
refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

author:Grim little shark


Who said that at the age of 90, you can't resist the pressure of filming? Who said that no matter how famous you are, you can't give up and let go? There are many people who chase fame and fortune in the entertainment industry, but how many people can stick to their pursuit?

When everyone was discussing the scenery family in "Flowers", the first to appear on the hot search was actually a 90-year-old man - he was You Benchang.

refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

"Quietly" playing the role of his uncle, he has never competed for fame and fortune because of how many scenes, and every role he deduces looks so three-dimensional and vivid.

In the face of the director's demanding requirements, he is still dedicated even at an advanced age, which is in strong contrast with the current "new generation".

When this name became well-known to everyone, more details of the story also surfaced - this old man, not only had a bumpy fate, but also experienced ups and downs in his acting career, and once gave up his peak to protect his beloved wife......


Drama fans from Buddhism: I made a dream of acting at the age of 10

Speaking of the origin of You Benchang and Jigong, it actually began when he entered Buddhism at the age of 6.

refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

At that time, he was sent to the temple in poor health, and his family feared that he would not live to be 13 years old.

Who knew that in the days of Qing cultivation, You Benchang's physique became better and better.

Since the age of 6, he has devoted himself to Buddhism under the teachings of two masters, and at the same time, through the introduction of his sister, he has also come into contact with the magical world of movies.

Every weekend when it was screened, his sister would always take him to the cinema.

The antics and Kim Luhua's charming smile caught the eye of the little monk.

Perhaps it was from then that the seeds of performance quietly took root in his heart.

Before the age of 10, You Benchang was determined to be an actor.

refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

After school, he always went to the commentary hall in Kunshan alone, listened to an 80-year-old artist tell the legend of Jigong, and then went home to imitate the old artist's every move in the mirror.

The porcelain statue of Jigong at home is his most loyal "audience", which silently bears witness to the child's growing interest in performing arts.

In this way, he has an innate love for acting You Benchang, which has made him extremely persistent and meticulous in drama in the future.

refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

However, fate brought him not only the joy of making his dreams come true, but also the pains and ups and downs that he had never imagined.

52-year-old TA name: Playing Jigong made him popular in thousands of homes

In 1984, the successful performance of CCTV Spring Festival Gala "Shower" became an opportunity for You Benchang to open up a new situation.

A director of Shanghai TV watched his show and resolutely decided to let him star in the new version of "Jigong".

Actually, it could have been earlier.

In 1979, when Shanghai TV opened up for actors, You Benchang saw this opportunity.

refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

He immediately prepared to go to the audition, but saw in the newspaper that a well-known actor announced that he would appear in the show.

In order to avoid stealing the scene, You Benchang chose to give up silently.

Five years later, opportunities came and went, and finally came back at the age of 52.

When someone from the TV station personally came to the door to invite him, You Benchang gladly accepted.

Because this time, he knew that the director kept the role for him alone.

Playing the role of a wine-colored monk is like a tiger, and the 52-year-old You Benchang is finally seen by more people.

refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

His superb performance perfectly interprets the three-dimensional character of the character of Jigong, and the scene of "half crying and half laughing" has made the audience unforgettable, showing his amazing acting skills.

However, at the filming site, You Benchang silently endured a lot of pain.

In the 39-degree heat at the top of the mountain, he munched on the stinky pork knuckle; There was no stand-in in the whole process when he really played the big board, and the 12-long NG suffered heavy physical and mental damage, but he never complained.

He didn't care how much he returned, the 1985 version of "Jigong" was popular all over the Yangtze River for 6 episodes, but he was only paid 1,000 yuan.

However, this is enough for him, You Benchang only cares about being able to play this role perfectly.

refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

Many years later, when asked what he thought of the remuneration, he just said lightly: "If an actor is successful, he will have no worries about food and clothing."

Leave the screen for 4 years for love and choose to accompany his sick wife

From an obscure small role to a star, 52-year-old You Benchang was finally seen.

However, this boom period did not last long, and he suddenly disappeared from public view for 4 years.

In 1989, when his career was on the rise, he suddenly announced that he would temporarily leave the entertainment industry.

refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

At first, industry insiders thought that it was because the filming of "Jigong Travel" was unable to make ends meet, and there were problems in the capital chain.

But soon his news was cut off, and everyone speculated, but they couldn't figure it out.

It wasn't until 4 years later that everyone learned that You Benchang's wife was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was battling the disease in the hospital.

