
I'm 50 years old and still typing code!

author:Sen Feng Education

Hello everyone, I'm Sister Xiaoqian

There is such a joke circulating in the programmer circle: after the age of 35, you will go to the front-end to deliver food, the back-end will go to Didi, and the operation and maintenance will go to buy insurance......

Don't recruit people at the age of 35, lay off people to clean up at the age of 35, I don't know when it started, 35 years old has become a turning point in my career, and the mid-life crisis has gradually spread to become an anxious topic for the whole circle.

Many young people also follow the trend and start to be anxious, obviously not yet 30 years old, and before they have written a few lines of code, they begin to lie flat or even rot.

But in fact, at work, there are a lot of older programmers.

I'm 50 years old and still typing code!

Xiaoqian recently saw such a post on the forum:

"I'm 50 years old, I'm still working on the front end, I just learned AST today, I learned about JSCODESHIFT, and I'm anxious. ”

I'm 50 years old and still typing code!

*Image source: Maimai invaded and deleted

At the age of 50, he is still writing code, and this is definitely a real boss who will practice "living and learning all the time" to the end! So, netizens have come to watch and worship the big guy! There is no shortage of "older" programmers over 40 years old in the comment area.

I'm 50 years old and still typing code!

*Image source: Maimai invaded and deleted

Although the landlord hung the topic of age anxiety in the post, in the comment area, the landlord said what he really thought in his heart - we just want to prove: the older the front end, the more popular.

I'm 50 years old and still typing code!

*Image source: Maimai invaded and deleted

Not a programmer after the age of 35? This senior gives a powerful rebuttal and is a role model for us on the technical road.

I'm 50 years old and still typing code!

In Xiaoqian's view, programmers can be more popular the older they get, and the experience of older programmers is a valuable asset, and the industry needs these "old drivers" to lead the way.

Ali's partner Duolong, who has never really led a team, is one of the three founding engineers of Taobao, 46 years old is still immersed in code, and he is on the rich list by writing code, and is called Ali's "sweeping monk".

Some time ago, AWK, a very old tool in the "Linux Three Musketeers", suddenly appeared on the GitHub hot list, and its 80-year-old original author Brian Kernighan submitted a new pull request, adding Unicode support to AWK that has not been able to do.

The name alone may not be familiar, but when it comes to "Hello World!" You must know him well, he is "Hello World!" The founder, the old man is 80 years old, and he is still changing the code.

I'm 50 years old and still typing code!

There are many programmers in their forties and fifties who are still struggling to type code on the front line, and the experience accumulated over time makes them invincible in the workplace.

  • Joined Google as a software developer at the age of 51: "I was part of a team where some of them were older than me. I've been programming all my life and have had invaluable experience. ”
  • An engineer who joined Amazon at the age of 42: "Yes, there's a lot of ageism in the industry, but there's also a lot of companies that recognize the combination of technology and experience. ”
  • 58-year-old data engineer at Microsoft: "I'm 36 years old, and no one here cares how old I am, and no one asks. ”

Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360, also said:

"Nowadays, many people are talking about retirement at the age of 35, which is very unacceptable to me, and many professionals, including programmers, should be more valuable the older they get. ”

Therefore, age is not the boundary, unless you use it to embarrass yourself.

I'm 50 years old and still typing code!

The main reason for age anxiety in the workplace is that the public's definition of talent is still at the level of time dimension, and age, energy, physical fitness, etc. are used as the criteria for judging the value of talents.

But with the passage of time, the age line is gradually changing with the change in the age structure of society.

According to CSDN's "2021-2022 China Developer Survey Report", the proportion of 30-year-old developers in 2021 is declining compared with the previous two years, while the overall number of 30-40-year-old practitioners is increasing year by year.

Moreover, from the perspective of the salary growth curve of programmers, the salary of programmers has shown a trend of increasing year by year in recent years, and with the increase of working years, the salary of programmers has increased significantly.

In addition, talent reports in recent years show that technical talents in the Internet industry are still the core of demand. There is an increasing demand for positions such as software R&D, front-end development, test engineers, operation and maintenance support, and data engineers, and there is a shortage of 3 million front-end development talents alone, which shows that the market is thirsty for talents.

I'm 50 years old and still typing code!

With the rapid development of the economy, the standard for measuring talents is not only age, but the core of the crisis is whether personal ability can continue to improve as we age.

As long as you keep it up-to-date, who says programmers won't be a lifelong career, instead of worrying about the future, it's better to seize the present!