
Tender and delicious chicken thigh meat with bamboo shoots, meat and vegetarian matching, tender and fragrant, I want to eat it after eating it once

author:The taste is flowing for years


Tender and delicious chicken thigh meat with bamboo shoots, meat and vegetarian matching, tender and fragrant, I want to eat it after eating it once

Tender and delicious chicken thigh meat with bamboo shoots, meat and vegetarian matching, tender and fragrant, I want to eat it after eating it once

As a culinary enthusiast, every time you step into the kitchen is a journey of culinary discovery. Today, I'm going to share with you one of my favorite dishes – chicken thighs with bamboo shoots. The story begins on a summer evening, when I tasted this delicacy at a long-established restaurant, "King's Landing".

Entering the "King's Land", I was attracted by a rich aroma, and followed the aroma to an old gentleman sitting at a small table. The old gentleman smiled faintly and told me that this is his family's specialty - chicken thighs with bamboo shoots. He said the dish was created by him himself and has been around for decades.

Tender and delicious chicken thigh meat with bamboo shoots, meat and vegetarian matching, tender and fragrant, I want to eat it after eating it once

"Hmm, the signature dish looks very tempting. I wiped my saliva with a napkin as I spoke.

The old gentleman nodded, smiled and said, "Actually, the cooking process of this dish is very unique. First of all, we use fresh bamboo shoots, which are tender and juicy. The chicken thighs are our selection of the finest chicken thighs, and the meat is delicious. We marinate the sliced chicken thighs in a marinade for a while, then cook them in a pan with the bamboo shoots, and then stir-fry them with a special seasoning. Finally, according to personal taste, mix with chili, minced garlic and other seasonings, and if you like spicy, you can also add pepper and chili powder. "

Tender and delicious chicken thigh meat with bamboo shoots, meat and vegetarian matching, tender and fragrant, I want to eat it after eating it once

After listening to the old gentleman's introduction, I felt very much looking forward to it. So, I decided to go home and try my hand at making this delicious dish myself.

When I got home, I followed the old man's steps to prepare the ingredients one by one, fresh bamboo shoots, chicken thighs, marinades, seasonings, and so on. Then, I cut the chicken thighs into chunks and marinate them in the marinade for a while to allow the aroma to penetrate the chicken.

Next, I cut the shoots into slices and blanch them in boiling water. During the blanching process, the bamboo shoots will become more tender. After that, I put it in a wok and add a little vegetable oil to it, pour the marinated chicken pieces into the pan and cook it. When the chicken is golden brown, I put the blanched shoots in a pot with the seasonings and stir-fry over low heat to allow the seasonings to adhere to the ingredients.

Tender and delicious chicken thigh meat with bamboo shoots, meat and vegetarian matching, tender and fragrant, I want to eat it after eating it once

While cooking, I couldn't help but wonder if there was anything that could be optimized in the cooking process of the chicken thighs. After my experience of flipping through many related recipes and food blogs, I found that some cooking enthusiasts will add some special spices, such as red lees and bean paste, to add a unique texture and flavor when stir-frying. I decided to add some spices to the next attempt to see if I could add some innovative flavor to the dish.

Finally, I tasted the chicken thighs with bamboo shoots that I cooked myself. When you bite into it, the tenderness and juiciness of the chicken are intertwined with the crisp texture of the bamboo shoots, and the aftertaste is endless. The addition of special seasonings also brings a richer layering to this dish. I smiled with satisfaction, and the unique flavor of this dish still made me want to come back for more.

Tender and delicious chicken thigh meat with bamboo shoots, meat and vegetarian matching, tender and fragrant, I want to eat it after eating it once

Pay attention to the taste of food, and take you to learn more about food-related knowledge and skills.