
If the qi is blocked, the numbness will be numb, and if the blood is not clear, it will be painful

author:Professor Yu Yun

In TCM theory, "if qi is blocked, numbness, and blood is painful", it is a statement that describes the relationship between physical symptoms and pathological states in TCM. "Qi" and "blood" here are the two basic concepts in TCM theory, and together they form the basis of the human body's vital activities.

If the qi is blocked, the numbness will be numb, and if the blood is not clear, it will be painful

"If the qi is not clear, numbness" refers to the feeling of numbness in a certain part of the body when the qi machine is not running smoothly and cannot reach a certain part of the body normally. In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, qi has a stimulating and warming effect, which can promote the flow of blood and the distribution of nutrients. If the flow of qi is hindered, for example, due to factors such as depression, improper diet, or external wind and cold, it will lead to qi stagnation, which in turn will cause numbness.

"Pain if there is no blood flow" refers to the symptoms that may occur when blood does not flow smoothly, resulting in local or systemic blood flow and circulation. Blood is responsible for carrying oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body, as well as collecting waste products. If the blood flow is not smooth, it may be due to factors such as blood stasis, phlegm obstruction, and cold, resulting in insufficient nourishment and oxygen to the local tissues, resulting in pain.

If the qi is blocked, the numbness will be numb, and if the blood is not clear, it will be painful

In TCM practice, different treatments are taken for these two conditions. For "numbness if qi is blocked", TCM may use methods to regulate qi, such as using drugs such as tangerine peel and citrus aurantium husk to promote qi, while when "blood is not clear, it is painful", it may use methods to promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, such as safflower, salvia and other drugs to promote blood circulation and improve blood circulation.

TCM treatment focuses on syndrome differentiation, that is, according to the patient's specific symptoms, constitution and external environment and other factors, a personalized treatment plan is formulated. Therefore, when you encounter physical discomfort, it is recommended to consult a professional TCM physician for diagnosis and treatment.

If the qi is blocked, the numbness will be numb, and if the blood is not clear, it will be painful