
Contemporary prose|New Year's feelings

author:Fantasy Magpie M


Every year during the winter vacation, he and his wife Zhang Luo talked about the New Year, and in the process of Zhang Luo's New Year, he also calculated the date of going home from time to time. As a stranger living in a foreign land, although I have long been familiar with and accustomed to life in a foreign land, and I have a sense of strangeness brought by the distance of my hometown, I still have a feeling of wandering and wandering in a foreign land in the depths of my heart. This year's winter vacation is over, and my feelings are particularly complicated. Because the newly married son couldn't go home for the New Year because his daughter-in-law was pregnant, he discussed with his wife to go to a place farther away from his hometown to celebrate the Spring Festival. As a wandering wanderer, I have worked and lived in other places for more than 30 years, but I never imagined that my son would settle down in a more distant place after graduating from university. Therefore, the practice of going back to his hometown for the New Year this year was broken.

Contemporary prose|New Year's feelings

Our generation is experiencing a socio-cultural and spiritual rupture that we who think we are shrewd do not have a clear sense of. Modern communication facilities seem to shorten the distance between people, a light touch of the mobile phone, relatives and friends from all walks of life can talk and chat, although the contact is convenient, but in the depths of the spiritual distance is getting farther and farther away. As far as the New Year is concerned, the taste of the New Year in people's hearts is getting weaker and weaker, and it seems that after the Chinese New Year's Eve firecrackers are set off, and the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner is eaten, and the climax of the New Year will pass. In the next few short days of vacation, visiting relatives and friends, in the entertainment with relatives and friends, endless eating and drinking, talking about boring topics, wrapped in hypocrisy, or sincere family or friendship, like an actor's routine performance, in various New Year's occasions, the New Year is over, and the solemn sense of ritual of the original New Year is diluted. Whenever after the New Year, at the beginning of the first few days of work, except for a tired word, there is no other special feeling.

As a foreigner, the feeling of wandering in a different place has always made me envious of those who have lived in their hometown since they were born. Deep down, they have a clearer sense of their hometown. Born in Si and grew up in Si, let them go all the way, although they lack a wanderer feeling in their hearts, they can live quietly in the arms of home and enjoy a unique tranquility of life. "Being alone in a foreign land as a stranger, thinking of relatives every festive season. "Outsiders in a foreign land may be able to perceive the changes in the world around them more keenly. The dual identity of both an insider and an outsider makes the wanderers wandering outside always in a tangled mood, in a longing mood, giving birth to a faint nostalgia for the distant hometown, which is like a cup of fragrant mash buried in the bottom of the heart, stirring up the mood of homesickness, so that the wanderers will always worry about the distant home.

Contemporary prose|New Year's feelings

The modern pace of life has diluted people's concept of hometown, and with the intervention of scientific and technological elements in people's lives, people have lost their unforgettable sense of survival intervention in real life in the fast-paced state of life. Whether it is a hometown or a foreign land, modern people have blurred the boundaries between the two, and they do not have the sense of dependence on our hometown in the slow-paced agricultural civilization of the sixties of the last century. Driven by a pragmatist concept that people go to high places, the innate nostalgia in people's hearts is evaporating. A seemingly free and easy attitude towards life of "this place of peace is my hometown" has made the hometown behind many people drift away. It is said that hometown is the origin of life, and people start the course of life from here. No matter where you go or where you go, your hometown is always like a flag fluttering in the wind, calling for the wanderer's footsteps to return to your hometown.

This is not to come to the city where my son works for the New Year, far away from his hometown, and the once familiar scene of a large family eating in the garden cannot be felt this year. Facing this fashionable modern city in front of you, it is both friendly and strange. When the footsteps of the Year of the Monkey are approaching, the sound of firecrackers is heard in the air from time to time, and the streets and alleys are lit up everywhere, and the world is full of festive Chinese red, rendering the atmosphere of the year more and more intense. Urban people do not have as much red tape as the countryside during the New Year, and it is enough to arrange the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner a little richer. After the wife and daughter-in-law have stopped all the preparations that should be made in the previous year according to the local customs of the daughter-in-law, we look forward to the arrival of the new year in anticipation.

Contemporary prose|New Year's feelings

One is renewed, and everything is renewed. As an important time node, the year is particularly important in the minds of the Chinese. At the end of each year, the flow of people returning home has become a particularly spectacular cultural landscape. The reason why going home for the New Year has become a lingering cultural complex for Chinese is that home carries too much spiritual memory and life sustenance for each of us. When the New Year is approaching, when you meet acquaintances and friends to meet and say hello, don't forget to ask if you want to go home for the New Year? I understand that the homecoming is the traditional home. As long as your parents are alive, the home that gave birth to you and raised you is your destination and the destination for the New Year.

Home is always hidden in the most tender and fragile place in our hearts. When I am happy, I may forget her for a while, but when I encounter difficulties or setbacks, I always think of her involuntarily. I miss the warm time with my parents when I was a child, and I think back to my childhood when I ran on the land of my hometown with my feet, and the feeling of my feet kissing the earth made me walk like a fly, and I was very steady. Now wearing delicate leather shoes, walking on the wide and smooth asphalt roads of the city, but a little stumbling, difficult steps, without the affectionate and down-to-earth feeling of toddler in the affectionate gaze of his parents, walking on the land of his hometown.

Having money or not, going home for the New Year has become a mantra among Chinese, and it is also the expectation of many wanderers for a year. After wandering away for a long time, I want to go back to the home I miss day and night, and I want to see my parents who worry about us every day. I remember how much we loved the New Year when we were young, with new clothes to wear, New Year's money, and a lot of delicious and fun food. Now we are only looking forward to the reunion of the New Year, and we can accompany our parents to talk about our hearts and report on the work performance of the year. At the same time, how scared we are, afraid of the expectant eyes of our parents, afraid of seeing our parents' black hair gradually graying. Once upon a time, we left them for our studies and work, through their hopeful eyes, could we have read the loneliness of their children after leaving in their hearts, although they smiled, but how much lonely waiting was hidden in the depths of their hearts.

Going home for the New Year, that's how many parents are waiting in their hearts. Now that my parents are gone, my distant home is missing this most precious care, so I always have a sense of loss in my heart. Now I have entrusted their concern for me to my sons who are far away. It's just that for the sake of this concern in my heart, I want to go to a foreign land for the New Year. People have the same heart, the same heart, and as parents, they can truly understand the tenderness of parents all over the world who care about their children. When I first came to this strange city, although my feelings were a little complicated, fortunately, at the moment of reunion of the family, I got together and had a reunion dinner, and the family was happy and experienced the strong taste of the year together, which also somewhat alleviated the nostalgia that I couldn't give up in my heart.