In order to take care of his beloved wife wholeheartedly, You Benchang resolutely chose to suspend his popular acting career.

In those four years, You Benchang preferred to be an ordinary caregiver, taking care of his wife day and night in front of the hospital bed.

refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

He learned to give infusions, change dressings, and always sit on the edge of the bed and hold his hand in the middle of the night when his wife was really uncomfortable.

His wife was weak after every chemotherapy treatment, and he patiently fed her every bite of food, for fear that her physical strength would not be able to support her.

Such a choice requires great courage and selflessness.

It was You Benchang's loyalty to his family that made him give up the most glamorous moment, and he did not hesitate to suffer torture just to protect his love.

In the atmosphere of chasing fame and fortune in the entertainment industry, such a choice makes him particularly rare.

After 4 years, his wife finally passed the critical illness and her health gradually improved.

You Ben Changcai returned to the stage he loved.

refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

Many people in the industry understand his choice, although these years can be described as a golden age in the entertainment industry.

But You Benchang has never had any regrets, in his heart, his family is far more noble than fame and fortune.

The investment failed, and he was in debt, but he never regretted it and insisted on chasing his dreams

In 1994, You Benchang made a comeback to invest in the filming of "Jigong Travels", and this time he successfully earned 1.8 million.

However, he soon invested in the filming of pantomime, but he lost the full amount.

"Mr. You Smiles Dumbly" is China's first pantomime drama series, which tells the story of how a mute young man shows an optimistic spirit in the face of difficulties.

refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

There is no dialogue at all in the whole film, and it all relies on body movements to convey emotional connotation.

However, at that time, no TV station dared to pay for it, and the market's reaction was very lukewarm.

In the end, You Benchang was fully indebted and had to be transferred to a small production company at a low price.

He didn't want such a hard work to be buried, even if it meant that he was going to vomit blood in vain.

Even in such a predicament, in the face of the situation of no successor, You Benchang never complained or regretted.

refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

Because of this experience, at the age of 80, he sold his house and devoted himself to the theater career to spread culture to more young people.

All kinds of ups and downs did not defeat this dramatic old man.

In a later interview with the media, he talked about the failure of the investment that year.

When asked if he had any regrets, he said calmly: "I can't regret it."

As long as I can be on stage one day, I will keep chasing it. ”

It is this spirit of transcending fame and fortune that makes him go his own way and live only for himself after experiencing great ups and downs.

refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

No outside attack could shake his love of theatre.

The acting skills of the "unmotivated" uncle are still amazing

After many years, 90-year-old You Benchang played the role of the old man in "Flowers", and he still wandered freely and did not age at all.

In the face of Wong Kar-wai's strict requirements, he is also dedicated and dedicated, even if he suffers as much as the actors in the "Wong Kar-wai Alliance".

At present, those artists who are busy building momentum on the Internet and constantly exposing to get traffic eyeballs, and how many people like You Benchang are bent on finding good stories and good characters? He never publicizes himself, but injects sincere emotions into each role and interprets it three-dimensional and full.

In fact, as early as 1985, when filming the first "Jigong", the director found that You Benchang had a different personality.

refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

He never argues with anyone about things inside and outside the play, and all opinions are hidden in his heart.

Once he accidentally fell and sprained his ankle before starting the film, and the crew suggested that he take a break and shoot others first in the scene where he changed roles.

But You Benchang insisted on not changing roles, and completed all his shots with an injured leg.

In the director's heart, such an actor is the most awe-inspiring.

Because they have warmed the world with their sincerity.

As he said in an interview: "I feel very honored to meet an actor like Mr. You Benchang.

refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

This makes me firmly believe that on our film and theater road, there are still people who are working silently with pure feelings. ”

Many actors are eager to try to play Jigong, but he is probably the only one who is really qualified to play this role.

While we applaud him for being old and strong, we should also be glad that in this Vanity Fair, there is still such an elder who is inspiring future generations with his persistence.


Therefore, who still says that you can't film at an advanced age? Who still says that you can't be low-key and calm if you are prosperous? We look up at the bright lights, but ignore those evergreens that work quietly.

refused to play Jigong and disappeared for 4 years after the explosion, why did You Benchang, who "does not seek progress", impress Wong Kar-wai

Perhaps, we should be glad that there are still artists like You Benchang who are ageless in this era.

He used his life to interpret what is the resilience and feelings of acting.

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