
Late marriage has spread from the city to the countryside, and late marriage is not only a matter of the city!



Video source: Yicai

The content of this video is that in the current situation, whether it is a young person in the city or in the countryside, the age of marriage is delayed. For example, in the city, one-third of the people who are almost 30 years old are not married. The same is true in rural areas, where nearly 20 per cent of people between the ages of 30 and 34 are still single. This makes people curious, why are young people in both the city and the countryside not in a hurry to get married now?

Take a look at the data in the "Chinese Population and Employment Statistics Yearbook 2023", in 2022, most of the people aged 25 to 29 in the city are not married; 20% of those aged 30 to 34 are still single. In particular, more than 30% of 30-year-old urban people are not married. The situation is similar in rural areas, where almost half of those aged 25 to 29 are not married, and the unmarried rate for those aged 30 to 34 is 19.3 per cent. Another interesting thing is that more than 2% of people over the age of 50 in rural areas are unmarried.

In general, young people are not in a hurry to get married, whether in the city or in the countryside. According to some experts, this may be related to the fact that many rural women go to the city to work, and then do not return to their hometown, and may eventually get married and have children in the city or elsewhere.

"Let's have to see what netizens say. Flipping through the comment area, maybe we can come across some fresh ideas, let us have a long look and understand different ideas. "

The summary is very comprehensive [呲tooth]

Late marriage has spread from the city to the countryside, and late marriage is not only a matter of the city!

I can't support myself and raise a child, and I'm looking for death [I want to be quiet]

Late marriage has spread from the city to the countryside, and late marriage is not only a matter of the city!

These questions directly make everyone dare not get married.

Late marriage has spread from the city to the countryside, and late marriage is not only a matter of the city!

A young man with a salary of four thousand is indeed a bit outrageous [I want to be quiet]

Late marriage has spread from the city to the countryside, and late marriage is not only a matter of the city!

Now the countryside has been mobilized in all aspects

Late marriage has spread from the city to the countryside, and late marriage is not only a matter of the city!

Then you can have a few more to contribute to the country [white eyes]

Late marriage has spread from the city to the countryside, and late marriage is not only a matter of the city!

The expectations of men and women are different, and if girls are asked to buy a wedding house and a wedding car, they will also go back [covering their faces]

Late marriage has spread from the city to the countryside, and late marriage is not only a matter of the city!

The house is not good in the hometown [I want to be quiet]

Late marriage has spread from the city to the countryside, and late marriage is not only a matter of the city!

Too much in the countryside [white eyes]

Late marriage has spread from the city to the countryside, and late marriage is not only a matter of the city!

It's still a matter of money

Late marriage has spread from the city to the countryside, and late marriage is not only a matter of the city!

Social indifference [呲tooth]

Late marriage has spread from the city to the countryside, and late marriage is not only a matter of the city!

It's not a good thing anyway [Innocent]

Late marriage has spread from the city to the countryside, and late marriage is not only a matter of the city!

It seems that everyone really has a lot of thoughts about late marriage. First of all, economic factors seem to be the most important concern for everyone. The cost of living is indeed not low now, especially in the city, and the housing prices, living expenses, and education expenses add up, which can really make people feel stressful. Many people mentioned that money is tight, and just thinking about the cost of marriage and raising children is a headache.

It seems that young people nowadays have a different way of communicating than they used to, and may be more inclined to socialize online rather than face-to-face. This may be one of the reasons why many people find it difficult to find a partner. The issue of bride price has also been raised, and it seems that this traditional custom has become a hesitant factor in modern society.

Some people choose to marry later or not at all, which may be the result of careful consideration. Modern people pay more and more attention to the quality of personal life and spiritual pursuit, and no longer regard marriage as the only way in life.

In general, the phenomenon of late marriage reflects the economic pressures of the current society, the changes in social patterns, and the different views of the younger generation on marriage and life. These comments do a good job of demonstrating the multifaceted and complex nature of the issue.

Write at the end

This wave of discussion about late marriage actually reflects the complex aspects of contemporary society. Economic pressures, changes in social habits, and changes in personal values are all influencing young people's marriage choices. It can be seen from the comments of these netizens that whether it is worrying about financial burdens, doubts about traditional customs, or the pursuit of an independent lifestyle, these are all realistic factors that young people must consider when facing major marital events. This is not only a personal choice, but also a microcosm of the social environment and cultural changes.

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Late marriage has spread from the city to the countryside, and late marriage is not only a matter of the city!
