
My parents died unexpectedly, and my uncle forcibly occupied the house and made me drop out of school, but now he makes me retire

author:Ah Lang Jun, who loves to die

This article is a short story, and the content is purely fictional, please watch it rationally.

Text|Yahara Yanagi

My parents always say that everything is prosperous at home, but it is this word "and" that has made me hate for decades.

And this "hated" person is none other than my only relative in the world - uncle.

After the unexpected death of my parents, my uncle's first reaction was not sadness, but how much my house could be worth.

Under his tutelage, I spent the darkest ten years of my life.

Even when I tried my best to escape his surveillance as an adult, my nightmare still didn't end.

That day, he got my address from somewhere and knocked on my door.

The first thing I said after meeting was: When will you provide for me?

My parents died unexpectedly, and my uncle forcibly occupied the house and made me drop out of school, but now he makes me retire


In my vague memory, it seems as if I had the happiest and best times.

Although my family was poor when I was a child, my parents never made me hungry, and even the clothes I wore were clean and clean, and I couldn't see the slightest stain.

Everything in the house is warm and beautiful, even when I eat wild vegetable dumplings with my parents every day, I often feel satisfied.

But the family was not all friendly, especially my uncle.

Whenever my uncle appeared at my house, my brows furrowed involuntarily, and I even expressed my annoyance bluntly.

My uncle and my parents are completely different people, although my family situation is poor, but my parents have their own jobs, and they live their lives well.

On the other hand, the uncle can be said to be an existence that is disgusted by ten miles and eight towns, doing nothing every day, wandering around the village all day to attract cats and dogs.

Even the inheritance that my grandfather left to my uncle was squandered by himself.

My parents died unexpectedly, and my uncle forcibly occupied the house and made me drop out of school, but now he makes me retire

People in the village often say that the uncle is a "lazy ghost", and all the thoughts in his head are used for nothing, and I am extremely in favor of this statement.

But my attitude towards my uncle attracted criticism and accusations from my father.

In his father's words, "family and everything is prosperous", no matter how unmotivated the uncle is, but after all, it is his own family, and he should help more.

Hearing my father's words, I couldn't help but wonder if the gossip in the village had affected me.

At this time, my father asked me to give some dumplings that had just been cooked at home to my uncle.

As I walked along the country road with dumplings, I began to think about what kind of person my uncle was.

But in my memory, my uncle never treated me well, not even a word of encouragement and comfort.

When I walked to the door of my uncle's house, I began to retreat again, not wanting to hear his uncle's words again.

But in the end, I walked in, and when my uncle saw me, he saw the dumplings I was holding in my hand at first sight.

Uncle's eyes seemed to glow, and he hurriedly took the things in my hand away.

Every time I came to deliver something to my uncle, his first reaction was that I had brought something.

There wasn't even a pleasantry between family members, and seeing that my uncle had already started to enjoy it, I didn't want to stay here.

My parents died unexpectedly, and my uncle forcibly occupied the house and made me drop out of school, but now he makes me retire

Just as I was about to leave, my uncle suddenly stopped me.

I was suddenly surprised, you must know that the uncle has nothing to do but go to the Three Treasures Palace, and he will not say a word to my family if he doesn't need anything.

So when Uncle stopped me, my first reaction was that he wanted to ask me for something.

I didn't expect my uncle to ask about my studies!

I was one of the best students in the village, and I was able to come out on top in every exam.

Even in the dead of night, I often fantasize about being able to get out of the village and get into a good university and go to a bigger city.

I honestly told my uncle about my studies, but I didn't expect my uncle's next words to make me give up studying!

"There are few people studying now, you see the boys in our village, some of them don't have a house or a car if they don't study. ”

After hearing my uncle's words, I couldn't believe it, I didn't think that this was what my family said.

Other people's relatives and elders all hope that their younger generations can become dragons and phoenixes, and it must be false to say that they are not disappointed.

I saw that the uncle was feasting, and I didn't want to say anything more, so I turned and left.

But at this time, I never imagined that this man who annoyed me would be my only family in the future.

My parents died unexpectedly, and my uncle forcibly occupied the house and made me drop out of school, but now he makes me retire


At that time, there was not much concept of university in the village, and I was the student who was most likely to make it.

In this kind of life, which everyone praises, an accident comes and breaks all my life.

My parents, the couple of farmers in the village who were known as "good old people", died in a car accident.

When I first received the news, I couldn't believe it, and I didn't even realize what was happening when I was organizing the funeral.

It wasn't until the dust settled and I looked at the empty home that I finally couldn't hold back and started crying.

