
After these fruits are cooked in winter, the fire is cleared, phlegm is dissolved, and blood lipids are regulated

author:Cao County Rong Media Center

As soon as the weather is cold, many people will "stay away" from fruits, because fruits are mostly cold, and people with weak spleen and stomach and weak physique eat at this time, which is not only difficult to digest and absorb, but also may cause diarrhea. However, some fruits are cooked and eaten, which not only protects the stomach and intestines, but is more nutritious, and has many unexpected health effects.

A fruit that is suitable for boiling and eating in winter

Now in the cold winter, cooked fruits are not easy to cause diarrhea, and it is also more conducive to nutrient absorption.

However, since vitamin C is not heat-resistant, fruits do lose a lot of vitamin C after heating, and if the purpose of eating fruits is to supplement vitamin C, it is best to eat them raw.

Pear + Chuanbei - clear heat and dissolve phlegm

In winter, the weather is very dry and cold, and the fruit should be picked mainly to "moist". Pears are good, but they are cold, and people with weak constitutions will feel sick to their stomachs when they eat them. At this time, you can steam or boil it, and the cold will become flat.

After the pear is cooked, it has a better effect of nourishing yin and nourishing the body, moisturizing and quenching thirst, and can be used to relieve yin deficiency and fire, thirst and upset, sore throat or dry throat or dry cough.

After these fruits are cooked in winter, the fire is cleared, phlegm is dissolved, and blood lipids are regulated

Chuanbei rock sugar steamed pear is a common fruit meal that clears heat and moistens the lungs, dissolves phlegm and relieves cough, the pear is greatly increased after steaming, and the power of the pear to nourish yin and moisten the lungs is greatly increased, and the mother of Sichuan fritillary has the effect of dissolving phlegm and relieving cough, clearing heat and dispersing knots.

Method: Take 1 pear, cut off the pear cover, remove the kernel, pour in 3 grams of Chuanbei powder and an appropriate amount of rock sugar, cover the pear, put it in a bowl and steam it for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat.

Hawthorn + brown sugar - invigorate blood and remove blood stasis

Hawthorn has the effect of eliminating appetite and strengthening the stomach, promoting qi and activating blood and dissipating stasis, and the flavonoids contained in it can relax the peripheral blood vessels, have a hypotensive effect, and can dilate the coronary arteries, lower lipids, and strengthen the heart.

However, hawthorn contains a large amount of organic acids, fruit acids, etc., which cause adverse irritation to the gastric mucosa, and the acid is converted after boiling, reducing the irritation of the stomach.

Method: 10 hawthorns, an appropriate amount of brown sugar, after the hawthorn is washed and pitted, add water and boil, turn to low heat and cook for about 20 minutes, and finally add an appropriate amount of brown sugar to taste. This soup has a particularly good effect on blood circulation, and drinking it for a few days before menstruation can relieve the symptoms of dysmenorrhea and low menstrual flow.

Orange + salt - cough and lungs

Orange peel contains narcotin and orange peel oil, which have a cough and phlegm suppressant effect, and these two ingredients are only released from the orange peel after steaming. In addition, steamed oranges are also especially suitable for children who have a long-term cough that does not heal, which can play a role in relieving cough and moistening the lungs.

Method: After washing the oranges, soak them in salted water for 20 minutes, cut them flat on the top to form a cup, sprinkle a little salt on the exposed pulp, poke a few holes with chopsticks, and then put the cut "lid" back on; put the oranges into a bowl and steam, boil the water and steam for another 15 minutes, and then remove the orange peel and eat the pulp after steaming.

Apple + white fungus - nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness

After these fruits are cooked in winter, the fire is cleared, phlegm is dissolved, and blood lipids are regulated

Cooked apples contain a significant increase in the amount of natural antioxidants. These substances can not only lower blood sugar, lower blood lipids, inhibit free radicals to antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and sterilize, but also inhibit the increase of plasma cholesterol in the human body.

Cantonese people like to use fruits as soup ingredients, among which apple white fungus lean meat soup is a moist and delicious health soup, which is very suitable for drinking in the dry season of autumn and winter.

Apple is flat, sweet and sour, has the effect of quenching thirst, moistening the lungs and removing annoyance, strengthening the spleen and stomach, etc.; Tremella fuciformis is flat, sweet, light, non-toxic, moisturizing but not greasy, has the effect of nourishing the spleen and invigorating qi and stomach, nourishing yin and moistening dryness, and is a good emollient product that can be eaten for a long time.

Method: Take 2 apples peeled and hearted and cut into pieces, slice a small piece of lean meat, 2 dates, 1~2 white fungus and soak for about half an hour; put the ingredients into the pot together, add water to boil, and then add an appropriate amount of salt.

Hot tangerine - beauty skin care

Tangerines can not only reduce blood lipids and cholesterol in the human body, but also for beauty and skin care. However, eating too many oranges in winter is easy to catch fire, and symptoms such as mouth and tongue sores, dry mouth, dry throat and dry stools appear. Hot oranges are ideal.

After these fruits are cooked in winter, the fire is cleared, phlegm is dissolved, and blood lipids are regulated

Method: First, wash 1~2 oranges and soak them in warm water at 40°C~50°C for about 1 minute. Then dry the oranges (until the skin is completely free of moisture), put them in the microwave, and heat them for 1~2 minutes until they are slightly charred. In this way, the volatile oil, hesperidin, B vitamins, vitamin C, etc. in the orange peel can penetrate into the orange, which not only achieves the effect of winter health and beauty, but also does not catch fire.

Cooked fruits must be less sugarCooked fruits, even if the nutritional value is not lost much, may introduce some harmful factors, the most typical of which is sugar. When boiling fruits, the taste of the fruit will become bland and slightly sour due to the addition of water, and many people will add a lot of sugar to flavor it, and the only function of sugar is to increase calories, and the result may be more harmful than good. Therefore, when eating ripe fruits, try to avoid adding too much sugar, including honey, and use less of it, otherwise it will be similar to drinking sweet drinks. Fruit is a gift of nature, cold and dry season, eating fruit hot can not only nourish the body, but also reduce the irritation of the stomach and intestines, and promote digestion and absorption~

Source: Seniors Daily

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