
Cause and effect (not superstition)

author:Art Scene
Cause and effect (not superstition)

In this life,

We're moving on a slow long road,

There's always something conventional,

Changes must not be made, must be followed,

For example, filial piety is used to pass on the family;

For example, to establish the world with sincerity;

For example, convince people with virtue!

In life, there is cause and effect!

Only by withstanding the wind and rain can we see the rainbow;

Only by withstanding the trials can we get ahead.

In this life,

Sowing and harvesting are closely related,

There is always a connection between giving and receiving.

In the dark, cause and effect have always existed!

Cause and effect (not superstition)

01. People have good deeds, and blessings come naturally

As the saying goes:

The upper class, people help people;

Middle-level people, people are more people;

Lower-class people, people trample on people!

When you step on someone, you will be repulsed;

When you help people, you will be helped!

People to people,

It's always mutual!

Treat others with kindness,

When we breed good thoughts,

It is destined to reap blessings!

Give people roses, leave a lingering fragrance in your hands,

Help others in trouble, others make way.

Kind people,

People who are anxious for what people are anxious about, people who are sincere men,

destined for a wider road,

Have more people to support and help!

Cause and effect (not superstition)

02. If virtue is not matched, there will be disaster


Virtue is the root, honesty is the foundation!

We don't care who we associate with,

We all have to focus on our own practice.

Virtue is poor,

Even if a person's ability is high,

Nor will anyone appreciate and reuse it!

Virtue is a person's stepping stone,

Help him meet the noble person and go uphill!

We don't care who we get along with,

You can't lose the word "heart"!

If you lose your heart and conscience,

Sooner or later,

Judged by justice, spurned by others!

Virtue is not matched, disasters continue,

will not let a person have a good development,

On the contrary, the higher you are in a high position, the more dangerous it is!

good virtues,

is a man's armor,

can help him through thorns,

Liked, respected!

Cause and effect (not superstition)

03. Most of what you give is yours

Good people are blessed,

God will bless you;

A diligent man is rewarded with results,

Good luck!

When you are a person, the harder you work, the more confident you will be;

When a person is more open-minded, the more open-minded he will be;

When you are a person, the more optimistic you are, the more cheerful you will be!

What you give, what you get,

Causal reincarnation is real.

Come to this world,

Hands empty, sleeves breeze walking,

Be frank and lively, and have a clear conscience!

I hope that each and every one of us,

Kindness to others,

Insist on paying for yourself,

Be patient with your family,

Filial piety to parents,

Harvest a lifetime of blessings!

Cause and effect (not superstition)

There is cause and effect, it is life;

Gaining and losing is life.

We can't escape,

The reincarnation of cause and effect in life!

But we can, try to be ourselves,

Use kindness to enrich your own communication;

Use character to gain the appreciation of others;

Change your life with diligence;

With persistence, we have a better future!