It was at this moment that my idle uncle pushed the door open and came to my house.

Looking at me, the only living relative, my anger was even more uncontrollable.

At my parents' funeral, my uncle didn't make any effort to see it, and even when he was crying and mourning, he only asked when the banquet would start.

Thinking of my father's words, I felt even more unworthy, thinking that my uncle was not a grateful person at all!

And this time, before my parents' bones were cold, my uncle swaggered into my home.

My parents died unexpectedly, and my uncle forcibly occupied the house and made me drop out of school, but now he makes me retire

Seeing him like this, I didn't have any hope at all, and even felt that the weasel was giving the chicken a New Year's greeting.

"Don't look at me like this, uncle, I'm also uncomfortable, and my brother left me all of a sudden. ”

When the uncle was talking, he was wandering around the house, and even a pair of eyes couldn't stop glancing.

Before I could raise my vigilance, my uncle's next words shook me in place.

"I am your only relative, and I am your guardian from now on. ”

When these words came out of the uncle's mouth, I was shocked, the uncle has always been idle, I am equivalent to the existence of an oil bottle in his eyes, how can the uncle take care of me personally!

But it was a foregone conclusion, no matter how much I said I could live alone, but my age was there, and my uncle still became my guardian.

But it didn't take long for me to learn his true purpose, which was my family's house.

When my uncle became my guardian, he showed his true colors and transferred my parents' house to his name.

And he himself said to the outside world that in order to take better care of me, let me move to the house left by my grandfather.

I also learned from the gossip of the people in the village that the house left by my parents has been mortgaged and sold by my uncle!

My parents died unexpectedly, and my uncle forcibly occupied the house and made me drop out of school, but now he makes me retire

When I heard the news, I was furious and ran non-stop to testify with my uncle.

But the uncle just lay on the rocking chair and smoked a dry cigarette, and said indifferently:

"The house is empty and empty, and you don't need money to support you. ”

As soon as these words came out, my heart was suddenly filled with resentment, and I couldn't wait to distinguish myself from the man in front of me.

But in the end, I just ran back to the house my parents left behind, curled up and slept outside for the night.

Since living with my uncle, I have been doing countless housework every day, and I have to find a way to raise money for groceries.

Especially when winter comes, my hands are covered with frostbite when they are soaked in water.

But at this time, the uncle was still not satisfied, and even hit me with his idea.

When he mortgaged his house, he used the money to squander his pleasures, and even invited a large amount of money to some ruffians in order to brag about it.

It didn't take long for the money left behind to run out, and the large sum of money that tasted the sweetness was not willing to return to the previous life without money.

In order to make himself unforgiving, he reached for my tuition.

Since the death of my parents, my tuition has been earned by me little by little, by doing odd jobs.

That money was not much, but it was the last hope for me and the only way to stay away from the nightmare.

After Uncle rummaged through the cabinets and took my hope away, I had a big fight with him, but the end result was that I was covered in bruises.

Even after that, the school no longer allowed me to go, and even with the support of well-wishers, I didn't dare to take a step.

The uncle has been with the scoundrel for a long time, and he has learned some of the methods of the scoundrel.

As soon as he found out that I was studying, he personally went to the school to make trouble, and even disturbed the whole village with a lot of mourning.

Seeing the fingers of the villagers, I no longer insisted on going to school, but looked for some casual work and went to the market to work for others.

My parents died unexpectedly, and my uncle forcibly occupied the house and made me drop out of school, but now he makes me retire


During that time at work, my biggest fear was going home, because when I got home, I was greeted only by swearing and violence.

Even the money earned from the part-time job was all taken by the uncle to eat, drink and enjoy.

During this dark time, my feelings for my uncle were nothing but hatred and fear.

And the uncle's bad reputation has become well-known, and the villagers who used to be good friends with their parents do not want to provoke the uncle.

Even in the end, when I walked through the village, many people avoided me.

In order to make me a cash cow, my uncle found a friend who was also idle and stuffed me into a factory.

The nephew of the owner of this factory was the idle friend, and with their operation, most of my monthly salary went into my uncle's pocket.

Many people persuaded me, hoping that I would run away and not put the whole person on my uncle's body.

It's not that I haven't thought about it, but my childhood memories tell me that if I find it, it will have unimaginable consequences.

It is also for this reason that I dare not make up my mind and have been an uncle for several years.

Because I didn't graduate from high school, my activities were limited to factories and villages.

The dream of going to the big city has become unattainable.

Even later, my life did not have any waves, and when I saw my uncle, I did not have any emotions.

Until a co-worker told me one thing, there is a construction project that is recruiting, and the salary is good, but it just needs to go to other places.

