoing in the wind: "Child, come back, don't be impulsive......".

I ran down the hill and went home all the way home. Dad was watching TV in the living room when he saw me looking angry and asked, "What's wrong? Why did you run back alone?".

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

I said angrily, "Mom won't buy me a bag for 1,000 yuan, she's not sensible!"

Dad stopped the remote control in his hand, muttered for a while, and said, "Child, Mom's opinion is also reasonable, not everything should be obtained."

You have to learn to understand the financial situation of your family, and you can't always try to satisfy your own desires.

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

"But my classmates have it, and if I don't buy it, they'll laugh at me!" I complained aggrievedly.

"You can't just look at other people's eyes. These external objects do not prove a person's worth, you have to have your own opinions and firmness, and don't always go with the flow.

Feeling aggrieved and unwilling, I turned and went upstairs, knocked on the door, went in and collapsed on the bed. Mom walked in with a glass of water, "Son, calm down and talk to Mom."

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

I closed my eyes, my mother's education was already callousing, and I knew she wouldn't change her mind.

I don't know how long later, Dad quietly knocked on the door, "Son, listen, Dad and Mom have discussed, we can buy you that bag, but the condition is that you pay half with your own pocket money."

My eyes widened suddenly, and I was a little happy in my heart. I thought it might be a sign that Mom and Dad were moved, so I struggled and timidly asked, "Really?"

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

Dad nodded, looked at me and said, "However, this is not to satisfy your vanity, I hope you can learn some responsibility and financial management principles from it."

I looked at my father's serious eyes and nodded. This time, I decided to accept the condition.

Perhaps, this incident was indeed a small setback for me, but my father's words also gave me another way to think, learn to fight for what I want with my own efforts, and also understand some concepts of financial management.

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

And Dad is right, it's not about satisfying his vanity, it's a process of growing up.

This little setback may be a more meaningful enlightenment for my growth and education.

However, I did not stop at once, but plunged headlong into the dense woods. Along the way, I almost stumbled and bumped into quite a few trees, but the irritability in my heart made me desperate.

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

I don't know how long I walked, but finally I was so tired that I found a place to sit down, and I began to regret my impulsiveness when I leaned against a big tree.

I thought to myself, maybe what my mother said also had some truth.

Just then, I heard a rustling sound, and when I looked up, it turned out to be a small squirrel jumping on a branch.

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

Suddenly, my eyes lit up, as if I understood something. I should also be like this squirrel, constantly striving to pursue it, instead of staying on those empty substances.

Before you know it, it's already evening. I gradually calmed down and began to think about how to face my mother.

There were dense trees on all sides, and it was pitch black, and I had never seen anything around me. So, I had to start exploring slowly, trying to find a way back.

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

As I walked, I noticed that the trees around me were becoming more and more thin, and through the treetops, I saw a wisp of smoke in the distance.

At a well at the edge of the village, I saw a slightly emaciated old man who was working hard to fetch water.

I stepped forward and greeted him politely. The old man looked at me and smiled kindly. "Young man, what are you doing alone in the mountains?" asked the old man.

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

I paused, then recounted my story. The old man listened to me with sympathy, and then said, "Child, sometimes people may be impulsive in the face of difficulties or unsatisfactory things, but you must know how to tolerate, understand and forgive.

You have to learn to face it calmly and understand.

The old man's words made me fall into deep thought. I lowered my head and suddenly realized my mistake. When I get home, I should have a good talk with my mom and tell her what I think.

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

The old man glanced at me, as if he had read through my thoughts, "Let's go, I'll send you back." I nodded and followed the old man home.

No matter how big a matter is, as long as you solve it calmly, you can always find a proper solution.

In the evening, when I got home, my mother was already waiting in the living room.

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

"Mom, you don't understand me, I just need this bag to have a presence at school!" I said angrily.

Mom looked at me with deep worry on her face, "Mom knows what you think, but it's not the way to solve the problem.

In the future, if mom and dad are in trouble, will you be willing to help us?".

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

I didn't expect my mother to ask this question and felt very aggrieved. "Mom, why do you keep saying this.

But what does this have to do with what I want to pack?"

Mom sighed, "Child, you have to understand that the family is a whole, and everyone should support each other and face the difficulties in life together.

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

This will also have a great impact on your own growth later on.

I didn't say anything more, and silently walked into my room. Mom's words echoed in my heart repeatedly, making me feel deep guilt and guilt.

In my heart, there is a new entanglement in my family.

"Mom, you don't make money, you don't deserve to use a 1,000 yuan bag", the mother's approach to educating her son is too cool

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