My parents died unexpectedly, and my uncle forcibly occupied the house and made me drop out of school, but now he makes me retire

When I heard this, my heart couldn't help but fluctuate, and an unprecedented opportunity was placed in front of me.

I trembled uncontrollably and wanted to get out of here immediately.

But I know that in order to have stable money, my uncle will not allow me to fly away at all.

So I needed a foolproof plan that didn't reveal what I really thought.

After I found my uncle, I told my co-worker everything I had told me.

When he heard that I wanted to go to the construction site, Uncle immediately objected.

"Uncle, don't worry, I heard that the project gave a lot of money, and just one month is enough to have three months' salary now. ”

As soon as the matter of money was mentioned, the uncle's eyes immediately turned around.

Seeing the appearance of the uncle, I immediately struck while the iron was hot and said:

"I'm a project project, and my salary is settled once a year, not to mention that you know where the address is, there will be no situation where you can't find someone. ”

When he heard this, the uncle's expression had obviously loosened, and he was no longer persistent.

When it was time to sign up for the project, Uncle and I brought it up again, and Uncle was obviously a little wavering.

In the past few years, the uncle has become more and more lazy to eat, and even contracted to smoke and alcohol.

Most of the money I earned has also been squandered by my uncle, and now I am worried that I have no money.

I repeatedly promised that I would always contact my uncle, perhaps because I had been honest in the past few years, and he agreed to let me go to other places.

The moment I walked out of the house, I felt more relaxed than ever, and even felt the place of registration non-stop.

My parents died unexpectedly, and my uncle forcibly occupied the house and made me drop out of school, but now he makes me retire


On the night I left, I stayed awake all night, and my heart was pounding.

But in order not to make the uncle suspicious, I still contact the uncle every day.

After all, the uncle also knows the location of this part-time job, and I naturally know his scoundrel methods.

But I knew that the years of torture would come to an end, and that day would be the moment when I received my wages.

This project is a salary settlement once a year, and the uncle is naturally very clear, so he didn't care if I asked for more money in the past few months, in order to wait for the final moment of salary.

After receiving the salary, I immediately called my uncle twice, saying that I needed to go to the bank to transfer money.

Uncle obviously believed my remarks and immediately prepared to withdraw the money.

But what he didn't know was that I had already prepared a ticket and a new phone number.

When I threw away the mobile phone card containing my uncle's contact, I felt relieved.

Then, as if bidding farewell to all the gloom I had before, I turned around and stepped on the train to a new journey.

I didn't know much about what happened after that, but I still happened to meet a fellow villager and told me what happened later.

After the uncle lost the news, he was furious and played a scoundrel at the door of the bank on the spot.

But it's a foregone conclusion, no matter how much the uncle is a scoundrel, no one will compromise anymore.

After the uncle lost his cash cow, he didn't think about self-reliance at all, and he even made up his mind about his own residence.

Now a few years have passed, and Uncle has completely become a jobless vagrant, and he can get by with some fox friends every day.

My parents died unexpectedly, and my uncle forcibly occupied the house and made me drop out of school, but now he makes me retire

From the moment I decided to go away, I didn't want to be involved with Petero.

But Uncle is like a dog skin plaster, always present in my life, especially whenever I see a strange call, I reflexively hang up directly.

My uncle is still my guardian in my household registration, and I am also his living relative.

Whenever my uncle behaved out of the ordinary, or had no money to live on the streets, some phone calls would always find me.

These phone calls haunted me like nightmares, even though I had become independent and my uncle was gradually becoming a vulnerable old man.

There is nothing in him that I am afraid of, but there is still a hatred hidden in my heart.

When another strange call came, I was so annoyed that I hung up the phone without even thinking about it.

But I never expected that this call would be to notify me to come and pick up someone!


After many times of communication, the uncle has gradually understood my city and came to me directly.

A lonely old man dressed shabby walked on the street, and passers-by around him were also pointing fingers.

As his only family member, I was naturally notified, and the enthusiastic people offered to let me take people home.

It is said that it is difficult for a clean official to decide family affairs, but outsiders just saw me throwing the old man on the side of the road with a ruthless heart, and they didn't know the reason at all.

In this case, although I don't want to bring back this person who has hated for decades.

My parents died unexpectedly, and my uncle forcibly occupied the house and made me drop out of school, but now he makes me retire

But the condemnation and angry scolding around me still made me bow my head first.

When I saw my uncle on the road for the first time, I connected this very thin old man with the person who had beaten and scolded me.

No matter how short his body was, it was still in my memory.

After bringing my uncle home, I didn't want to worry about it at all, so I just said lightly:

"Don't look around, I'll send you back to your hometown later. ”

But Uncle didn't listen to me at all, and still let his eyes wander.

Seeing this set of recruitment, I couldn't help but think of what my uncle did when he was young, and anger suddenly spread in my heart.

Maybe it was because my appearance was too terrifying, and the uncle finally gave birth to him.

But what I never expected was that just when I was about to send my uncle back to my hometown, he took out his luggage by himself!

When I saw this scene, I couldn't believe it and yelled at what the other party was doing.

This time, the uncle didn't care about my anger at all, but while looking at my house, he said:

"You are now developed and can live in such a good house. ”

My parents died unexpectedly, and my uncle forcibly occupied the house and made me drop out of school, but now he makes me retire

Ever since I got on that train, I've been working all over the world, no matter how hard and tiring the work is.

And now this house is saved by my own efforts.

Seeing the uncle's thief's eyebrows, I couldn't wait to drive him out of the house and never come back again.

Uncle is very dissatisfied with my current attitude, and once again reprimands loudly as he did when he was a child!

But at this time, I was no longer afraid of the other party at all, and in my eyes he was just a dry and thin old man.

Uncle has been able to idle for many years, and he also knows a little about current affairs, and he no longer uses brute force after seeing the gap between the two parties.

"You were raised by me, of course you have to take care of the elderly!"

When I heard this, the veins on my head popped up.

At the beginning, he forcibly occupied my house, forced me to drop out of school to work, and even suffered a lot of torture in the following years.

Now this person actually stood in front of me and said, I was raised by him?!

This scoundrel instantly made me laugh, and I don't know where his shamelessness came from.

I was about to shout out all my grievances, and the whole room shook with my rage.

Neighbors also popped up to see what was going on.

At this time, I was angry and pushed the uncle out of the room with his luggage.

Seeing this shocking scene, the surrounding neighbors came up to dissuade them, and some even chose to call the police directly.

All of a sudden, the entire corridor was full of people, and the worried eyes of the neighbors converged on the thin old man in front.

My parents died unexpectedly, and my uncle forcibly occupied the house and made me drop out of school, but now he makes me retire


Looking at the uncle's smug eyes, I instantly felt the blood flow backwards, and there was a ringing sound in my ears.

The matter gradually got bigger, and even the police hurried over and asked in detail to understand what was going on after all.

Knowing what was going on, how to solve it became the biggest problem.

Now that my uncle is homeless, and I am the only relative, it is naturally impossible for me to kick him out.

And the neighbors around me were afraid of getting into trouble, so they went home a long time ago and no longer cared about my affairs.

Seeing that Uncle Tie was determined to stay at my house, I finally had no choice but to make another plan.

After the people around him dispersed, the uncle's pitiful appearance in front of everyone disappeared completely.

The person who forced me to drop out of school and made a fuss at school seemed to appear in front of me again.

Uncle seemed to be able to eat me like he had nothing to do, and then forcibly lived in my house.

Although I tried to drive him back to my hometown countless times, I often stayed again because of the help of the zealous citizens or his scoundrels.

I watched my uncle eat and drink at home, and finally made up my mind.

I said just do it, and immediately went back to my hometown alone and moved my hukou again.

My parents died unexpectedly, and my uncle forcibly occupied the house and made me drop out of school, but now he makes me retire

After that, he immediately rushed to the agent and sold the property under his name.

I can't be provoked, I can't hide.

This time, I decided not to leave any more mementos and completely hid my news.

As long as there are relatives and friends known to the uncle in the mobile phone, their contact information will be deleted.

As for the uncle, I don't want to make a final goodbye, just leave it to the intermediary management.

The agent is well-informed and naturally has measures to deal with my situation.

After doing all this, I set out on a journey again, and perhaps from now on I will never get a chance to meet the person I once resented for decades.

My parents died unexpectedly, and my uncle forcibly occupied the house and made me drop out of school, but now he makes me retire


In the end, the agent told me that everything was going well, and the uncle had no place to live, so he had to go back to his hometown in disgrace.

And the house was successfully sold, and my uncle could no longer find me.

I deleted all contact information, and even if someone wanted to help the lost elderly, I would never choose to come forward this time.

Some people think I'm going to fail badly, but I don't think I'm losing.

I've earned my own life, and no one will be in control of my life from now on.

As for the fate of the uncle, I have not heard from him since he left.

Now that time has passed, my uncle may have long since passed away, but I still haven't chosen to go back to my hometown, and there is nothing worth remembering in my hometown.